What lessons will the world learn from COVID-19?
I think the overwhelming lesson i have learnt is about human nature, our values and our inbuilt prejudice.
The medical profession has shown so much bravery and dedication that I felt humbled, from the early days of watching Chinese doctors and nurses leaving their loved ones behind, to the doctors and nurses in New York, struggling with shortages, lack of PPE etc.
There was a story in the Chinese news, a doctor was asked by his wife, why are you leaving us? he couldn't answer and then he was treating a 57 yr old woman and she begged him to keep her alive, her daughter was getting married and she wanted life to see the wedding - he understood then why he was doing it. He didn't get emotional about it. Just recognized something about himself. I suspect a lot of medical professionals feel the same way irrespective of where they come from
Then there's the unsung heroes, people collecting garbage, working in stores, clearing and disinfecting streets, keeping the water and electricity running, people in the UK volunteering their services - its a long list!
These represent the best of humanity in my view.
The worst of humanity is demonstrated by our elected leaders. Ignoring the severity for political purposes.
Trump, what a disgrace ‘nero fiddled while Rome burns’ comes to mind and only comes out to criticize, whether its reporters, China or the WHO - elected he may be. Leader not so much, though he still manages to ramp up sanctions on Iran and Venezuela.
Playing the blame game, honestly it's sickening to watch.
Then you have people so stupid they are an embarrassment, whether its ignoring social distancing, attacking anyone who looks Asian, or cases of Asians flying back to China with the the virus and lying so they get free treatment and have absolutely no concern for others.
Stupidity and selfishness don't appear to have borders.
So imo this pandemic has taught us a lot about our own humanity.