What is Land Pollution?

What is Land Pollution?

What is Land Pollution?- Causes- Effects & Solutions:

What is Land Pollution?

Land pollution refers to the alteration or enhancement of natural features. This makes the Earth's appearance ugly and dirty and affects human, animal, and plant life, as well as surface and underground water. In other words, land pollution is the degradation or destruction of the Earth's surface and soil due to human actions. Whether directly or indirectly, human activities are carried out in the name of development, and they significantly impact the Earth, as seen in land pollution.

Strictly speaking, we mean any activity that reduces the quality and productivity of the land as an ideal location for agriculture, forestry, construction, wildlife, and other uses. Land pollution is the degradation of land that could otherwise be used productively.

It has resulted in many problems that we only recently realized due to decades of indifference. The ratio between the increasing number of barren land plots and the decreasing forest area is disturbing. Furthermore, expanding cities and towns due to the growing population increases land exploitation.

The land reclamation and reclamation planning are being carried out to meet the increasing demand for land. As a result, the land is continuously degraded, and waste materials pollute the environment.

Also, due to the lack of green cover, the land is damaged in various ways, including soil erosion, which washes away the productive areas of the land. A landslide can also be used as an example. Although many factors contribute to land pollution, industrialization is the most important.

This article discusses the main types of land pollution and some techniques to reduce it. Land pollution degrades soil, groundwater, and surface water quality and health due to hazardous substances.

It can also result from improper waste disposal, deforestation, and agricultural activities, among other human activities. Land pollution has far-reaching impacts on the environment, human health, and the economy.

Accumulation of hazardous chemicals, waste, and other harmful substances and changes in the natural landscape cause land degradation. Land pollution is a significant environmental issue, affecting the health and safety of humans and the biodiversity and ecosystems that depend on it. Trusted source

Causes of land pollution:

There are several causes of land pollution, including human activities such as industrialization, agriculture, urbanization, mining, and waste disposal. Industrial activities, such as manufacturing and mining, release harmful chemicals and pollutants into the soil, air, and water, contaminating the soil. Agricultural activities, such as using pesticides, fertilizers, and animal waste, also contaminate the soil. Heavy machinery used in agriculture and construction can also cause soil compaction, reducing its ability to absorb water and nutrients.

The following things pollute the Earth:

There are dumps for dirt, garbage, plastic, polythene, etc., and pits for waste. Industrial waste from chemical factories, paper factories, textile mills, refineries, fly ash from manufacturing plants and Thor mills, etc., pollutes the air, water, and land.

?Agricultural activities:

Agricultural activities also cause soil pollution. Due to the increase in human population, the need for food has increased enormously. To increase yields, we use many fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides on our agricultural properties.

All these agrochemicals contain many chemicals that are very dangerous to human health. Agricultural activities like farming and raising livestock can contaminate land with pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. When used in excess, these chemicals can accumulate in soil and groundwater, causing pollution.

Additionally, agricultural practices such as monoculture, irrigation, and tillage can lead to soil erosion, compaction, and loss of fertility. Fertilizers and pesticides used to rid crops of insects, fungi, and bacteria are incredibly harmful to the environment, polluting and killing the soil.

Pesticides also remove minerals and other essential chemicals from the soil, infecting animals, fish, birds, and beneficial bacteria. However, the use of pesticides is a significant source of pollution, contaminating air, water, and soil, damaging biodiversity, and leading to pest resistance. Chemical pesticides have been declared hazardous to human health as they may pose a risk of chronic diseases such as heart, respiratory, cancer, and neurological diseases.


It is the cause of land pollution, as humanity has established permanent communities for at least 10,000 years. Built cities and towns, with their established infrastructure, will be with us for thousands of years.

The growth of cities and towns can lead to land pollution by generating solid waste, sewage, and other types of waste. Improper waste disposal, such as landfill or open dumping, is inappropriate and can lead to soil contamination and the release of hazardous chemicals into ground and surface water.

