Lonetta McKee-Key
Experienced Christian writer & speaker utilizing an uncommon approach to exploring unique nuances of Scriptural commentary. Experienced writer of Christian articles and speaker for Christian gatherings.
Oh my good people do I have a saga to share. The other morning I was walking around my little front patio while praying. I suddenly found my focus on God distracted by a lady who had decided to loiter so her dog could investigate the yard. I immediately felt irritated as she had interrupted my concentration and prayer flow. And, oh yes, it became immediately apparent this was not just a stop by. The dog was actually laying down for a recuperative rest from his arduous walk!! Now obviously this poor lady had no idea she was initiating a problem but I guess the negative energy I generated was strong enough to cause her to look up and notice me. I was certainly projecting an attitude—well I would not go so far as to describe it as hostile. But it was definitely shouting , “Really lady. You choose my front yard to hang out with your dog.†It was one of those situations where your thoughts are transferred to another as audibly as if they were spoken. She quickly skulked away with—pardon the expression—her tail between her legs. I allowed her to leave feeling uncomfortable for invading my space.
As she disappeared I immediately heard God saying, “Shame on you.†And boy did I ever feel embarrassed before Him. I could have so easily converted this brief encounter into a “God†happening by eliciting some amicable conversation. “Good morning. Isn’t this a beautiful day? How are you doing today?†Who knows if God led her to me for a friendly word. Or a word of encouragement she might have desperately needed. Perhaps she was lonely and would have profited greatly from just being favorably noticed by another human being. Her presence in my life provided me with the perfect opportunity to be God’s emissary. Instead I was just another self centered person that appeared in her day.
And you know what the real irony is here? Right in the middle of my prayer the devil insidiously inserted himself. He is constantly on the prowl looking for the tiniest opening and he knows no boundaries.
Hopefully sharing my shortcoming will sharpen your spiritual alertness to never underestimate the devil’s craftiness. And awaken your spiritual instinct to be more sensitive to those moments—no matter how fleeting—where you can share God’s love.