what kind of creation you are! doctors?
Imagine a world without doctors. It would be a place where countless lives would have been lost throughout history. Yet, despite their crucial role, doctors often face criticism and blame without recognition of their sacrifices and dedication.
Doctors remain available to care for us, regardless of their own exhaustion, illnesses, joys, or sorrows. They travel great distances and endure challenging circumstances, driven by an unwavering commitment to heal and protect lives. Are they shameless? Or are they extraordinary beings, sent by the creator to help us navigate through life, postponing death without letting our accusations deter them?
These remarkable individuals, our doctors, are indeed special. In Bharat (India), we are particularly blessed to have doctors who walk the same land once graced by the legendary pioneers of medical science: Charaka, the father of Indian medicine; Sushruta, the father of surgery; Vagbhata, an eminent Ayurvedic scholar; Jivaka, the renowned physician from Buddha's time; and Nagarjuna, a master of early alchemy and medicine.
Despite their noble work, it's heartbreaking to acknowledge that doctors in India face some of the highest levels of violence and mistreatment in the world. On this special day, Doctor's Day, I bow my head in deep respect and gratitude. Let's take this opportunity to honor and celebrate these superheroes we call doctors, who tirelessly work to keep our world healthy and safe. Happy Doctor's Day to all the incredible doctors out there!
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)