Many people do not consider human settlements to be "land pollution." Yet, urbanization is a significant environmental change that can result in land pollution in many subtle and not-so-subtle ways.


Deforestation is one cause of land pollution. Land pollution occurs when we cut down trees to clear land for agriculture, construction, mining, or other economic activities. It is a significant concern in creating drought. Land converted to dry or barren land can never be converted to productive land, no matter how many steps are taken to redeem it.

Trees make the environment pleasant, absorbing carbon dioxide and controlling water flow. They also provide food, shelter, fuel, and other needs for humans and all kinds of animals and birds. Unfortunately, factors such as rampant erosion, converting green areas to solid concrete buildings and roads, and failure to plant new forests contribute to climate change—usually by illegally cutting down the remaining trees.

Fires are set so the theft cannot be caught, and the tree smoke pollutes the air. Another essential factor is land conversion, which refers to changing or modifying the original characteristics of the land to make it suitable for specific use. It has a significant negative impact on the Earth, resulting in a total loss of land value. The removal of natural vegetation affects the environment, harming a variety of organisms.

There is also continuous loss of land. Unused available land becomes barren over time and can no longer be used. As a result, in search of more territory, the mighty land is hunted, putting its native state in jeopardy.

For example, forested areas, where trees absorb 20 percent of the sun's heat, protect topsoil from further degradation. When trees are cut, the intense heat of the sun and other harmful elements are released to the Earth's surface.

As a result, Earth's soil is being reduced, and desertification is occurring. Deforestation, the clearing of forests for human activities such as agriculture, housing, and infrastructure development, can lead to land pollution through soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and depletion of soil nutrients. Removing vegetation cover can also increase runoff and flooding, leading to soil erosion and sedimentation. Trusted source

Climate change and land pollution:

Although climate change and land pollution are related environmental problems, they are separate concepts with different causes and consequences. Let me explain each of them separately:

Climate change:

Climate change refers to long-term alterations in Earth's average weather, including temperature, precipitation, and wind. It causes the accumulation of greenhouse gases (like nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and methane) in the atmosphere, driving human activities like burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), deforestation, and industrial processes. These gases trap heat and lead to a warming of the planet, resulting in various impacts like rising sea levels, more frequent and severe weather events, and disruptions to ecosystems and wildlife.

Land Pollution:

On the other hand, land pollution involves the degradation of land resources, which often involves human activities that introduce harmful substances into the soil. This pollution can result from improper waste disposal, industrial activities, agricultural chemicals, mining operations, etc. Land pollution can lead to contaminated soil and water sources, loss of biodiversity, and negative impacts on human health.

There may be some indirect relationship between climate change and land pollution, as some pollutants contribute to both problems but do not directly cause each other. However, climate change and land pollution are part of more significant environmental challenges that require comprehensive efforts to mitigate and manage.

Addressing climate change might include:

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.Transitioning to renewable energy sources.Implementing sustainable land management practices.

Meanwhile, addressing land pollution requires proper waste management, responsible agricultural practices, and regulations to control industrial emissions and waste disposal.

It's essential to recognize the distinctions between these issues while acknowledging their interconnections within the broader context of environmental sustainability. Climate change can also lead to increased flooding, droughts, and wildfires, degrading soil and water quality.

Mining activities:

Mining is the extraction of precious metals, gases, petroleum, and minerals from the EarthEarthing activities, including prospecting, exploration, construction, operation, maintenance, expansion, abandonment, decommissioning, and reconstruction, can affect social and ecological systems positively, negatively, and indirectly. Mining activities involve extracting metallic and non-metallic minerals or industrial rock deposits from the Earth. Examples of minerals include coal, gold, and iron. Iron is the material from which iron is made—the process of mining dates back to prehistoric times. One of the causes of land pollution is mining activities. Many underground areas are created below the surface during extraction and mining activities. Do you have any idea how this happens?

