What is KHUDI?
You have heard the concept of KHUDI ever since you were a child. Whether its the 23rd March parade of the SSG commandos or any poetic gathering, the verses of Dr. Allama Iqbal supercharges your motivation. Yet very few actually understand the meaning of KHUDI. This is mostly due to our education system forcing memorization of his verses and an answer paper summary of his work in exams. I’ve been lucky enough to experience both the Matric and O-levels education systems. I was failing in the Matric system, where we were told to memorize word by word the geometry theorems. Even if you wrote one line out of sync with the answer papers, you would be given the lowest marks. I failed maths and chemistry in Matric and my father decided to put me in the O-levels system. Surprisingly I got A grades in both subjects and a distinction in Physics. Upon this result I visited my old Teacher at my Matric school and shoved those grades into his face. These Teachers are used to paying attention to 2-3 Students and giving tuitions to the rest in order to make money. Their onus is not on making the nations better, instead its a financial motive which cannot be satisfied. No wonder we have an entire generation of students whose only skill is to memorize not to understand.
Thus my understanding of KHUDI is not based on a memorization (“ratta”) of important concepts, but a deep conceptual knowledge of what it really means. When I was doing my BBA Management Information Systems (MIS) at IBA Karachi, I had a chance to meet the late Barrister Javed Iqbal the son of Dr. Allama Iqbal. He was kind enough to discuss the symbology of KHUDI embodied by the Shaheen (Falcon) and how it related to the youth of Pakistan. Here are the 5 traits his father wanted in the Muslim youth:
The Shaheen has a majestically high flight.
The Shaheen Falcon is one of the highest flying birds in the world. It has exceptional stamina and stays in the air for many hours at a time. It has complete awareness of its environment and remains vigilant for any opportunity that presents itself. No other bird of any kind can match it's unique perspective of a vast landscape. Similarly Dr. Iqbal wanted the Muslim youth to embody a macro perspective of their environment. This enables those with KHUDI to have a birds eye view of any situation. Whether its our political, military or economic arena, the youth must not rush to judgement but take a pragmatic approach. They must be analysts and view the facts rather than let their emotions dictate their actions. Remember that facts don't care about your feelings. The sad truth is that we are great nation of lions led by sheep. The very minds we want to free from religious, economic and cultural slavery are the ones we need to fight to achieve this noble goal. In business KHUDI manifests itself in those who are aware of the bigger picture. Such leaders are able to practice mindfulness in letter and spirit, they never miss any major developments that affect their business. Whether its the price of raw materials, the cost of human resources, advertising expenditures or the demand in global e-commerce, the businessman with KHUDI knows it all. At this point you might ask why does it make a difference? The answer is simple, if you are aware of the complete picture no one can a cheat or rob you.
The Shaheen has sharp focus.
The Shaheen Falcon has the sharpest eyesight of any bird of prey in the sub-continent. Through its exceptional stamina it is able to fly for hours at time and obsessive the smallest prey hiding in the vibrant foliage. It never misses an opportunity to strike at its target and has an extremely high rate of success as a hunter. Similarly, Dr. Iqbal wanted the Muslim youth to zero in on the most pressing matters that were keeping them from a life of excellence. In terms of business this means that you have both a macro and micro view of the economic landscape. This will enable Entrepreneurs to exploit any opportunity and assimilate seemingly disconnected information to further their agenda. Focus comes from discipline and good habits, the common misconception due to mistranslations of Urdu to the English language is that discipline is seen as a rigid construct. In fact the correct transliteration of discipline its “????? or skill” if you love to play cricket despite having a 102° fever, you are guaranteed to become the best in the world. Focus on what you want and let that desire consume your every breath. never let anyone stop you from greatness and remember that no one, not your parents, siblings, cousins, friends or society will chase your dreams for you. To become the best version of yourself you can only rely on yourself.
The Shaheen is a dervish of the skies.
