What Learning Loss?

Perception is driven by perspective. What you see is determined by how and where you look. A few days ago, all airplanes were grounded due to a technological issue at the FAA. This incident speaks volumes to the need for technological proficiency in all sectors of our society.?

We have witnessed the most significant revolution in global education imaginable. COVID-19 has had a worldwide educational impact. Nearly all students worldwide now use various digital technologies as a regular part of their educational experience. Students worldwide have had to acquire a new set of technological skills. One thing that cannot be argued is that time is zero-sum. The more time spent learning how to learn in our new digital environment, the less time available for learning the mathematical, historical, and scientific ‘facts’ that we have previously prided ourselves on memorizing.

Yet, we are testing our children on the same content we tested them on before the pandemic. We are comparing pre-pandemic and post-pandemic scores on assessments of historically valued content and lamenting the learning loss we see. Our children have acquired new skills, and we need to assess these new skills. We are assessing the same skills we have assessed historically and complaining about the learning loss. Where are the educational visionaries who should be leading the charge in assessing the new skills our children have acquired? Instead of lamenting the loss of historically valued skills and content, why are we not evaluating and celebrating the acquisition of these new digital skills that are more relevant to the digital age in which we live?

As I watch and listen to the pundits in educational and political spaces decry the need to fix our educational systems and make up for the learning loss suffered during the pandemic, I ask, what learning loss? We should be focused on evaluating, celebrating, and accelerating the learning gains in the technological skills we know are necessary for the 21st century.

We do not need to be led by politicians, pundits, and pontificators. We need our educational leaders to step up and lead!


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