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Renyi Yan (IHRP-SP)
OD | Culture, Talent & Leadership Expert | Backyard Astronomer
1| Military conscription is not new - and increasingly debated today
2| 49 countries practice conscription in varying modes
3| What takeaways could be taken from national security & defence?
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Military conscription has been discussed in recent months across nations from the context of national security and defence.
These shifts come on the backdrop of the Russia-Ukraine conflict as it moves into Year 2 and geopolitical tensions.
What lessons can be taken from national security into the workplace?
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Active conscription is not a novel concept. In Singapore, #nationalservice (NS) was institutionalised in 1967 to grow Singapore's armed forces after gaining independence in 1965 (since expanded to the police and the civil defence force)
The Central Manpower Base (CMPB), the touchpoint to military service in Singapore, describes National Service (NS) as a ‘mandatory conscription and duty that every male citizen and Permanent Resident (PR) must undertake upon attaining the age of 18'.
"NS has been the cornerstone of Singapore’s defence and security since independence and is seen as an essential part of Singapore’s nationhood and a rite of passage for every Singaporean and Permanent Resident (PR)" - CMPB
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49 countries today require military service at a specific age over a specific duration of time. Conditions around conscription do vary:
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For ?:Beyond nationhood and national defence (two distinct concepts), the case has also been made today for the role of national defence towards countering terrorism and strengthening the societal fabric
Against??:There too have been studies made on the opportunity cost of military service - Earnings potential, further educational attainment, career advancement.
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(True story.)
As a Singaporean, I served 24+ months of National Service.?As an enlistee, active serviceman and now a ‘reservist’, here are 3 takeaways how participation has applied into #work and #life
In Singapore’s context, #nationalsecurity remains as critical today - as was the case for its introduction almost 56 years ago.
One would argue the opposite of opportunity cost of national defence, lies in the positive opportunity benefit.
In crisis & emergency, what would be the opportunity cost of being unprepared?
???????????? ?????? ??????????????. I would love to hear your thoughts on #nationalsecurity
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