We often hear about land scarcity, simply nature's way of filling the voids created by mining or extractive activities. Land quality has degraded as a result of mining. Metals, oil, coal, stone, sand, and minerals such as gold are all examples. Generally, clearing the ground surface and digging large maintenance holes and pits is necessary during mining or excavation. After mining, we leave the land vulnerable to severe degradation and erosion, reducing its quality and value.

Noise/sound pollution:

Noise pollution is not visible, but it affects every living being. It includes trains, aeroplanes, motorcycles, vehicles, rickshaws, transport stations, machines, doorbells, and the sounds of pets, birds, loud talking, and quarrels in homes, schools, colleges, and streets.

This includes the noise of children playing in the neighbourhood, sports grounds, parks, and even the clock ticking. This type of pollution affects hearing, while problems like headache, irritability, and high blood pressure also arise. As laws are being formulated to control noise pollution worldwide, there is also a dire need to create awareness among the public.

However, in this context, some precautions can prevent noise pollution. For example, do not talk in a loud voice, use hands-free as little as possible, and keep the windows and doors of the house closed. If possible, could you stay away from the main road?

Household appliances that make noise should be placed where the noise does not come out or is reduced. Residential areas should be settled away from the airport. Industrial and residential areas should be restricted. Noise generated by vehicle silencers, horns, and engines should also be addressed. Trusted source

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Industrial activities:?

Industrialization is one cause of land pollution. When food, shelter, and shelter demand increase, more goods are produced, increasing the amount of waste that needs to be disposed of.

More industries were set up to meet the growing population's demand, which resulted in deforestation. Modern research and development have led to modern fertilizers and chemicals polluting and endangering the soil.

Industrial activities such as manufacturing, mining, and oil and gas exploration can cause groundwater pollution, releasing hazardous wastes and chemicals into the ground, groundwater, and surface water. These chemicals may include heavy metals, acids, and organic solvents. Disposal of hazardous waste in landfills can also lead to land contamination.

Industrial waste:

The vital cause of land pollution is industrial waste. These waters include the following:

  • ChemicalsPlasticMetals.PaintOther industrial manufacturing byproducts and residues.

Production from agricultural processors, oil refineries, pharmaceuticals, construction sites and power plants generates industrial waste. Chemical waste, for example, is released by power plants and disposed of in landfills. Coal, pe petroleum, and nuclear waste are among them. On the other hand, construction sites generate waste, such as wood, metal, and plastic, that ends up in landfills.

Energy plants burn fossil fuels and biomass. Other industrial producers, such as oil refineries and pharmaceuticals, employ a variety of raw materials. This results in the generation of large amounts of chemical waste and byproducts. Disposal of industrial products is primarily regulated, but some waste still ends up in landfills.

Solid waste (non-biodegradable):

Solid waste (non-biodegradable) is a significant cause of land pollution. Many emails are generated in our homes, schools, hospitals, businesses, and workplaces. Most of the waste is non-biodegradable, requiring millions of years to degrade fully.

Metal, glass, and plastic are examples of non-biodegradable solid waste. This waste eventually reaches dumping grounds, ending in landfills. Plastic items are particularly notorious. As they build up over time, they become more challenging to remove.

Overcrowded landfills:

Overcrowding is also a significant cause of land pollution. Each family produces a certain amount of waste each year. Aluminium, plastic, paper, and wood are collected and delivered for local recycling; those that cannot be recycled end up in landfills, spoiling the city's beauty and polluting the environment.

Constructional activities:

One reason for land pollution is construction activities. Because of urbanization, many construction activities generate massive amounts of waste, such as wood, metal, bricks, and plastic, that can be seen with the naked eye outside any under-construction building or office.

Nuclear waste:

Nuclear waste is a cause of land pollution. Nuclear power facilities can produce much energy through nuclear fusion and fission. Radioactive waste contains hazardous and toxic substances that can harm people's health. They are buried underground to avoid any loss of life.

