What is a LAMMPS Container in the NVIDIA GPU Cloud?
Ashwani Patel
Senior- Cloud Consultant @E2E Networks- NVIDIA Partners | AI hyperscaler | Migrate to E2E Cloud and save upto 50% Best performance to price ratio and zero unpredictable billing
LAMMPS is a molecular dynamics simulation software tool. It is a parallel computing system that you can create and use on a laptop or computer. It can run in serial and parallel mode on any machine that supports the MPI message-passing library. Shared-memory boxes, distributed-memory clusters, and supercomputers all fall within this category. LAMMPS supports OpenMP multithreading, vectorization, and GPU acceleration. It is built to be flexible enough to add additional features like force fields, atom kinds, boundary conditions, and diagnostics.
LAMMPS integrates Newton’s equations of motion for the collection of interacting particles. An atom, molecule, electron, a coarse-grained cluster of atoms, a mesoscopic particle, or microscopic clump of material can all be considered single particles. The interaction models contained in LAMMPS are generally short-range in nature, with a few long-range models thrown in for good measure. LAMMPS uses message-passing techniques and spatial decomposition of the simulation domain to run on single processors or in parallel. LAMMPS also allows for rapid coupling of spin and molecular dynamics. LAMMPS is also linked to a variety of analysis tools and engines.
LAMMPS Container Features
LAMMPS Ensembles, Constraints, and Boundary Conditions
Particle and Model Types
LAMMPS Open-Source License
GPL Version
LAMMPS is a free open-source program distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License Version 2 (GPLv2). It means you can use or adjust the program however you want for your purposes. But you must follow some rules when redistributing it – especially in binary form – or distributing software derived from it or containing parts of it. LAMMPS containers are sold without any warranty.
LGPL Version
This version removes all the Non-LGPL compatible files and is only available upon request. Users can link non-GPL compatible software to the (otherwise unmodified) LAMMPS library or dynamically load it at runtime as a result of this. Any modifications to the LAMMPS code must be provided under the same open-source terms as LAMMPS itself, even if the LGPL license version is used.?
Final Words
LAMMPS Is A Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulation Engine. It Only Has A Limited Range Of Features For Creating Simulations And Analyzing Their Results. LAMMPS Keeps Track Of Adjacent Particles Using Neighbor Lists. The Lists Are Designed For Systems With Particles That Repel Each Other Across Short Distances, Ensuring That The Particle Density In The Local Area Never Exceeds A Certain Threshold.?
On Parallel Machines, LAMMPS Partitions The Simulation Domain Into Small Sub-Domains Of Similar Computing Cost, One For Each Processor, Using Spatial-Decomposition Techniques And MPI Parallelization. In Addition, Multi-Threading Parallelization And GPU Acceleration With Particle-Decomposition Are Possible.