What is Kibana?
Kibana is a free, browser-based data harvesting, analysis, and application monitoring tool developed by Elastic NV. It is also open-sourced and cross-platform compatible. Its repository can be found on github.com. My research showed that it is a good tool for looking at large amounts of data logs to predict and see trends. It’s also a great way to spot errors or other significant events in applications. It is an extremely popular log analysis tool that is used worldwide.
The data that is collected can be displayed in a variety of visual options such as; Histograms, Line Graphs, Pie Charts, Sunbursts, Bar Graphs, Heat Maps, Region Maps, Coordinate Maps, Gauge, Goals, and Timelion views. The data displayed is collected in real-time with different settings to choose from (hourly or daily). It is an ideal tool for entry-level data analysts who would benefit from a dashboard to store their visualizations and to translate data into information.
For seasoned data analysts, several developer tools can be utilized for custom visualizations as well as filters and search queries. After creation, the reports can be downloaded into CSV files or shared via URL. There is also the ability to use Third Party plugins, but it is not advised by several sources on the web that say it is a tedious process to apply them?(Tutorials Point, n.d.).
Kibana. (n.d.). Your Window Into the Elastic Stack. Retrieved from elastic.co: elastic.co
Tutorials Point. (n.d.). Kibana - Overview. Retrieved from tutorialspoint.com: tutorialspoint.com