What is Kaballah? Tree of Life explained
The Tree of Life Explained: Kabballah
What is the Tree of Life? What is Kaballah, Caballah, Qaballah? Why do people suggest avoiding Kabballah Studies
These are all questions we shall answer in this thesis. The Jewish Mysticism
What is a Sephirot you may ask? Well, we shall begin to explain in detail what the Tree of life and all of its particulars are. These “Sephirot” are color forces that emanate from the tree in a particular order. Think of these sephirot as Organs, processing, and filtering to create aether/energy/fuel for the earth/conscious mind. What is a Sephirot? Pronounced “Seh-feh-rah”
Let’s see what Google has to say and go from there...
Sefirot (/sf??ro?t, ?sf?ro?t/; Hebrew: ?? ??????? s?p? īrō?), meaning emanations, are the 10 attributes/emanations in Kabbalah, through which Ein Sof (The Infinite) reveals itself and continuously creates both the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realms (Seder hishtalshelus). The term is alternatively transliterated into English as sephirot/sephiroth, singular sefirah/sephirah, etc.
Alternative configurations of the sefirot are interpreted by various schools in the historical evolution of Kabbalah, with each articulating differing spiritual aspects. The tradition of enumerating 10 is stated in the Sefer Yetzirah, "Ten sefirot of nothingness, ten and not nine, ten and not eleven". As altogether 11 sefirot are listed across the various schemes, two (Keter and Da'at) are seen as unconscious and conscious manifestations of the same principle, conserving the 10 categories.[1] The sefirot are described as channels of divine creative life force or consciousness through which the unknowable divine essence is revealed to mankind.
The first sefirah, Keter, describes the divine superconscious Will that is beyond conscious intellect. The next three sefirot (Chokhmah, Binah and Da'at) describe three levels of consciousness within divine intellect. In particular, Da'at represents Keter in its knowable form, the concept of knowledge. Will and knowledge are corresponding somewhat dependent opposites. The seven subsequent sefirot
(Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malkuth) describe the primary and secondary conscious divine emotions. The sefirot of the left side and the sefira of Malkuth are feminine, as the female principle in Kabbalah describes a vessel that receives the outward male light, then inwardly nurtures and gives birth to the sefirot below them. Kabbalah sees the human soul as mirroring the divine (after Genesis 1:27, "God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them"), and more widely, all creations as reflections of their life source in the sefirot. Therefore, the sefirot also describe the spiritual life of man
In Hasidic philosophy, which has sought to internalize the experience of Jewish mysticism into daily inspiration (devekut), this inner life of the sefirot is explored, and the role they play in man's service of God in this world.
The Kaballah is presumed to have originated in Ancient Italy, as well perhaps even sooner in Babalon. All of these teachings are found in the Vedas as well. Just as Pythagoras takes credit for squaring the circle, knowledge was found thousands of years prior by ancient Hindus in the Vedas. Bhagavan Gita was the first person to square the circle 500 years prior to Pythagoras. The Ancient Babylonians found these measurements in -1800 BCE! No one really knows how old this knowledge is but the Hindus were the first to discover it. Jewish scholars traveled to India to learn and translate into Hebrew, thus claiming discovery based on representation.
The Kaballah was passed from the Master to disciple, teacher to pupil. Kaballah in Hebrew means “to Receive” “inner wisdom” and “from mouth to ear.” Found in the Sepher Yetzirah and Zohar. Various spellings are always found that correspond with different time periods and different faith’s interpretations thereof.
The Tree of life are emanations of 10 Sephirot/ spheres/ vessels/ energies/ forces that balance one another discarding unwanted spiritual Aether (Akasha)/mind stuff and assimilating new spiritual mind stuff to become reality. Severity without Mercy is Cruelty is it not? Mercy without severity is weakness. The Tree of life is a visual representation of the path of return to
God. By ascending from bottom to top in reverse order 10-1 and back again; through the sephirot are a more direct path through the middle pillar. The tree of life can be used as a multitude of systems that gives understanding and thus allows one to arrange and order one's life in the manner of a filing cabinet. The tree of life has been used by mystics for centuries to determine futuristic outcomes based on how the sephirot interact with colors and life forces. Every color relates back to a particular sephirot, identifying these helps us predict the future emanation within the tree of life before it reaches Malkuth.
