What Kind of Frog Are You?
Valerie Indiana C.
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What comes to your mind when you hear the word "Frog"?
Most of us would imagine a green slimy creature which jumps around in between the water lilies at the pond. Little girls might relate it with a famous cartoon of The Frog Prince. Those who like Chinese food might relate it with Swikee, a famous fried frog leg based dish. For me, this word reminds me of a quote which literally says, "A frog in a shell."
In this life, we are all, in one way or another, tend to be like frogs. We try to jump in between water lilies of life chances and challenges, and while we are doing so we might accidentally be kissed by a princess and being transformed from very poor into having every single thing we want financially, or we might end up as Swikee as we are cooked and served as someone else's dish, being devoured helplessly without any chance of striking back. Some other people tend to be like frightened frogs who live under shells. They become a type of person who is lacking vision regarding the future, and the type of person who lives inside the box and does not care about anything in the world but their own point of perspective.
Which frog are you, then?
Are you willing to take chances, despite the risks you might have? Or will you be afraid, and stay safe in your shell although it might prevent you from getting the loot of life you could have gotten? If you are willing to learn and develop yourself, you will not be backing down from the challenges life has thrown to your face.
The call is your choice! What frog will you be?