The 'What' is known ? But 'How' is the gap ?
What about Data and have you thought about 'Artificial Intelligence' as a next extension to your product portfolio ? Every interaction that we have done in the tech circle has touched upon this very question and the answer has always been a big 'Yes'.
I must admit that, no conversation is complete these days without speaking about AI. While I reflect on many meetings I have had in the last 6-8 months, it is imperative that the next frontier of innovation revolves around 'Data', and 'Independent Software Vendors' (ISV) are back on the drawing board to chart out the way forward. Enterprises are delving on the very thought of 'Build vs. Buy/Partner'. An interesting phase in the journey and progress of an Enterprise more than ever before. Reason is simple. Unlike any other 'Technology Trigger' we have witnessed so far, AI (& Data Science) is by far the most complex, niche and the one that will have a profound impact on humanity (aka. consumers).
The need or the necessity exists, but the life cycle involved in the data-driven science demands significant attention, awareness and practical application. We witness new data (generating) points every day which has the potential to impact future actions. In reality, if you inspect 'new service' line-items leading up to a solution amongst ISVs and Enterprises, AI takes crest precedence.
With all this, it is evident that the 'WHAT of AI' or 'WHAT needs to done' is clearly realised and established on the ground.
It is a great time to be associated with technology, and witness a technology trigger of such importance and magnitude as AI. However the way forward needs a careful craft in leading efforts on data-driven science. The Approach, Process, Capability and most importantly People who bring in expertise are key to success of any outing. These elements are required more than ever before for the promise of AI to be real.
In my view, considering the above, the 'HOW' of AI is a gap at the moment which should fade over time as we see more and more AI being applied across solutions and industry.