What if the key to success was to be interested in daily performance?

What if the key to success was to be interested in daily performance?

It seems obvious that your commercial or operational managers know the commercial performance and yet…. Really take the test: ask your managers what was yesterday's performance? And you will most likely be surprised…. Often, they don't know her !!

Ask a sales manager if the previous day's turnover was good, ask a station agent if the punctuality of the previous day was good, ask a worker what is the percentage of completion of his construction site. In most cases the answer will not be very precise.

Numerous studies and companies have shown that the key to success is to focus the attention of teams on one or two performance figures, but on a daily basis. This is how we give a taste for daily performance.

A bad way of communicating this result is to send it by email drowned in the middle of lots of other results, curves and analyzes…. You can be sure that your email will end up more often than not being read or just edited and placed on a sign that nobody is looking at.

A good way to do this may be to brief the team for a few minutes at the start of the day. These so-called operational excellence techniques have given very good results. They will be even more powerful if you take the opportunity to collect the “irritants” from your teams and treat them. These techniques have been well described in the team leadership methods based on lean management developed by Toyota.

It's very simple: we define a normal standard on a performance (in industry or in service) and every day the field players write down in felt (red or green !!) their performance compared to this standard with what has succeeded and which was problematic. It lasts 5 minutes in front of the board.

Yes, your most modest collaborators (at the checkout or handling etc.) are also very curious to know their performance. Please don't forget them anymore, they are the ones who make you the quality and the turnover on a daily basis.

Is it that simple? Yes and no

There are a few prerequisites to be met for it to really work:

Choose to measure a performance actually performed by the field players in your activity (and not an aggregate that will speak little to them). They must become actors in this performance.

Sign a contract of trust with your employees, it's not coping, it really brings out the problems that are valued as "nuggets". On this subject, I am always amazed at the number of dysfunctions completely unknown in the hierarchy but which we have got into the habit of "doing with" and which do not "go back up" any more.

Place the board on the area where the activity is carried out, visible to everyone (even customers !!), accessible to all and not in a closed office.

First put the whiteboard without anything, build it with the field players who have a lot of "nuggets" to offer you in their pockets, modify it three times at the start, and .... especially fill it EVERY DAY in maximum 5 minutes otherwise we stop the meeting. It's a Top 5, it lasts 5 minutes max.

Bring up the pareto of dysfunctions to management, which is really committed to resolving them in a 30-minute meeting: this is the Top 30. And to management once a month: it's the Top 60 of an hour maximum .

All measurements are made absolutely together with partners, subcontractors, customers. It’s collaborative and not audit !!

Do not try to cover all the activity in one go, do not be too greedy, one step consolidated and stabilized at the same time.

Put some enthusiasm, smiles and raise resistances by congratulating even the small progress at the beginning. Never criticize even the difficult beginnings. Encourage to really bring issues out at the highest level of the hierarchy. Yes, it scares the President to know the problems but trust me, this is what he expects from you as a manager.

Spend at least 50% of your time in the field until performance is stabilized

You would think that all operational units measure their performance. Unfortunately this is rarely the case. How many managers "operational in offices" are forced to make reports, dashboards, presentations when they should be in the field to thank their customers and encourage their employees. Simple to say, difficult to decide.


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