What Keeps You Up At Night???
Board Chairs, Directors, and CSuite (CEO, CFO…et al).
~October is Security Awareness Month~
So what?? You ask. We have people for that.
Yes, but... legally it’s YOUR a** on the line when/if things go bad:
So... What can you do???
Zero Trust is a huge part of that answer.
?? I made you a video - it's exactly ? 1:38 min long. OR - you can click the link to ?? read it old-school (as a PDF ??).
I can't make it any easier to get the main ideas across - as well as the importance of Zero Trust. Then take this concept to your team for a banish-the-silos, nuts-and-bolts meeting of the minds.?
After you watch/read:
Let me know in the comments:
I'm going to guess it's one of:
Security requires time, focus, and money - and all 3 are likely in short supply.?
But if you think your head feels like it will explode NOW - wait till you hit the power button on your laptop and all see the dreaded "We have your data" screen.
Who do you call? What can be done? How much will it cost? How fast can you be up and running again?
And the big question (as if those questions weren’t big enough!):?
Is my business / client data safe - or did health #'s, photos, addresses, bank account / credit card info land in the waiting hands of criminals?
So - what can you do?
Let's talk about Zero Trust.
As a business, you? didn't ask to be thrown into this hamster-wheel of tech 3 years ago.
But let's be honest -?
The world was heading this way long before 2020, and it isn’t going back - EVER.?
IF we want to keep the wheels of businesses running smoothly in 2023+ — we need to catch up - and keep up - our online security.
It's easier than you think.?
Start with the short video above...
Then get your team together and let’s talk.?
The Bad Wolf Team doesn’t bite - but we WILL be efficient, insightful, and honest. And that plan that we get you started on NOW may just keep you out of hot water LATER - with your people, your clients, your investors - and your legal team.?
Whether it’s Bad Wolf, your current Security Advising Team, or someone else - you need an OUTSIDE team for this part!
Ensuring the security of your client data, IP, business operations and more is ultimately YOUR responsibility.
Who knows? That day may come when “We have your data” flashes across your screen - and you breathe easy, because -
??? ?? A minimal number of people, devices, and systems will be affected. Everyone else just carries on as if nothing bad happened - because it hasn’t - not to them.
Let’s #KeepCytberCriminalsUnemployed!
?? Share this with your network, or with a friend!?
? Comment, DM, change a couple of passwords!