What Life is?
Simple question. And each of us Humans has a unique answer. The one that reflects what One believes.
Here is a post, that started my writing:
Post from Scott D.C., MBA Don't be impressed by: 1. Money 2. Titles 3. Appearances 4. Social Media 5. Achievements 6. Degrees Be impressed by: 1. Kindness 2. Empathy 3. Generosity 4. Humility 5. Integrity 6. Honesty Agree?!??
Reply by Colby C. - Manager – Computer Architect
Sure... I put kindness, empathy, etc. leaving out all degrees, achievements, titles on a CV and landed a million dollar contract as a CEO of an international corporation... sarcasm... although, IMO, none of it matters, and none of it defines who you are, not money, nor worthless pieces of paper like titles, degrees, nor abritrary subjective(depending on era, culture,etc.) morality like honesty, empathy, etc. What for me is generally more important, is knowledge(and learning), which is a limitless, never ending pursuit. And real knowledge can only be demostrated in the battlefield(of life), not by (toilet) paper titles. And when the world is ran by AI, it will not be empathetic, nor kind, it will rule(make and destroy) everyone's lives with a "database" of information(knowledge)...
As seen, the world our Mind lives in is limited by the words we understand, use and express. This got me thinking – what level of consciousness one really has:
As an outdoor survival instructor, I must enlighten this little bit more. I believe Life is not a battle. You do not fight Life (you loose 1000% all the time). You must live Life, express Life, cherish Life, ... this means surrendering to Life. To the Now and what must be done at the moment.
This means you !must! drop everything that does not serve you and your growth - sometimes tear the mental structure of belief what life is it to the ground and start anew - your relationships, career, habits...
With that in mind and as an expression of completing daily tasks you start threading the neckless of Human being, not Human worrying or warring.
And happiness and fulfillment come effortlessly. Not grindingly - never to be really appreciated or enjoyed.
And AI cannot rule, as the ruling is a human ego mental stance. Manage is a more suitable word.
But if you don't live your life (=take 100% control of conscious living every moment), no AI can help you .. only further deepens the gap of knowing what Life is or can be - the death of self-actualization and creation. As the technocratic society will experience soon. Missing the whole purpose of Life and Teachings on this Planet / plain / reality / dimension.