What is a keyword search and how to use it?
Viviana Mu?oz
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Keyword search is incorporating key specific words to your website or blog.
Incorporating keywords on your website or blog extends your reach to readers that are in search for some information on products or services.
Properly optimizing your platforms will help people find answers to their questions or even better find your website.
There are so many people competing for a spot in the online space that it’s crucial to incorporate some strong keywords into your site. Understanding how to integrate keywords will also give you more exposure that means more visitors to your website which means more clients. Mostly you want to incorporate keywords that will be related to your services or products.
Some things to consider when looking for keyword searches.
Now that you understand a little more about keywords and the fundamentals now it’s time to strategize.
Ask yourself questions like “what are your clients searching for?”
How can you help answer some of their questions?
Creating content is a large portion of your success. It takes time and effort to create something that people will be engaged to which is why it’s good to jot down some questions that you think people might want to know.
What is keyword search in SEO?
Search Engine Optimization
First, let’s understand what SEO is. Think of SEO as a pizza pie you have about five slices. All of those slices are what is going to make up the right keywords for your SEO.
There are many different platforms out there that you can choose from to find the best keywords, but for now, I will talk about Jaaxy.
What is Jaaxy Research?
Jaaxy Research is a tool developed by the WA team to help you find the right keywords for your blogs and websites.
It gives you a lot of information about possible affiliates, ranking, and available domains as well.
SOURCE: The Importance of Jaaxy Keyword Research
Here you have 5 important sections on the Jaaxy platform. AVG-Traffic-QSR-KQI-and SEO
- Avg- This average is based on how many people are searching for this on a monthly basis. As you can see the average people asking how to grow plants? is 577.
- Traffic- This column is based on how many people would be visiting your site if you were ranked #1 on search engines. So if you’re ranked at the top then you will receive 99 visitors on your website. Note this is an estimate.
- QSR- “Quoted Search Result” is based on the number of competing sites that are ranked on top of the search engines for people searching for this same exact keyword. NOTE: ultimately you want this number below 100 the lower the better.
- KQI-“Keyword Quality Indicator” This basically is going to indicate if the keyword search is great, normal or poor. As you can see based on this particular keyword search “how to grow plants”? on the topic is good to start off with.
- SEO- “Search Engine Optimization” I know many of you are already familiar with this acronym and its meaning again just want to give everyone an opportunity to benefit from this. The higher the score the more opportunity for you to get ranked on search engines.
Keyword search is a type of online tool that helps you identify words that people are constantly searching for online.
If you want to look up a document online on how to grow plants?, you will see similar websites that have the words HOW TO GROW PLANTS? based on your keyword search.
Knowing what people are searching for in relation to your topic will give you a better understanding of how you can help them.
This will also help you increase site traffic as well as gain exposure for your brand, product or services.
How do I use Jaaxy?
First, have a niche that you want to talk about. Enter it into the search bar on your Jaaxy then you will be able to see your results.
In addition, make sure you go over all the other menus so you can utilize them for your site.
Here is another menu within Jaaxy site rank.
Site Rank- Site rank allows you to scan your website in the search engine so you can see where you are ranked on either Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
Jaaxy is the easiest keyword search that I have come across, not only is it simple but very efficient as you can see.
Also very important make sure that the keyword that you are using makes sense.
Often times you have misspelled words that are in the search engines, please don’t use those.
Save your keyword searches
What I like about this feature is that you don’t ever have to remember what keywords you used and what you searched for.
This option is available to you so you can save your searches and go back at a later time to reference if need be. Here is
a recent list that I created just to give you an idea of how it works.
Here are your membership options for Jaaxy, I realize that everything you want to do professionally has a cost but remember in the long run once you start producing results the price won’t even be a factor.
And you don’t even have to do all that you can just try out the free one and see how you like it.
If you’re interested in the enterprise membership you receive everything from your starter and pro combined.
So if you already have a business established and you want to utilize the ultimate keyword search power then the enterprise is something good to get into.
But don’ worry there is a free version
What is a good keyword search tool about?
There are plenty of keyword searches out there that you can choose from I hear MOZ is a really good one also. It’s all about trial and error check some out and see which platform best suits you.
How To Conduct Pre-Research For SEO Keywords
Where can I find a free keyword search tool?
There are many companies out there that will allow you to do a limited number of keyword searches at no cost.
Most keyword search platforms are free with the option of upgrading to like a pro membership.
This gives you the opportunity to try it out and see which one is the best one for you.
Other keyword search tools.
About Sem Rush
Sem Rush is another keyword tool that allows you to see where the word is ranked very similar to Jaaxy.
I tried to create a free account with them but they asked for credit card information.
Now Jaaxy prices are more competitive although SemRush does offer you more options you really don’t need all the extras metrics I find that they really don’t do anything for you.
Features of Sem Rush includes
-Organic searches
-Advertising Researchers
-Display Advertising
-Keyword search
-Site audit
-Social media tracker
For more information on Sem Rush click HERE:
Another keyword search tool that I looked into was Word Tracker.
My only pet peeve with this is that you only receive 3 free word searches to try out for free. To learn more about Word Tracker click HERE:
I absolutely love Google products and services, I use Google Docs, Google Pics, Google Plus, etc. And naturally, Google would have a keyword search tool.
Now the interesting part of Google keyword services is that you end up paying per click as opposed to a monthly fee.
The more research I did on Google keyword search the more I am more than content with using Jaaxy.
When you sign up for Google Adwords which is their version of the search tool it appears that keywords are based on bids.
I am still trying to understand the concept of Google AdWords and seems like many people have something different to say about it.
If you know more about Google Adwords go ahead and leave your comments below.
To learn more about Google Adwords you can go directly to their URL HERE:
So now that you understand more on what is keyword search about will make a difference in how successful you’ll be with your online journey.
Related Topics
- Understanding Keywords, The Start of Your Content
- Research Jaaxy Keywords, Then Show & Tell
- Research Jaaxy Keywords, Then Show & Tell
Author: Viviana Munoz
Source: https://icomputernerd.com/what-is-keyword-search/