What Kind Of Genius Are You? (pt 2)

What Kind Of Genius Are You? (pt 2)

This morning, I needed to type in a password and user name with one hand (whilst using my phone with the other). This, to me, was one of the most powerful examples of the difference between being competent at something vs possessing unique gifts and talents.

I know the layout of the keyboard. I teach touch-typing. I am a touch-typist. Suddenly, being limited to one hand demonstrated persuasively to me the power of genius. Whilst I had all the knowledge I required (the layout of the keyboard), I didn't have the capacity and I didn't have the flow. I was competent and arguably effective (I got the job done) but certainly neither excellent nor efficient. As soon as I returned to the unconsciously competent 'genius' of typing-without-thinking with both hands, I recovered my flow.

You have unique gifts and talents.

You have unique gifts and talents than nobody else possesses. If you read pt 1, you may recall the 5 star rating I invited you to apply to your activities. Activities in which you would judge yourself as 'fatally flawed' (i.e. you'd better get someone else to do them or learn pretty quickly or your life will suffer), get un point - as in Eurovision!

2 stars go to activities that you are pretty dismal at but they aren't deal-breakers and you can do them when you have to. 3 stars are moderate - you're OK - it'll get done - none too shabby! 4 stars go to activities that anyone else would rate you as being pretty darn good at - you're almost awesome. 5 stars, however, are reserved for activities where you are World Class - you could lead the field. These are the activities that the World needs you to focus upon - none of the others need to be done by you. As you prosper in the area of developing your unique gifts and talents, you can build capacity around you to cover the rest. You can build a tribe where each can shine.

Damascus Road Genius

The Apostle Paul has his "Damascus Road" experience when his life changed forever. He escaped from a paradigm that was eclipsing his true potential. His beliefs were in error and the cost to him and others was horrendous. Let's remember, he was acting with passion and full of intent. But he was wrong and heading 180 degrees in the wrong direction.

In some senses, he discovered his genius through what Christian Rodwell calls, "pinpointing his passion". [Christian is an 'escapologist' for those who want to escape the rat race - check out his amazing meet-ups in London. I'd also recommend connecting with him on LinkedIn.]

Here's the key point. Paul, the soon-to-become Apostle, found purpose by connecting with someone outside of his current world. In his case, it was Jesus who redefined the meaning of his life. Now I can declare with total confidence,

If your life is not flowing well now, you have still yet to find your true passion, purpose and path.

...and I'm not going all religious on you. Christian Rodwell talks about building your own "Purpose Driven Lifestyle Business" - this is commerce not spirituality - but finding your purpose may well have a spiritual aspect. Until you do, you will be trapped by Crapitalism - Pseudo-Capitalism that offers false-hope of a life worth living.

Like Paul, you may need to meet a key player in your future. Connecting with Christ redefined who Paul was and also the belief systems (the paradigms) he needed to hold as true in order to move forward. This is why networking is so important - it puts you in the path of opportunity and it puts you in the path of transformational thinking. You might still be heading 180 degrees in the wrong direction for all the best of intentions! You need to get out more!

You'll never know who you needed to meet until you meet them - get meeting!

I am also certain of this: the 9-5 Myth is just that - it's not working and will fail thousands of people who've swallowed the delusion. A job is no longer a job for life. It's not a fair exchange any more (if it ever was). The State is going to struggle to pay your pension, it's going to struggle to continue to offer you sufficient healthcare, and it may even struggle to keep the banks solvent. What does all this doom and gloom mean? It means hope! It means opportunity!!

It means escape through taking responsibility!!!

You must (and I don't use that word very often) free yourself by focusing on your unique gifts and talents and giving their development the majority of your time.

Give Us A Clue - Hope from Harvard

You may well say to me, "Give me a clue, Lex - 'cos I don't know what my gifts and talents are!" So, let me share some headings with you and let's discover which ones resonate.

In 1993, Professor Howard Gardner of Harvard University wrote a book that challenged the current paradigms of Education. Called, "Frames of Mind: Theory of Multiple Intelligences," he provoked a serious rethink of how we approach the label of someone being 'Intelligent'. Instead of asking, "is this person intelligent?" he asked the better question, "in which way(s) is this person intelligent?" It assumes we are all intelligent - that we all have unique gifts and talents.

It's time to discover yours

In his original work, he suggested seven aspects of intelligence. Which aspect(s) are you?

