What Kind of LinkedIn User Are You?
Lanae Paaverud
Marketing Professional | Short Form Video | Digital Content Creator | Social Media | Digital Ads | 3rd Party Agency Management | Founder / Owner - REH Media
Have you ever thought about how you use your LinkedIn account? Over the years I've seen it all, from the bare minimum to the over-the-top accounts. Everyone has their own style, but here is my way of categorizing them.
“I opened up an account but haven’t completed my profile, and don’t visit the site.”
The only thing worse than not having a LinkedIn account if you’re a professional, is to have a dormant one. If people see a dormant account they may think that is how you feel about your career or your business.
“I appreciate the LinkedIn platform, and respect the ways of using it properly. I try to only post important items and some that are very interesting, that could generate engagement; Like and comment on posts I find interesting, or are supportive of a colleague or business; and realize the potential to make important connections." Bravo!
“Woohoo, another Social Media site! I love to post all my thoughts and personal photos; more exposure means more business!”
Stop, please stop! LinkedIn is not the same as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest. Each platform has it’s own “feel”, and it’s own set of unspoken guidelines. You are most likely annoying people, and being hidden or getting disconnected…which defeats the purpose of being on LinkedIn, and takes away the hard work you invested in getting those connections. Please select your content with purpose.
“I know it’s important, I know I should use it more, but I don’t know how.”
There is hope for you! LinkedIn has a helpful guide to help you complete your profile basics. After that set up on your calendar to open LinkedIn once a week, to peek in at the newest posts, and see if there are new connections to be made, groups that you may want to join, or companies you want to follow. Like, comment or share on a few posts. Eventually you will have information to post, and will be very happy when people do these things with your posts.
“I don’t need it, never will, don’t want to bother with it.”
You can predict the future? Awesome! Even if you are out of the corporate world, and an entrepreneur, you should have a LinkedIn account. Never say never. Even with the best laid plans in place, things can change with your future.
Surf ‘n Turf
“I have it because my boss told me to; our company has a page. I don’t really know what to do with it so I get on every once in a while and scroll thru (like surfing the web). This way I can tell the boss I am active on it.”
Your boss has the right idea, but needs to be more clear why it’s important. If the company you work for has a page it’s important that the employees on LinkedIn support it. Follow the Company page, and Like, Comment or Share some of the posts made by that page.
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6 年Good stuff! Same can be said about a professional’s overall online reputation.