Sewerage treatment:

Sewerage treatment is one cause of land pollution. After treating the sewage, a substantial amount of solid waste remains. The excess material is subsequently disposed of in landfills, damaging the environment.


Garbage is one cause of land pollution. Littering is a widespread problem in both urban and rural areas. People dump their waste on the ground without concern for the environmental consequences.

A typical example is when people drop their cigarette butts on the ground. Since cigarettes contain edits that are harmful to the environment, they pollute the Earth.?

EffeEarthf land pollutants

The land pollution has many adverse effects on the environment, human health, and the economy. The following are some of the immediate effects of land pollution:

Environmental effects:

It can have severe environmental impacts, such as biodiversity loss, soil erosion, and ground and surface water contamination. Accumulating toxic chemicals in the soil can affect the health and reproduction of plants and animals, thereby reducing crop yields.

Human health effects:

It can adversely affect human health, causing respiratory problems, skin irritation, and cancer. Exposure to toxic chemicals in contaminated soil, water, and air can lead to acute and chronic health effects, especially in vulnerable populations such as children, pregnant women, and elders.

Economic effects:

Land contamination can have significant economic impacts, such as reduced agricultural production, increased healthcare costs, and decreased property values. Cleaning up contaminated sites can also be expensive, and the loss of natural resources such as timber and water can lead to reduced economic activity.

Below are the effects of land pollution:

  1. Soil pollution
  2. Ground poison
  3. Drinking water problem
  4. Changes in weather patterns
  5. Environmental Impact
  6. Effects on Human Health
  7. Causes air pollution.
  8. Distractions for tourists
  9. Impact on wildlife
  10. Water nutrient enrichment
  11. Wildfire
  12. Habitat shifting
  13. Other apprehensions? ?? ??

1. Soil Pollution:

Soil pollution is land pollution that damages or changes the upper surface or topsoil structure.

That is caused by misuse of chemical fertilizers, soil erosion by runoff, and other pest control practices, resulting in loss of agricultural land, forest cover, and pastures, among other things. There are

The regeneration process takes at least 500 years for 2.5 mm of topsoil. In the United States, the cell loss rate is 17 times faster than regenerating new topsoil.

? 2. Ground poison:

Hazardous chemicals and other compounds are improperly disposed of on land or in illegal landfills or storage. These chemicals and other substances can enter the ground system through a process known as leaching, which can occur on farms, industrial sites, and landfills. This poses a health risk to animals, plants, and humans.

? 3. Drinking water problem:

The land pollution has a significant impact on drinking water. Almost half the world's population lacks clean drinking water, while 10 million people die annually from water-borne diseases.

? 4. Changes in weather patterns:

The consequences of land pollution are hazardous and can result in environmental destruction. When land is polluted, it directly or indirectly affects climate patterns.? ?

? 5. Environmental Impacts:

When deforestation occurs, tree cover is damaged. As a result, the rainfall cycle becomes severely unbalanced. Many factors affect the intermittent process of rainfall. Most importantly, the amount of green cover is reduced. With trees and vegetation, the environment will become balanced, among other problems such as global warming, the greenhouse effect, irregular rainfall, and floods. Problems will arise.

? 6. Impact on human health:

Contamination of land with harmful chemicals and pesticides can result in potentially fatal problems such as skin cancer and human respiratory diseases. Around 9,500 people worldwide are diagnosed with skin cancer every day.

These toxic chemicals can enter our bodies through the foods and vegetables we eat, which are grown in contaminated soil. Because of land pollution, children's development was also affected. Even low exposure to chemicals like lead, widely found in contaminated soil and water, can affect a child's development.

? 7. Causes of air pollution:

Landfills continue to expand across the city due to increased waste, which is then burned, resulting in air pollution. They also become homes for rats and other insects, which spread disease.

? 8. Distractions for tourists:

Since the landfills do not look pretty while walking around the city, the city loses its appearance as a tourist destination, which results in a loss of money for the state government.

