What Is Kindle Vella: The Ultimate Guide 2023

What Is Kindle Vella: The Ultimate Guide 2023

What Is Kindle Vella?

Kindle Vella allowed authors to publish their stories in episodic format, with readers purchasing and consuming individual episodes (or chapters) using "Tokens." These Tokens were purchased separately, and readers used them to unlock and read episodes of their chosen stories. Authors earned royalties based on the number of Tokens readers spent on their stories.

Authors could publish a story on Kindle Vella and make it available for readers to discover and follow. Readers could then leave "Thumbs Up" and "Follow" stories they enjoyed, which could help increase an author's visibility on the platform.

Kindle Vella aimed to provide a new way for authors to engage with their readers and build a following while allowing readers to enjoy serialized content from a variety of genres.

How Does Kindle Vella Work?

Kindle Vella is a serialized storytelling platform offered by Amazon that is designed to allow authors to publish and distribute their stories in a serialized format. Here's how it was expected to work:

  • Serialized Format: Authors break their stories into short episodes, typically ranging from 600 to 5,000 words each. These episodes are designed to be easily digestible and can be read in a single sitting.
  • Tokens: Readers access Kindle Vella stories using tokens, which they can purchase in bundles. Tokens are used to unlock and read episodes. Amazon offers the first few episodes of each story for free as a way to entice readers.
  • Payment for Authors: Authors earn royalties through Kindle Vella based on the number of tokens readers spend on their stories. While the exact royalty structure may vary, authors were expected to earn a share of the revenue generated from token purchases.
  • Interaction: Readers have the opportunity to engage with stories by liking episodes, following their favorite authors, and leaving comments. These interactions can help authors build a dedicated readership and gain more exposure.
  • Story Guidelines: Amazon has set certain content guidelines for stories published on Kindle Vella. Authors need to ensure that their content complies with these guidelines.
  • Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP): Kindle Vella is integrated with Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform, making it relatively easy for authors to publish their serialized stories.
  • Mobile App and Website: Kindle Vella can be accessed through a dedicated mobile app or the Amazon website.

Reader & Author Interactions for Kindle Vella:

Kindle Vella was a platform by Amazon that allowed authors to publish serialized stories, and readers could access these stories in episodes using tokens. The interaction between readers and authors on Kindle Vella was relatively limited compared to some other platforms, but it did exist. Here are some key aspects of reader and author interactions on Kindle Vella:

  • Episodic Release: Authors publish their stories in episodes, and readers can access and read these episodes as they are released. This episodic format encourages readers to return for new episodes.
  • Favoriting and Following: Readers could favorite and follow their favorite authors and stories. Favoriting an author or story would notify readers when new episodes were published.
  • Author Notes: Authors could leave author notes at the end of each episode. This allowed them to interact with readers, provide background information, or offer insights into their writing process.
  • Reader Engagement: Readers could leave Thumbs Up (similar to a like) on episodes they enjoyed. This provided feedback to authors and could help their stories gain more visibility.
  • Reviews: While not as prominent as traditional book reviews on Amazon, readers could leave reviews for episodes. These reviews could provide valuable feedback to authors and potentially attract more readers.
  • Reader Discussions: Some readers might engage in discussions about episodes in the comments section. Authors could participate in these discussions as well.
  • Tokens: To read episodes, readers used tokens, which they purchased. Authors earned royalties based on the number of tokens readers spent on their episodes

How to Publish to Kindle Vella?

Here are the general steps to publish on Kindle Vella:

  • Prepare Your Content:

  1. Write your story in episodes: Kindle Vella stories are serialized, so you'll need to break your story into episodes or chapters.
  2. Edit and proofread your content to ensure it meets quality standards.

  • Create an Amazon KDP Account:

  1. If you don't already have one, you'll need to create an Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account.
  2. Access Kindle Vella:
  3. Log in to your KDP account.
  4. Check if Kindle Vella is available in your region. As of my last update, it was only available to authors and readers in the United States.

  • Create a Kindle Vella Story:

  1. Once you have access, you can start a new Kindle Vella story by providing details such as the title, author name, and story description.

  • Add Episodes:

  1. Add your serialized episodes one by one. Each episode should have a title, content, and cover image.
  2. You can set the pricing for your episodes.

  • Enroll in Kindle Vella:

  1. Review the terms and conditions for Kindle Vella.
  2. Confirm that you own the rights to your content.
  3. Set your story's release schedule.

  • Publish Your Story:

  1. Once your story is ready and you've completed all the necessary steps, you can publish it on Kindle Vella.

  • Promote Your Story:

  1. Kindle Vella has a social component where readers can engage with your story and leave "Faves" (similar to likes) on episodes. Encourage your readers to engage with your content.
  2. Consider using social media and other marketing methods to promote your Kindle Vella story.

  • Monitor Your Sales and Engagement:

  1. Keep an eye on how your story is performing, including reader engagement and sales.

  • Receive Royalties:

  1. Kindle Vella pays authors based on reader engagement. You earn royalties when readers spend Tokens (purchased through Amazon) to unlock and read your episodes.

Is Publishing on Kindle Vella Worth It?

Whether or not it's worth publishing on Kindle Vella depends on your specific goals and circumstances. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Audience Reach: Kindle Vella is part of Amazon, a massive online marketplace with a large user base. Publishing on Vella can potentially help you reach a wide audience of readers who are already familiar with Amazon's Kindle ecosystem.
  • Monetization: Kindle Vella uses a "token" system where readers purchase tokens to unlock episodes of your story. Authors receive a share of the revenue based on the number of tokens readers use on their stories. If your story attracts a dedicated readership, this could be a source of income.
  • Serialized Content: Kindle Vella is designed for serialized content, which means you release your story in episodes or chapters. If you have a story that fits this format and can keep readers engaged over multiple installments, it may be a good fit.
  • Competition: Consider the competition on the platform. Depending on your genre and niche, you may face a lot of competition from other authors. Research what's already popular on Kindle Vella and see if your work aligns with reader interests.
  • Marketing and Promotion: As with any publishing platform, success often depends on how well you can market and promote your work. Kindle Vella provides some promotional tools, but you'll need to actively engage with readers and build an audience.
  • Rights and Exclusivity: Be aware of the terms and conditions of publishing on Kindle Vella. You may be required to grant Amazon certain rights to your work, and there might be exclusivity requirements that limit where else you can publish your content.
  • Feedback and Reviews: Kindle Vella allows readers to leave reviews and feedback on your episodes. This can be valuable for improving your writing and engaging with your audience.
  • Long-Term Goals: Consider how Kindle Vella fits into your overall writing and publishing goals. It might be a stepping stone to traditional publishing or a way to build an audience for your other books.

To determine whether Kindle Vella is worth it for you, it's essential to research the platform thoroughly, assess your own writing and marketing capabilities, and consider how well your content aligns with the serialized format and the interests of the Kindle Vella audience.

Nicholas Shumate

Historian and Digital Librarian

1 年

Thanks for the great information. This was exactly what I was looking for.


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