What is Kochi Method?
Shiatsu Naya
Japanese Shiatsu anma massage therapist (national license) Kochi Shiatsu massage Method? Seminar teacher
How are you? Today I would like to talk about what kind of treatment method Kochi Method is for those who doesn't know about it and for those that have not yet finished all of the seminars.
Kochi Method is a safe method using very little strength. It's capable of relieving physical conditions quickly while also relieving mental afflictions.
Because we use a softer touch we can treat a wider range of people from children to the elderly.
Kochi Method utilises muscles and the reflexive reaction of muscles.
There are two processes for this.
First we do an inspection to see which muscle will relieve the source of pain.
Then we use the reflexive reaction of muscles to treat the muscle that's causing the pain.
Simply put you need to master two procedures for Kochi Method.
For example, let's say you're treating a client whose shoulder hurts when he/she/they move their arm.
There's a decent likelihood that the pain comes from a location other than the shoulder.
A practitioner shouldn't work from assumptions, but definitively determine the source.
In many cases the source is the forearm, specifically the brachioradialis muscle, and if the inspection proves that, then we move onto a treatment method using reflexive reaction of muscles.
Once you finish your treatment of the brachioradialis the shoulder pain should have subsided.
There are a total of seven themes in Kochi Method and once you go through all of them and pass the final exam you will receive a certificate that shows you have indeed learned Kochi Method.
We do not do online seminars.
This is because we believe that being taught directly by an instructor in person is the best way to learn.
We have been held back due to the corona pandemic but have plans of resuming next year in some countries.
Dates will be announced on Facebook, Kochi Method newsletters and YouTube channel once it's been decided.