What are the key components to make the most of IoT?

What are the key components to make the most of IoT?

From the moment the power of connecting objects in manufacturing and industry became apparent, the Internet of Things has been spreading with increasing speed. In the context of Digital Transformation, data analytics is one of the key elements of development. Connecting "things" through sensors, software, and other technologies is the power of IoT, which offers the possibility of transmitting and receiving data in real-time.

But what are the key aspects to focus on to reap the benefits of IoT technologies?

  • Hardware: Objects, devices, machines, and systems are the physical elements that enable us to acquire data through connections and information flows. This flow occurs through sensors or actuators managed by control elements found in applications and often cloud-based.
  • Networking: Increasingly fast Internet connections and increasingly flexible and customizable cloud types have created the ideal environment for IoT devices to reach their full potential.
  • Embedded programming: interaction is expected between IoT devices and pre-existing systems. The interface of IoT devices can be embedded in the device or we can obtain it through apps and software created specifically to enable human-machine interaction.
  • Data management: The main goal of IoT devices is precisely to optimize the data management process. The first step is choosing the sources from which to draw. Immediately after that, developers will have to create places to store, sort, and classify the large amount of heterogeneous data produced by connected IoT devices.
  • Security: all IoT devices must be protected and constantly updated. When we consider that even a simple smartwatch can be a gateway to archives, we realize that only constant monitoring and network connection authorization protocols can save corporate data.
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: The Internet of Things offers a great opportunity: reading data in real-time. This is important for predictive analytics but also allows for intelligent data monitoring with associated flow control.

But why is investing in IoT technologies an advantage for companies? Read the full article on DeltalogiX to find out.

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