This is NOT what life is about
Martin Schoendorfer
Certified Life Coach | Helping successful corporate individuals to embrace reinvention, harness their strengths and pursue a self-led, impactful life.
When you call yourself being limited, like not having a specific skill or knowledge, then you cannot accept all of our potential. I’m talking about being limitless in regards to your mind, in regards to your being, because most limits that you have are not even yours. They're limits that other people set up for you. And this mostly happened when you were very young. All the times you were not good enough, you were not tall enough, you were not old enough or smart enough. So limits were put on you from the outside and if that happened over and over again, then within your subconscious mind a program was written that has taken over. Now years later, you still feel you’re not good enough in certain areas of life, or your not worthy enough and this is reinforcing a belief that was not even yours to begin with.
Let’s have a look at the human brain - your brain can change. It's not fixed. It's not like that you get to a certain age, and then that's it - you cannot be or become different. You can change at any given time. If you make a decision right now that you want to be different and be better at something or learn a new skill, you can do that. This also works with self-worth and self-love. It is one decision away from starting a new program. BUT - it takes repetition to make it a default program. In order for you to do that it's imperative that you don't let the outside define what's possible.
Let’s look at a perfect example: the one mile run. In 1954 Roger Bannister broke the record - and it was a record that nobody believed was possible. Back then it was believed that? nobody could run one mile under four minutes. And he did it in three minutes and 59 seconds. And guess what? After he did it 1000s of other people did it as well.?
So what happened? The mindset, or more specifically the belief-system changed. People suddenly didn't believe anymore that it was not possible, because there was one person who did it. And if that one person can do it, we can all do it.?
So the next time that you're confronted with people who tell you, or where you tell yourself, that you are limited in what you're capable of, just say ‘Stop! Hold on a second.’, and then find ways for you to look at how you can change that limit and become limitless.?
Anything is possible if you're gonna continue with your growth. If you are putting a limit on yourself, you stop growing - and please do not ever stop growing, because to stop growing means spiritual and emotional death. And that is not what life should be about.?