What Will Keep You From “Getting to The Feeling” Level?

What Will Keep You From “Getting to The Feeling” Level?

In my experience, I have found that in order to have a 90% closing ratio on my sales, I have to get the customers to verbalize what is important to them and why it is important.

If you don’t get your prospective customers to discover and verbalize these critical elements, your closing ration is going to stay low. So, there is a lot of money to be made by becoming skilled at this simple problem-solving strategy.

Let me say this. “Getting to the feeling” level, “asking the “why” Question” and “getting the prospective customers to verbalize what is important to them and why it is important,” are all the same thing. When someone verbalizes why something is important, it will usually have a feeling attached to it.

Here is an example of asking the “why” question.

If your prospective customer says it’s important to save money, you should attempt to get to his or her feelings on the subject by asking: “You know Harry, a lot of people say it is important to save money these days. Why is that important to you?

Asking someone why something is important to them is usually going to lead to the feeling behind what they have said is important to them. I love this approach because it makes it logical for people to give you a feeling response.

So, what are the reasons small business owners and entrepreneurs don’t get to the feeling level in a sales interview? There are several:

  1. Some business owners are afraid to ask the question why. This is more of a rookie fear but I have seen experienced individuals hesitate on asking the why question. The concern is that this is asking the prospective customers for more information than you are entitled to or that there are some things that are not any of your business.

This is a ridiculous notion, of course, as many fears are. You need to get all the information you can possibly get about everything you think might be pertinent in order to come up with the best solution for your prospective customers. READ FULL ARTICLE >>

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