The Magnificent Seven (for Entrepreneurs)

  • Linguistic Intelligence would suggest you have a talent with language and words. You may be a blogger, a presenter, an author, a tweeter, an improv artist, an actor, a poet, an orator, a comedian, a copywriter, a marketeer, a script-writer...
  • Mathematical/Logical Intelligence would suggest you use reasoning or maths to your profitable advantage. You might be a financial advisor, you could be a tax advisor, a lawyer, a solicitor, an accountant, an actuary, a wiz with figures, a sales genius, a detective...
  • Intrapersonal (or Reflective) Intelligence would lead to excellence as an innovator, a coach, a counsellor, a therapist, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a social worker, an artist, a priest or pastor... You will be Emotionally Intelligence and show empathy.
  • Interpersonal (or Social) Intelligence is celebrated in those who are naturally great with people. You might be a networker, a leader, a motivator, a manager, a politician, a revolutionary! You are also likely to be high in Emotional Intelligence as people will 'get' you to the degree that you 'get' them and articulate their desires.
  • Physical Intelligence can be easily demonstrated in those who use their body to achieve a positive result. Examples include dancers, plumbers, footballers, potters, musicians, athletes, gymnasts... wherever the body is articulated in ways the rest of us stand in awe of!
  • Visual-Spatial Intelligence is the domain of those having gifts and talent with vision related to space. You may be the getaway driver or stuntman, you could be an architect or mind-mapper, an artist or designer, a painter or cartoonist... hey, you could even be an escapologist or mime artist!
  • Musical Intelligence is for those who demonstrate genius in the use of music. This, of course, includes musicians but also those who source music for films, TV and adverts. It's all about Music on Purpose. You use this when you create a playlist with a purpose. Check out Spotify for a manifestation of this, or ask your mate down the gym who's created their own exercise set.

Dan Sullivan is a huge inspiration to me. He believes there is also Entrepreneurial Intelligence. This is interesting in that I can see how someone could be a brilliant Architect but actually not be particularly successful in business. I can equally see how such an Architect could design, build and then enjoy the life of their dreams. They would need both Visual-Spatial Intelligence AND Entrepreneurial Intelligence. And the same point can be made for each of Howard Gardner's aspects of Multiple Intelligence.

Years later, Professor Howard Gardner added "Naturalistic Intelligence" - and I would agree that we need to develop this and what I call "Ecological Intelligence" before we completely screw up the Planet. We can turn this around. We must.

So what resonates with you? What's your unique genius - your gift, your talent? Is it more than one? Are you an Entrepreneur and a Musician?

If you'd like to dig deeper, I know Christian is planning to help coach people to 'pinpoint their passion' starting early in 2017 - so do connect with him. Another option is to be coached by me as part of the WealthCoach process - a system that will help you find your flow and build your business by taking responsibility for creating your own unique future. If you join the WealthCoach Programme, you'll also be able to meet key people who will augment and complement your unique gifts and talents. Together, we are stronger. Now, if you are within reach of London, I suggest you join "Escape the Rat Race" meet-up as part of the WealthCoach Process - Christian and I are utterly aligned on values and process. [Bonus. If you want to get going now, I have a questionnaire that will help you connect with your genius. It's not available for free, but it is effective! £97 will accelerate your progress through the questionnaire and a 1-to-1 debrief with me.]

I remember...

It's been a poignant week for me - the funeral of my Auntie Shirley - an inspirational character who positively impacted the lives of all she met. I also had the birthday of my dear friend Azmi, who died this year. On Azmi's birthday, one of the most amazing singers and musicians of all time, Greg Lake, died. And I've heard today that my friend and author, Richard Israel also lost his two year battle with cancer. All these amazing people stepped up and embraced their unique gifts and talents, and in so doing changed my life and the lives of many others for the better. This World can be a better place if you and I just become the best that we can be. I am grateful to these dear friends, and in their honour, I am pursuing my own unique gifts and talents with new vigour.

Let me close with a call to action in the words of the wonderful Marianne Williamson:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.


Afternote - a test

Whilst I charge (a modest fee) for the Intelligence Interaction I coach people through, I've found a FREE version for you! I found it interesting, though inaccurate for me personally. It'll only take you a couple of minutes and will add a measure of interactivity! [Note: The chart is not your chart - it is the same for everyone - probably the main reason why I disagreed with the results!] I was led to this test from this Lifehacks post, which you also may find interesting. It shares 9 types of intelligence. I'm uncomfortable with the whole 'types' thinking. For me, they are all aspects of Intelligence - and are not neatly distinct from one another.

Christian Rodwell - WealthBuilders

Helping professionals to generate multiple income streams and achieve financial security within 3 years. #Author #Speaker #Podcast.

8 年

So much to consume within that magnificent article Lex, and some week... honoured to be working with so many like-minded souls driven by the impact they can have on others around them.


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