What kind of Tools are used for Cleanout?
New Vista Corporation
Leader in Automated Thread Inspection & Remediation Solutions
Cleanout Tap
Cleanout taps are commonly used to clear moderate to heavy contamination (like weld spatter, thick paint, and rust) out of existing threaded holes.
These tools feature a pitch diameter that is tapered on both the front and rear portions of the thread with the middle portion reaching near the full pitch diameter of a cutting tap of the same thread size.
This configuration allows for the remediation of existing thread at a fraction of the torque required to cut (or form) them, thus reducing the risk of out-of-phase rethreading.
New Vista’s custom Serra-Tools? are designed to provide both “GO” thread verification and light cleanout (for chip removal, excess coating, and light paint) in a single pass.
Flutes in the “GO” thread gage create the cutting edge (or heel) without reducing the pitch diameter.
This configuration allows the remediation of existing internal threads at a torque level only slightly above that which is required for normal thread gaging.?