What Are the Key Factors To Consider When Choosing Whistleblower Software?
Here we take you through the key factors to consider when choosing the best whistleblower hotline for your business.
Requirements vary according to location so contact us if you are unclear about the legal requirements in your jurisdiction. Trusty is compliant with the EU Whistleblower Directive and US whistleblower laws, among others.
Studies show that businesses with fewer than 250 employees typically receive 0-1 whistleblower reports per year. Trusty Free is best suited for these organisations. We also offer premium services at great rates for large companies.
Many whistleblower hotlines charge high fees for their services, which can be prohibitive for small and medium-sized businesses. Our digital hotline, on the other hand, is completely free to use! We also offer unlimited storage for your whistleblower reports, so you never have to worry about running out of space.
Setting up our Trusty Free whistleblower software is easy – all you need to do is copy and paste a link onto your website or intranet. There’s no complicated software to install, and our team is available to provide support if you need it.
Trusty’s digital hotline employs robust encryption protocols and secure storage to protect the sensitive information contained in whistleblower reports. Read more about our data security here.
Managing a whistleblower hotline can be a time-consuming and costly process. Our digital hotline eliminates the need for manual data entry and paper-based reporting, which can save your business time and money. Our free whistleblower hotline can reduce the time and resources needed to investigate your cases.
By considering these key factors – meeting legal requirements, expected number of reports, subscription costs, ease of installation, data security and extra features, you can choose the best whistleblower software for your business.
Our Trusty Whistleblower Hotline Is Free for Your Business!