What Are Keywords? And Where To Find the Best Keywords?

What Are Keywords? And Where To Find the Best Keywords?

Keywords (called “SEO keywords“) are words or expressions that a client type into the web search tool to discover certain data on the internet. The keyword is a passage that leads individuals to the natural indexed lists and at last, to the site where they find what they’re interested.

That is the reason behind finding the correct keywords is so significant in website improvement.

It encourages you to find the terms or words that individuals use when searching for the data so you can streamline your site to show up in the list for the correct keywords.

List Of Some Free Websites For Finding Good Keywords :

Well if you want to find some good keywords on which you can rank your site then it can be sometimes quite pricy but here I will tell you some amazing websites that help in finding amazing keywords

  • Google Trends :
  • Google is the best search engine as compared to other search engines. similarly, google trends are the best way to know about the trends about your niche find good keywords write an article about them, and rank on them with no time. It is the most up to date keywords checker because it is made by google himself.
  • Keyword Sheeter :
  • Just Like Google trends keyword, a sheeter is also a great option for finding amazing keywords about your niche by just using google.
  • For details about how to use keywords sheeter please keep visiting our website we will very soon share information regarding how to use keyword sheeter.
  • Uber Suggest :
  • Uber suggests is Created by an SEO expert Neil Patel who is quite famous for providing SEO tips and tricks. Neil Patel made this keyword tool to help new people who just started learning SEO and are tight on budget so that can also be a good option for you.
  • Google autocomplete :
  • Just like google trends google autocomplete can also help you find amazing long-tailed keywords because long-tail are easy to rank and get starting traffic for your new blog or website.
  • Keywordtool.io
  • Keywordtool.io is just an amazing keyword finder tool. It can help you find keywords for youtube videos as well as for your blog website. It also has a paid version available but free can also work for some people.

How to Rank Keywords Easily:

After finding a keyword the most difficult thing is to rank a keyword on top of the page. And for doing that according to me two things are quite essential.

  1. First of all focus on a long-tail keyword with less competition.
  2. Don’t waste time on ranking the keyword where authority sites are ranking for years. If you have low DA ( Domain Authority) PA ( Page Authority)

What are Long Tailed Keywords:

If you take e deeper look in it you will understand what a long tail keyword exactly is

Example: you want to buy a phone Samsung galaxy s20

If you search to buy Samsung it will show tons of websites without your required one

Now if you search to buy Samsung galaxy s20 it will show fewer websites but according to your requirements.

Now suppose You are from India and you search Buy Samsung Galaxy S20 in India. Now that’s a long-tail keyword and you can easily rank on it because it will have low competition.



