What is Krishna’s Sovereign Secret?
Ram S. Ramanathan MCC
Systemic, Sustainable, and Spiritual Self Development Coach Author: Coaching the Spirit & Re-creating Your Future Books & Programs
False scholars, priests and gurudom misrepresent and miscommunicate the energy of Parabrahma Krishna. Idols and pictures do not represent Krishna. Pure devotion and faith in his energy do. This is the sovereign secret Krishna communicates in this Ninth Chapter.
?The Bhagavad Gita is about the energy consciousness of Krishna. This is the same as the cosmic energy consciousness of Brahman, the unknowable. The Gita is about rendering the unknowable in knowable terms, a difficult task. This is further compounded by the label Krishna has as a god, with human form and human attributes, conceived by humans, within the deluded human mind frame.
Again, and again, as in this chapter, Krishna reaffirms who he is. He is the Oneness. He is the Source. He is eternal. He is infinite. Mostly, he is not knowable. Yet, he can be reached through meditative devotion, but not through pompous rituals. This is the secret.
Krishna continues to explain the pathway leading to liberation. He says to Arjuna:
?Let me tell you the most profound of all mysteries, the sovereign knowledge and secret, purifier of all negativities, which can be blissfully experienced. This is for those who seek to know and reach me. Those who do not, return from birth to death in suffering.
I, the Brahman, pervade the universe as energy. All creation is from me. I am not confined in them. They move within me as the winds in space. They die and reappear in line with the law of nature that I dictate, unattached to them. The deluded, who see only my form, not my energy as the source of creation, strive in vain. Ones who perceive my energy seek me knowing me as the Source, and strive to reach me.
?Those who are spiritually wise see me as Oneness and everything else in the Universe in that Oneness. I am the ritual and its sacrifice. I am the mantra and medicine. I am the fire and the offering to it, and also the One who creates the fire. I am the father, mother and grandfather of the universe supporting it. I am knowledge, the purifier, and the sacred sound AUM. I am the Veda. I am the goal of life, the inner witness, the ultimate refuge, the beginning and end of creation and the Source of the seed. I am heat, light and rain. I am immortal and death. I am all that there is and all that there is not.
Those who follow the scriptures and ritual sacrifices are freed of evil and receive pleasures, which they exhaust and die. Bound by rituals and desires they are born and they die endlessly. Those who seek me in meditation selflessly reach me. Those who worship other gods with faith also reach me through other paths. Those who worship the deva will go to them. Those who worship their ancestors will unite with them. Those who worship demons will be demons. Those who do not see my energy form, and in them, must be reborn. Those who seek me selflessly reach me.
Offer me a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, with heart pure and in me. I accept joyfully. Whatever you do, the food you eat, the service you do, even the suffering you endure, offer them to me. You will be free of whatever the outcome is, good or bad, and its karma, and you will reach me.
All my creatures are the same to me, whatever their birth, race or sex. Those who seek me are mine, even a sinner and the scorned. No one who seeks me is ever harmed. Seek me and you will be with me.
Krishna reaffirms, ‘The deluded, who see only my form, not my energy as the source of creation, strive in vain.’ He goes on to say, ‘Offer me a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, with heart pure and in me. I accept joyfully.’ He ends with, ‘Those who worship other gods with faith also reach me through other paths. All my creatures are the same to me, whatever their birth, race or sex. Those who seek me are mine, even a sinner and the scorned’.
This is a secret that should not be a secret.
More beautiful and more powerful words have never been said. Priests, scholars and false teachers who propagate Krishna enshrined and propitiated in greed, instead of celebrating his energy, deserve a special space in hell. Offer him a leaf, a blade of grass, is what the energy says. You are all the same to me, whatever your faith, whether you’re good or bad, as long as you understand and seek me.
?Can we understand and follow the spirit of Krishna’s secret?
?Some years ago, a friend and I met a wandering minstrel, called pandaram in Tamil, first in the Shiva temple at Tiruvannamalai and later near Chidambaram in his village. He was married, had a child, and had a small business. This man invited us home, fed us despite our protests, and most importantly shared truths that were simple, similar to what Krishna says here. He had visions of gods in energy form and had built a temple on his own. This man integrated the worship of the form and formless effortlessly, far better than celebrated spiritual teachers. These are the people Krishna seeks.
?Every day offer Krishna a flower, with your heart filled with devotion and love. He will reciprocate. You’ll see him.
The Bhagavad Gita is the message for today. If you liked what you read, share with another 20 or 30, and request them to share. We may open closed minds, hearts and will.
Ram is a co-founder and mentor at Coacharya?https://coacharya.com. Ram's focus is the integration of Eastern wisdom with modern science, spiritually, systemically and sustainably. Visit Coacharya.