What keeps me motivated!
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
The fact that I'm alive is the reason I chase my goals. I feel that as long as you are alive, breathing, as long as you are in this world, you must chase your goals/dreams. We are all here for a specific reason. I think it's to become better people with each life we are granted, and to help improve the life of at least one person. Each life we are granted is a gift and also has one or more very important gifts to share with the world. And the earlier on you ask yourself what your gift is, the faster you can enjoy your life in every aspect.
For me, I really got in touch with myself at 63 years old, and since then it's been non-stop learning, non-stop experimenting, non-stop quenching of my curiosities, and a non-stop yearning to become better as a person, a better student and a better giver. My whole life/business (as they are one entity) is dedicated to improve the lives of others, by giving people tools to boost their self-confidence, to learn how to eat super healthy no matter their income, and to chase their own dreams at any cost. And to do it internationally.
Our main goal is to study consistently every day but there are a lot of people who are not able to gather up the courage to leave their damn bed and work instead they'd procrastinate and can weep later. Guys just tell me why? Why can't you freaking take one hour out from your so-called 24 hours?
Even billionaires can take out one hour to read a book then who the hell are you? These words might sound sharp but that doesn't care as long as they are striking you to realise your true potential. If you do even one page you can do but Nah either we'll complete a damn chapter or we won't do it, you know life doesn't work like that. Success is a result of small habits that constitute and become big.
Just get up every day and do something even if it is just solving some question on a particular topic that's ok but do that.The day you'll start accomplishing these small goals and will work consistently you don't need motivation, your under hunger is sufficient to provide you with enough fuel. Now coming to adults. What you think is this what you want in your life? Remember you're not born with a gold spoon in your mouth so you gotta work no matter if you want it or not. “ it's not your fault if you were born poor but it's totally on if you die poor”
I don't understand why people can't work for what they want, we can complain about even the slightest aspect that's not going in our way but why can't we appreciate those 30 things that are going in our way? You know you are responsible for your condition right now, no one else! now do you think someone will push you for what you want? Even now if you want something to motivate you then I don't think that motivation can last long. You should know why you are doing it and just work.
No one can motivate you better than you and yes I accept there are times when everything stops even the will power to continue then you can either talk to your friend, can watch an inspiration movie this is what my sir used to do, you can check out quotes which I do, talk to your parents.
Of course when shit hits the fan, listen to motivational videos, re-read a book that inspired you, like "Into Thin Air" or "Conversations with God" or "The Secret" or a bi0graphy. You can also go back outside to clear up the negative voices, or to put things in perspective. But anybody I've spoken to who is on a path of living their dream life becomes their goals. It is a lifelong goal, that if not achieved in this life will surely be achieved in the next one.
If your goals are not who you are, they will only be achieved in the short term, and no amount of motivation will inspire you. "Regret should scare you way more than fear"What keeps me motivated. Staying comfortable is never a good thing and is what generally makes us lose satisfaction over time. Have the drive to always improve where you currently are.
The people you hang around with will constantly find you interesting to be with as they will never be able to create a sustained impression of you due to growing on a daily basis. If you’ve achieved your goals, try and set even higher goals for yourself that will take you to the next level. There really is no such thing as destinations, only milestones. Cheers!