What Kind of Personality Types Do Interviewers Prefer?
Shambhavi Srivastava
Co-founder & CEO @ The Intect | Delivering Solutions in Cybersecurity, Trainings, and Acquiring Talent!
The selection process for any job role is not a simple one. There are many steps that you have to undergo. Although it might seem frustrating, it actually serves a purpose: to attain the person-environment fit. One of the most important steps in the selection process is the assessment of personality. The personality traits that a candidate possesses, present a profile that can be thoroughly assessed to make sure that the right candidate has been chosen for the job. There is no doubt that this added pressure can be quite debilitating, but it serves a long term purpose. There are in fact personality types that interviewers do prefer depending on the kind of job role that is being offered. The following are a few personality traits that are considered extremely important during an interview:
Extroversion: Extraversion is one of the most prominent and talked about personality traits. Extroverts are generally known to be extremely sociable, adventurous, and high in energy. If the job role demands teamwork then extroversion is a personality trait that is extremely appreciated in a candidate. Extroverts can easily talk to others and are generally great at making fruitful communications which are unarguably extremely important traits that any job demands.?
Divergent Thinking: Divergent thinking basically refers to creativity and the capacity for a person to think independently and come up with novel ideas and solutions. There is no doubt that creativity is an extremely important characteristic that any interviewer wants in a candidate. It is with the help of divergent thinking that a company can come up with new objectives and strategies to deal with problems or market its product well. Divergent thinkers are extremely important and often required for certain job roles.?
Conscientiousness: A conscientious person is strong-willed and dedicated. A high score in conscientiousness is extremely validated and appreciated by the board of interviews because this trail highlights one's ability to work hard and create a sense of reliability. Conscientious people cannot only focus on the work at hand but also multitask to make the most of any opportunity. For the most part, companies are always on the lookout for conscientious individuals as it is believed that they will be able to drive the company towards success.?
Intrinsic motivation: Those who are intrinsically motivated do not require external validation or rewards to perform well. They are self-driven individuals who feel the requirement to work well without being handed anything in return. Those who score high in intrinsic motivation are very important for interviewers because these individuals do not need to be motivated externally to work hard. Hence high levels of intrinsic motivation are appreciated for any job role.?
It is important that you highlight the best of your personality traits when sitting in front of interviewers. The best way to do so is by giving real life examples and showing examples of hard work and previous successes. You must always remember to showcase your personality and talent in the most organised manner possible.?