What Is a Lightboard?
eLearning Partners
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Originally published on e-learningpartners.com
When you start creating e-learning programs, you may come across the term “Lightboard.” This is still a relatively new technology, so it is natural that most people have yet to hear about it. If you are one of those people who is wondering “what is a lightboard?”, we will help you to get up to speed because they are incredibly useful for eLearning.?
So, what is a lightboard?
Think of a?Lightboard?as a modern variation of the chalkboards teachers have been using for centuries or whiteboards that have been used for decades. Lightboards are primarily used for e-learning, giving you a place to write outlines, notes, or any other information easily seen by your audience.??
In simple terms, Lightboards are essentially illuminated pieces of glass, which are illuminated distinctly.?
Lightboards Have Two Types of Lights
Lightboards feature two different types of lights. There are black lights that are embedded into the board’s frame. This blacklight makes your writing visible when you use the appropriate type of neon markers.?
While the black lights are embedded into the frames, white lights are also attached to the frame. These white lights enable the audience or learners to see the subject matter expert or speaker.
The white light is set up so that, as the subject matter expert gets closer to the frame, their face gets more illuminated and visible.?
What Else Do You Need When Using a Lightboard
Now that you understand what a Lightboard is, you can learn more about other tools that will help you use it more efficiently. Here are a few other things you need when using a Lightboard.?
#1. Neon Markers?
With the Lightboard’s black lights, special neon markers should be used so that the writing will be clearly seen. The combination of the neon markers and black lights makes the writing pop and highly visible to the viewers of the video. There are multiple brands of neon markers for you to choose from. The right type of marker is easy to recognize because its label will show that it’s designed for use with Lightboards.?
#2. Black Backdrop?
Technically, you don’t necessarily need a backdrop to use a Lightboard, but there may be visible distractions for your learners if you don’t use one. All activity behind the subject matter expert will be clearly seen by the viewers, which will draw away their focus from the lesson at hand.?
Distractions can be eliminated by the use of a backdrop, and the most neutral color for a backdrop is black. Any type of material for a black backdrop would work, cloth and paper being great options. A customized large backdrop made of paper is also ideal.?
#3. Subject Matter Expert
The?subject matter expert?should be no less than a professional on the lessons being taught, with the credentials and a substantial track record in their field of expertise. This experience will enable them to maximize the Lightboard and make for an effective e-learning experience.
Lightboards are glass boards with black and white lights to illuminate what’s written on them and the subject matter expert, respectively. Appropriate tools such as a black backdrop and neon markers are necessary for maximizing the e-learning experience. Their ability to draw focus on the subject matter expert and their writings enable the viewers to concentrate on the lessons without worrying about any distractions. There are a dozen reasons to use the Lightboard, especially in a generation of online learning.