What keeps you going?
We’ve made it to the 50th edition! I never thought I’ll be achieving this milestone, not possibly without you guys! You could have done thousand other things with your time, but you chose to read my newsletter. Thanks for all the love and support! I hope these newsletters add value to your life. On that note let’s get rolling!
“How are you so consistent with your newsletter?”
I get this question a lot when I post the newsletters on my social media handles every Sunday. The answer is books, and specifically?one?book.
I try to read books on a daily basis. Most of them belong to the self-help genre. These books fill me with ideas, motivate me to stay consistent with not just this newsletter, but with things in general, like working out and reading. But I've found all of them reinforce what I read in the book ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear.
Atomic Habits has single handedly changed things for me in the last 3 years, but that’s topic for another day. Today I have come up with learnings from this book that has kept me going and how they can help you in your life.
"True behavior change is identity change."
Behavior change: the habit of writing every week
Identity change: A great communicator
As author Simon Sinek would say, “Start with Why?” Your identity change is your ‘Why’. Why do I write these posts? Because I want to be identified as a great communicator, someone who has great writing skills. I would have never practiced writing if it was not for this newsletter. Every week I inch towards my dream identity.
What’s your dream identity? A great body builder? A great manager? A great writer?
"1% worse every day for one year. 0.99^(365) = 00.03
1% better every day for one year. 1.01^(365) = 37.78 "
This has become the philosophy of my life.
How can you achieve your dream identity? Improve by just 1% every day and let compounding do its magic. Workout a bit everyday to get 1% fitter, read every day to get 1% smarter, write a bit everyday to get 1% better.
"If you want to master a habit, the key is to start with repetition, not perfection."
Habits are hard to form, especially if you are a perfectionist. Initially I tried to come up with the perfect version of whatever I wrote, but then one day I stumbled on these lines once again. They helped me realize that perfect is the enemy of good. I wanted to get better at writing and that required consistent practice. If I targeted perfection I would have never been this consistent.
"Stepping up when it’s annoying or painful or draining to do so, that’s what makes the difference between a professional and an amateur "
It is tough to write every week. Some of the weeks are so hectic that I get just few hours to write. In those few hours two thoughts race inside my head?“I can miss this time, no big deal”,?and?“Start writing right away!”?I choose to write. Life can get in your way but it’s on you to turn back or to take the service road.
"Not Twice: The first mistake is never the one that ruins you. It is the spiral of repeated mistakes that follows."
Consistency is not about not missing a day it's about not missing twice. I have posted consistently for the last 50 weeks. But even if I would have failed to post let’s say this week, I would have made sure that I do not miss posting it the week after that.
Get 1% better ?
So, what keeps you going?
Until next week, ?
Heyy there!
I hope you liked this edition as much as I did writing it. If you did, consider sharing it on your social media handles. This will not only help your connections, but also me to reach a bigger audience.
Happy Reading.