? 9. Impact on wildlife:

The animal kingdom has suffered the most in recent decades. It faces a significant threat to its habitat and natural environment. Continuous human activities on Earth pollutEarth environment, causing these species to migrate further and die trying to adapt or change to new settings. Many species are also on the verge of extinction due to a lack of homes.

? 10. Nutritional enrichment of water:

Chemicals commonly used in agricultural fields, such as nitrogen, benefit crops only briefly. Fish, algae, and other organisms consume the rest of the water.

Because nutrient-rich water consumes most of the oxygen in the ocean, fish and other marine creatures have little oxygen. As a result, most life forms cannot survive in the sea.

? 11. Forest fire:

If the glands become polluted, they dry out quickly. Dry conditions due to contaminants in the soil create an ideal environment for wildfires, significantly increasing their likelihood. Due to dry conditions and the increased spread of contaminated land, fires spread rapidly, destroying the entire environment and killing plants, animals, and even humans, a significant cause of land pollution. Is.

? 12. Habitat Shifting:

When deforestation and soil erosion occur, animals must leave their natural habitats for shelter and food. The transition is too stressful for some animals, resulting in death. As a result, some species are more vulnerable to extinction than others.

? 13. Other concerns:

Rising temperatures, unseasonal activities, acid rain, and other problems are among our challenges. Chemical spills on land are also dangerous for the environment. Animals and plants consume these compounds, which in turn enter the ecosystem. This is called biomagnification, which poses a significant environmental concern.

We have looked at the causes of soil pollution and its effects, and the following are some suggestions to reduce these problems.

Effects of pollution on agricultural commodities:

Generally, vegetables and fruits grown in cities and villages have different tastes because, in rural areas, canals are used for their cultivation, while in cities, poor water is used. Then, the commodities are also affected due to chemical fertilizers, germicidal sprays, and modern food processing methods.

Agricultural activities are also a cause of land pollution. The need for food has increased dramatically as the human population has increased. To increase yields, we use many fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides on our agricultural properties. All these agricultural inputs are high in chemicals, which are effective in killing pests and increasing yields.

These fertilizers and pesticides, used to rid their crops of insects, fungi, and bacteria, are incredibly harmful to the environment, polluting and killing the soil. They also remove minerals and other essential chemicals from the soil. Additionally, they infect animals, fish, birds, and beneficial bacteria. Some pesticides we use to control weeds are so dangerous that even small amounts can be fatal.

Solutions to land pollution:

Three types of priorities can be applied when dealing with the risk of land pollution.

? 1? ? ?Decrease in usage.

? 2? ? Reuse.

? 3? ? Enable recycling or reuse.

Recycling has always been given importance. Use less. Reuse or recycle.

? ? 1. Decrease in use.

To reduce land pollution, reduce the use of non-biodegradable items. This is the simplest solution. For example, you can take a reusable or woven cloth bag when shopping. That way, you won't need a plastic carry bag from the store.

You can also choose biodegradable materials, such as metal or glass, instead of plastic. Pesticides and fertilizers should be used less in agricultural activities. Using only reusable cloth bags for groceries instead of plastic shopping bags will help reduce the use of non-biodegradable materials.

? ? ?2. Ruse.

Items that can be reused should not be thrown away. Why buy new items when you can reuse what you already have? You can use cardboard and plastic containers for various things, and it's also a great way to save money.

If you can't find a beneficial use for them, sell them for recycling rather than carelessly discarding them. Another way to earn some extra cash is to sell your unwanted items for recycling. Reusing materials helps reduce the need to collect resources, and products that cannot be reused can be recycled.

? 3. Enable recycling or reuse.

Recycling is one of the most effective ways to deal with land pollution. The European Union estimates that by 2050, the UK will achieve a recycling rate of at least 50%. To meet this goal, greater emphasis on recycling is needed to limit the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

It plays a vital role in reducing waste in landfills and limiting the discharge of non-biodegradable waste to the Earth's surface. It also helps reduce other types of pollution, such as air and water pollution. It also saves money and helps the environment by conserving energy.

