What Leadership Speech Topic is Best for Your Event? by Mike Taubleb

Leadership as a speech/event topic manifests itself in many forms, much like “Motivation”. What’s relevant to your program depends on a number of factors:

·      Event and Ongoing Organizational Objectives

·      Participant Job Titles, Industry, Experience Level/Tenure w Employer, Diversity

·      Organization’s Status: Steady vs Fast Growth, Reorg/Turnaround, M&A, Highly Competitive, Risk-Taking/Less Regulated vs Oligopoly, Risk-Averse/Highly Regulated, For-Profit vs Cause-Related, High vs. Low Tech, Regional-National-Global, Public vs Family-Owned, Hierarchical vs Flat Org Chart, Sales vs Engineering/Tech Culture, etc

·      Budget allowing for lesser-known vs better known thought leaders (Name Recognition)

·      Audience Size

·      Is this a one-shot presentation vs tie-in to ongoing initiatives

·      Want someone in or outside the industry

·      A relatively new, edgy, contrarian persona or well-known mainstream presenter. Want to reinforce top executive POV or offer alternatives

·      Practical near-term vs long-view

·      Presentation Skills/Respect by Employees of Your Executives who will speak at event

That said, here are leadership topics and themes Promenade sees for 2017 and beyond:

·      Culture:

o  Progressive, Ethical, Profitable Enterprises

o  Cultivating Buy-In

o  Recognition-Based

o  Fostering an Innovation Culture

o  Collaboration

o  Remaining Nimble in Large Enterprises

o  First Ask Why

o  Lifelong Learning

o  Diversity & Inclusion

o  Hierarchical vs Flat Org Charts (Relatively Leaderless Organizations)

o  Work/Life Balance

o  Integrating Cultures – M&A.

·      Productivity:

o  Thriving in Speed or Pressure-based Environments

o  Practical ways to do more with less

o  Effective Digital Productivity

o  Dealing with Uncertainty

·      Influence/Relationships:

o  Pre-suasian vs Persuasion

o  Executive Presence

o  Change Leadership & Reinvention

o  Connectional IQ and Relational Capital

o  Strengthening Existing individual relationships

o  Building and Maintaining Alliances and Partnerships

o  Generations in the Workplace

·      Foresight, Planning, Strategy, Visioning:

o  Using Sci-Fi Authors for long-view ideation

o  How to think and work strategically

o  Future workplaces and workforces

o  Design Thinking

o  How to Think Like a Futurist for your career, organization, personal life, etc

·      Career Development:

o  Coaching & Mentoring

o  Preventing Burnout/Renewing Enthusiasm

o  Personal Branding

o  Grit

o  Lifelong Learning

o  Unconventional Career Paths

o  Strengths-Based Career development

o  Onboarding New Leaders

·      Cross-Cultural Competency

o  Talent Management

o  Negotiations & New Business

o  Doing Business in Asia, China, India, Africa, Europe

·      Peak Performance Strategies of Famous/Accomplished People and Organizations:

o  Athletes

o  Musicians and Artists

o  Military

o  Entrepreneurs

o  Inventors

o  Adventurers

o  Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Netflix, Starbucks, Whole Foods, Walmart, etc

o  As seen at TED, TEDx, SXSW, Davos, etc

·      Tech Savvy Execs – Hardware, Software, Social Media, Gadgets

o  Remaining Relevant during Digital Transformation

o  Virtual Distance Leadership (Leading Remote workforces)

o  Predictive Analytics, Small and Big Data, Data Visualization and Business Intelligence.

·      Prioritizing Processes Vs People

o  Drive to Simplicity

·      Rational Risk-Taking

·      Leading Product Development

Examples of Leadership Speakers: 

Leadership, Change and Management Speakers


Business, Leadership, Motivation Speakers


Broader Talent Search – All Including Leadership


Written by Mike Taubleb – Owner of Promenade Speakers Bureau


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