What are the key differences between a custom website design and a template-based design?

The term "custom website design" describes the process of building a website from the ground up with a special layout and design that is adapted to the particular requirements of a company or person. On the other hand, a template-based design uses pre-made website templates that may be altered to meet the requirements of a business or individual.

These are some significant distinctions between the design of a custom website and a template-based website:

1. Unique Design: A custom website offers a one-of-a-kind, customizable design made just for the client's requirements. On the other hand, template-based designs employ pre-designed templates that might not be specific to the client's brand or specifications.

2. Flexibility: Custom website designs provide more design and operational options. A custom design allows for greater versatility than a template-based one since it may be adjusted to the website's needs.

3. Cost: Custom website designs typically cost more than those using templates. It is thus because, as per the website designing company, custom designs take more time and money to create, but template-based designs are more cost-effective because the templates are already created.

4. Timeframe: Custom website designs take more time to create; however, template-based designs may be created much more quickly because the templates have already been created.

5. Maintenance: Custom website designs require additional upkeep, but template-based designs are easier to maintain due to the standardized changes offered by the template supplier.


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