Other successful land pollution treatments include the following:

? ? ? ?1.? ?Proper waste disposal.

? ? ? ?2. We integrated pest management.

1. Proper waste disposal.

The leading cause of land pollution is improper waste disposal. Proper waste disposal is one of the most effective strategies for reducing land pollution, especially when it comes to hazardous waste disposal. Businesses must follow waste disposal standards.

?2. We integrated pest management.

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), agriculture is a primary source of pollution. Pesticides play a significant role in this. As a result, farmers are encouraged to use fewer pesticides and adopt integrated pest management (IPM). However, what is IPM?

IPM involves eli-eating pests without pesticides, such as crop rotation. For example, you should grow crops every two years. For example, consider planting corn next year if you plant beans this year. Pests that attack legumes will not target your corn, and they will starve to death. By not using pesticides, you will be able to reduce soil pollution.

A few other suggestions include:

1. Sidestep buys packaged items, as they create waste and end up in landfills.

2. Ensure you don't litter the ground and dispose of waste properly.

3. Buy biodegradable items.

4. Grow organic food without pesticides and eat organic food grown without pesticides.

5. Establish a dumping site away from residential areas.

6. Many species live below the surface of the Earth. DisruEarth the Earth's balaEarth'so disrupts its ecosystems. As a result, many animals, such as the Gilbert potoroo in Australia, have become endangered.

7. Detour littering and properly disposing of waste, which are necessities and responsibilities for families and businesses, are essential in preventing land pollution.

8. Education is essential to reduce land pollution. We must show the negative consequences of land pollution and how to minimize them. Convincing others can motivate each of us to make a meaningful contribution to protecting our environment.?

Pollution of various chemicals:

Chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons, harmful to ozone, were commonly used in various industries and pharmaceutical factories. This chemical was also used as a propellant in refrigerators and inhalers. However, CFCs have now been replaced by hydrofluoroalkane, which is less generous to ozone, the protective layer in the atmosphere. To save society from pollution, Allah Almighty has ordered cleanliness and purity in the Holy Quran so that we clean ourselves and keep our surroundings clean to be safe from pollution. Trusted source

Food pollution:

Food pollution is a severe public health problem worldwide. Foodborne illnesses from food contamination by microorganisms, chemicals, and physical factors affect humans yearly. Most foods serve as excellent media for the growth of diverse microorganisms. Microbes growing in foods can cause changes in the appearance, taste, smell, and other characteristics of food. Degradative changes are caused by microorganisms other than degrade, such as putrefaction, fermentation, and rancidity.

Microorganisms also synthesize substances, such as pigments and slimes, that cause food quality changes. Salmonella causes food contamination, viruses, parasites, toxins, and chemicals in plants or animals. The results of consuming such foods are mostly temporary symptoms such as nausea, diarrhoea, and vomiting, but they can also cause long-term illnesses. Food contains an action that involves various methods of contamination.

Minor factors that can cause foodborne illness are storage and cooking temperature res, inadequate hand washing, and animal waste. Germs can get into food from people who don't wash their hands regularly. Most kitchen tools and their surfaces are contaminated with raw food products, allowing pathogens to replicate in the food and cause illness. Food contamination by microorganisms and oxidation by reactive oxygen species are generally responsible for spoilage and destruction of food, vegetables, and fresh fruits during storage.

Food spoilage during storage, especially in the food industry, is a real environmental problem. Preservatives in food products are essential to avoid food contamination and spoilage. Artificial preservatives in food are intended to prevent food contamination and spoilage. Still, they are harmful to human health and the environment. Therefore, it is of interest for food industries to replace artificial preservatives with natural, botanical, and safe preservatives.

Using oils of aromatic plants as a natural and safe preservative of botanical origin in foods can prevent food spoilage and contamination. Satureja hortensia and its products have been used as flavouring agents in food products in various countries for many years. In addition, they have different pharmacological activities. Therefore, they may be suitable candidates for use as natural and safe foodstuff preservatives.

