What is keyword Research and How can you do it for your new website?

What is keyword Research and How can you do it for your new website?


Keyword research is the process of finding, analyzing and selecting keywords that are relevant to your business and content so that you can better engage with your target audience and improve your overall search engine ranking. By doing keyword research, you can determine which topics to write about and what content to provide in order to keep people interested in your site or business. There are several different methods for conducting keyword research and it’s important to understand how each method works in order to select the best approach for your needs.

Keyword Research - Definition

Keyword research is a crucial part of setting up any online project. Keywords are what people type into search engines to find information, so if you know what people are searching for when they go online, then your site will be more likely to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). But not just any keywords will do - if you want to capture traffic from discerning Internet users, then it's best to use long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords contain three or more words; these tend to have lower competition than head keywords but usually have a greater number of monthly searches. How exactly does one identify long-tail keywords that are worth targeting? That's where keyword research comes in.

The Advantages of Doing Keyword Research First

Most people search online with a specific word or phrase in mind, but not everyone knows what words to use. That’s where keyword research comes in. Keyword research involves evaluating popular search terms as well as less-common terms to determine which ones best describe your business. This process helps ensure that when someone does a search on Google, Bing or another popular search engine, your site will be one of those that pops up. This can mean thousands more visitors who are more likely to actually visit your site instead of just clicking on through because they couldn’t find what they were looking for. Targeting keywords will also help attract users who are interested in similar things, increasing engagement and improving conversion rates.

How to Do Keyword Research for Your New Website

Keyword research is a must-do step if you’re starting up a website. Why? Because creating an effective SEO (search engine optimization) strategy depends on data, not just gut feelings or wishful thinking. For example, imagine if you launched a site called Bicycle Supplies but didn’t have any related keywords in mind. Without knowing whether consumers were searching for bicycle supplies, bike supplies, or bike gear, how could you target that audience with content relevant to their needs? So what should your first step be when starting up a website from scratch? Find out what people are searching for. There are many free tools available online to help you find out exactly which words and phrases people use when they search online.

The most popular tool is Google AdWords, which provides information about search volume, cost per click, competition level, etc., based on specific keywords that interest you. If there’s no existing website related to your niche yet or if there’s already one, it might also be worth checking out Google Trends. You can see which terms are becoming more popular over time by region or globally as well as compare multiple terms at once. Finally, even though we mentioned free tools above, it might also make sense to invest in a paid tool like SEMrush for more comprehensive data about your industry and competitors' websites.

Common Ways People Misspell Words

There are a number of ways that words are commonly misspelled. Most of them are due to simple reasons like auto-correct. Others, however, can help you gain an edge in search engine rankings. Proper nouns are often spelled incorrectly because they’re not correctly capitalized. If you’re not sure what word should be capitalized, go ahead and look it up in a dictionary (we recommend Google!) to make sure that you know which letters need to be capitalized. It may seem silly or unnecessary but knowing which words should have a period after them or whether it’s is supposed to be one word or two will also help boost your SEO ranking with proper use of punctuation.

Categorizing Keywords

Although some businesses rely on organic search alone, most online retailers know that SEO isn’t their only shot at success. If people don’t find your product when they search, they might not purchase it even if they land on your site. That’s why doing effective keyword research is so important. Whether you want to be found by buyers searching on Google or Amazon, you need to start by categorizing keywords. But what exactly does that mean? Keyword categorization involves breaking down a series of words into categories based off similarities in meaning. For example, lawn mower repair parts and lawn mower blades are similar enough that many customers would look for them in a single place.

Formulating Keyword Phrases To Target Users Who Use Long Tail Search Terms

While coming up with a list of keywords to target that are relevant to your brand or niche, concentrate on using long tail search terms instead of more general words. For example, if you sell men’s business shoes online, write down popular search terms (e.g., men’s business shoes reviews), but also come up with less obvious ones like dress loafers for professional men style. You should also be sure to check out which long-tail search terms have already been dominated by competitors; although they may not be extremely lucrative right now, they could become much more important over time as people start searching them in greater volume.

Finding Keywords With Low Competition (For SEO)

Start by thinking about what someone would type into a search engine if they were looking for information on your topic. Don’t limit yourself to popular terms. After all, many people think of their problem in unique ways. You may want to consider common misspellings, singular or plural forms of words, as well as adding modifiers like best or top. Once you have a solid list of keywords, add variations that represent one word (like adding the before some). Finally, review potential search volume using Google Keyword Planner to get an idea of just how many people are searching those terms every month. Low-competition phrases typically aren't super hard to rank for.

How To Take Action And Start Ranking For Long-Tail Keywords Today

Long-tail keywords represent a big opportunity because they’re less competitive, meaning you stand a better chance of ranking in Google and getting traffic to your site. For example, if I want to rank well in Google for weight loss diet tips that phrase is super competitive; there are thousands of other websites trying to rank on that term. Long-tail keywords, which I mentioned above as being two or three words long aren’t as popular. But they’re significantly easier to rank on because there are fewer sites targeting those phrases. So I could try to rank well on weight loss diet tips but it wouldn't make sense unless my site were exceptionally high quality or my money funnel was extraordinarily relevant.

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