The Shaheen Falcon travels vast distances and does not make a permanent residence. Its a nomad that travels freely without any restrictions. Similarly Dr. Iqbal wanted the Muslim youth to follow their passions without any regard for a permanent dwelling. In business it means the globalization phenomenon has enabled Entrepreneurs to conduct business anywhere in the world. If you have great idea you will get funding from some VC or investor either from your homeland or abroad. I remember in 2016 a colleague from France created his first startup in Big Data, he reached out to hundreds of Venture Capitalists from Peru all the way to Japan. Finally after 7 months of struggle he got US$ 500,000 from a Wharton Alumni fund. This is a perfect example of KHUDI, he never gave up and never surrendered. Similarly Dr. Iqbal wanted the youth of Pakistan to practice KHUDI and never get attached to living paycheck to paycheck, locked to one city or village. If you are not doing well in one city, move to another, if that does not work out, shift again. As an entrepreneur if someone calls me at 4am in the morning to come visit them in Peshawar, I go immediately. If an investor from Europe gives me a call at 1am, I am ready take a flight at 7am to Paris. Borders and limitations exist in our minds, not in our souls.
The Shaheen does not eat prey hunted by others.
The Shaheen Falcon is a proud animal, it hunts for itself and never looks to others for a handout. It dies rather than eat someone else's charity. It is self-sufficient and works extremely hard to remain that way. Similarly Dr. Iqbal wanted the Muslim youth to persevere by themselves. He wanted them to stop complaining about the society and its flaws instead he wanted them to focus on themselves. Remember that a man who has the inner drive to better himself has the best chance to change the world. Even if your family is rich and there is no major need to earn a lot, you should strive for yourself. Do not waste your potential eating out of your trust fund. One of the best examples of this in modern times is Donald Trump, his father was a millionaire and his son did not have any financial need to create a business. Despite his inherited wealth, he continued to focus on creating a name for himself and became a billionaire. Imagine if Trump had given up and become complacent, he would have stopped at being a billionaire and never become President of the United States. If we look at his election campaign he was always the underdog and until the last day he was being told he would lose by a landslide. Despite all the odds he became President beating Hillary Clinton who was supported by the biggest music icons and Hollywood stars. Thus practitioners of KHUDI must never become satisfied as the time to stop improving is when they lower you into your grave.
The Shaheen prefers solitude.
The Shaheen Falcon does not need a flock to remain relevant. It has a strong will and conviction and thus able to survive without any social approval. Dr. Iqbal also mentioned that creativity comes from solitude. He was of the strong opinion that in large groups the outlier is silenced as a deranged lunatic. When he famously wrote his Shikwa (Complaint to God) there was an uproar from the religious establishment and some of them even labelled him a heretic. He was against the very Mulla (Orthodoxy) which quotes him openly today. Ironic that those stuck in the mold he was trying to break somehow seem to think his poetry justifies their rigid beliefs. Similarly an entrepreneur needs to go mad in his pursuit of financial independence. From experience I can tell you that my own elder brother and father were against my entrepreneurial spirit. They both scared me with notions of poverty and failure. ShukarAlhamdullillah I did not listen and today I can share my story of success with you. Everyone doubted me besides my mother who supported and nurtured my calculated risk taking. When you start your journey of entrepreneurship get ready to have your heart broken by everyone you expect to support you. Most importantly if you want to be creative, find a fortress of solitude and cut away from the world to reflect and contemplate on your plans. Only then you will gain clarity in your purpose.
very nice
Organizing my client's wealth in the most tax efficient way.
5 年how do i get in touch with you ?
Consultant in Competency-Based Training and Assessment
5 年nice explanation of KHUDI
Current: Online Marketing Instructor & Freelance Content Writer Previous: Marketing & Advertising, Media, Sales, Project Management, Event Management, Real Estate & IT
6 年Huay Madfoon-e-Darya Zair-e-Darya Tairnay Walay.........Tamachay Moj Kay Khatay Thay Jo Bann Ker Gohar Niklay
Human Resources Manager
6 年Good?