Global Warming/Climate Changes and their Effects:

Due to the increase in carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and methane gas levels due to pollution, the Earth's temperature Earth'sreased from reEarth'sAt the same time, the process of deforestation is. If the rate of planting is less, then the process of global warming accelerates. Global warming causes forest fires, melting glaciers, increased water levels, excessive rainfall, heat or cold, floods, and landslides. Some effects of natural disasters on daily life are immediate, and some have an effect over time.

Problems of environmental pollution and growing population:

Air pollution has become a significant problem worldwide due to the increasing population, rapid industrial development, and exhaust fumes from large and small vehicles. Environmental science is emerging as a new science that informs and creates awareness among people about the environmental problems caused by water, air, and land pollution.

Environmental Pollution and Human Responsib City:

Pollution is a great tragedy of our time. Humans have polluted this h bit with their own hands and made it hellish. Nowadays, humans and other creatures are affected in large numbers due to pollution and its harmful effects.

In the last two centuries, the acquisition of energy, industrial development, growing population, and the indiscriminate use of natural resources have disturbed the balance of the environment, causing millions of people and birds to die every day. The fertile land is becoming barren, and the air and water are poisoned. Environmental pollution includes different types, such as wastewater, geological pollution, noise pollution, and radiation effects.

Among the innumerable planets in the universe, Earth is the planet Earthich water, oxygeEarthd countless elements of life exist. If a man does not value these blessings of nature, then the day is not far when life will be shortened here, too. A great creature like the man himself should disappear from this planet. Research shows that environmental change is the cause of increasing violence worldwide.

The increase in temperature not only causes the effects of sexual violence, murder, tension, and war, but the body becomes vulnerable to various diseases. Global The Institute of Health has declared air pollution the world's most significant threat to public health. According to a new study, this pollution is the cause of death for every eighth person who dies in the world, and because of it, only in 2012 worldwide. Seventy million people died.

Protection of the environment from pollution:

At this time, the problem of environmental pollution has become serious for the whole world. That is because man has neglected the environment in the race for development, thanks to science and technology in various areas of life, and indulged in luxury and wealth.

The desire to make a profit by any means to increase production unnaturally fast and to prefer personal desires to the interest of society. Quick gains to long-term gains have become its mode. As a result, unwanted and inappropriate physical and chemical changes have occurred.

The biological properties of air, water, land, and the Earth's temperature have increased to Earth's extent, causing the problem of global warming to arise. These changes have threatened the lives of humans and other living beings, and there is a fear that their lives will ultimately end. The environment is everything in which humans or other living things live.

Therefore, land, forests, mountains, rivers, deserts, and other living things such as humans, birds, insects, large animals, and tiny living things are all essential components of the environment. They are necessary for each other in their natural lives.

Still, man has disrupted the intervention in nature, so he is exposed to air, water, land, sound, sea, and radiation pollution. There are many harmful substances in the atmosphere for man and the environment. Because of this, the natural components of the air have been subjected to volatile degradation.

The water also contains large amounts of undesirable substances, such as solid particles, dissolved salts, industrial wastes, dust, and biological substances, which pollute it. These substances have been a source of the spread of various diseases. Moreover, the earth is suffering from changes in its electrical, biological, and chemical composition noise pollution due to intrusive and unnecessary noise, adversely affecting human health.

In the same way, the natural balance of the seas is rapidly deteriorating due to the continuous extraction of hidden economic wealth in the sea, such as oil, oysters, snails, fish, etc. They are becoming polluted, such rays which are the energy that comes out of space or a substance quickly, so these rays are helpful for humans.

Still, their excessive use is harmful to human health. The health of the human body and the water, soil, air, plants, and animals are threatened due to radiation pollution spreading on Earth from nuclear experiments, nucleaEarthrth mobile phone technology, and its tower satellites, etc.


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