"What keeps you up at night?"
Jason Macaluso
Financial Advisor | Partner & Vice President, Wealth Management at Boone Macaluso Group of Raymond James
I feel like I've seen it all, yet there's still a lot more to come.
As a Financial Advisor with more than 25 years of client #wealthmanagement experience, I have worked through multiple market cycles and have experienced some of the best and worst economic periods in history. I started my career during the Long Term Capital bailout, and really started to build my client base at the peak of the dot-com bubble. I remember exactly where I was on that clear, sunny morning of September 11th; and consequently spent the rest of that week making sure that I spoke to every single client even though the #stockmarket was closed and there wasn't much we could do.
The Great #Recession of 2008 was a period I will always remember, as I was equally concerned for my clients' portfolios, as I was for the solvency of the firm(s) I worked for. From watching the vote on TARP to listening to conference calls on money markets "breaking the buck," I was able to navigate my clients from the darkest days to ultimately watch their portfolios rally to all-time highs.
The Greek Debt crisis, #FED Taper Tantrum, and U.S. Credit downgrade were all minor blips on a chart once we hit the 40% drawdown of March 2020 at the start of the #coronaviruspandemic. Yet, here we are...two years later, and after hitting another all-time high a few months ago, we're dealing with high #inflation, rising #interestrates, and another market correction.
I have often said I should write a book, so why not a newsletter?
In this weekly #newsletter, I will share real-life stories of clients...their #goals, their financial situations, their fears, their challenges, and ultimately the #solutions we provided. I want readers to gather insight and I am offering my knowledge & experience on financial questions and concerns that many people have.
As the markets change daily, I will also provide meaningful discussions on current financial events that directly affect my clients' lives and goals. I don't want this to be about market forecasts or full of economic jargon. This will be 25 years of stories and real financial situations, so we can see how different market cycles create different concerns, but more importantly, how I am able to deliver solutions to my clients' needs. It's rare that I meet with a client who's financial circumstances are unique, so I feel that everyone can benefit from these real world situations.
I want to provide answers to the ultimate question: "What keeps you up at night?"
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