When I hold an Orange, it relates to Hod on the Tree of life. We shall explain what Hod is in a bit.
In the Egyptian Book of the dead, we learn about the Pillars of Jachin and Boaz, negative and positive energies that guide these forces of color and form. Each pillar has its own duty as far as being the opposite of the other. Jachin Pillar is the Pillar of Fire. Also found on the Right and colored white representing positive male energy. The black pillar of Boaz is water, negative feminine energy. Not negative as we are used to, just negative as the opposite of positive. The severity side of the pillars is Boaz, and The Mercy side of these pillars is Jachin. Boaz is feminine and Jachin is positive. Form and thought so to speak all both positive as we are used to positive beings. Each works for and against the other to filter out and allow the Aether/spiritual “mind-stuff” to form, which helps builds the soul and fuel enlightenment of the self.
So imagine that each side of each world sits/rests (metaphorically) upon these pillars. The same pillars are represented in every regular and well-furnished Ancient and accepted Freemasonry Lodge. Each sephirah (circle) will fall upon the negative or positive side of these pillars as they are geometrically aligned in the following manner. We, us, you, and me, Humanity, represent the middle pillar of mildness, Maat (see; Egyptian book of the dead). The middle pillar is always smooth sailing neutrality. When we are going through these sephirot as we pass through each world we touch upon all sides of each pillar. Sometimes traveling backward instead of forward and get caught hence being stuck in life. There are 40 Sephirot, 10 in each world, all resting upon these pillars which act as conduits for life itself, always evolving to eliminate harmful matter of aether or materialism of the mind that will not help the recipient or creator's plan.
We must strive to stay within our middle pillar of mildness and remain Maat The Egyptian goddess THME tells us in the Egyptian book of the dead. We must remember that tipping too far left or right makes us as well as others feel uncomfortable. If we are too happy then someone tears us down. If we are too sad then nobody wishes to be around us, just as if we were too mad, or even slightly mad, Overly happy people are seen as fake and those who are unable to attain happiness themselves seem to single these people out subconsciously snatching their energy from them when they are tipping too far to the Right. The pillars of Jachin and Boaz are the foundation for all life within the Tree. We must remember these metaphorical pillars act as a boundary line between these 4 worlds. These Pillars
are the foundation of all truth and knowledge/experience. Most Every Gnostic temple on earth uses these pillars in some shape or form. The Hindus do, Catholics, Christians, and of course Judaic. These pillars are where we will go to have our soul weighed at our final judgment (See: Egyptian book of the dead).
Let’s go back to Eden, Adam & Eve. Formed from Soft earth, now pleasantly walking with the creator as enlightened beings without sin or pain/suffering. Along comes the spider aka the serpent. The serpent in Christianity is representative of Satan. In Jewish Mysticism it’s the self that must be destroyed, the ego. Hinduism also believes the snake is the lower self of materialism. Our ego we must learn to ignore as we control our desires, circumventing them to the greater good, striving to become the Christ self. The perfect man walks amongst us all searching for a way out that is our way in, through our hearts. He is within and without every living and non-living thing in all of creation.
Think of the Tree of life sitting in the Garden of Eden. This Tree represents Knowledge. Some say this was the forbidden fruit, Knowledge as it separates us from our true self and sets ego in motion or dissolution/disintegration.
Christians use the Caballah, Jews use the Kaballah, and Mystics use the Qaballah. Each emanation of the Tree of life is explained in terms of each faith. We are told to avoid teaching and learning this ancient knowledge based on how it can separate the ego and set our higher self into consecration of the life we live. Those who search for truth are asking for help. In the Bible it says: “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Matthew 6:15 says “know them by their fruits”... And always remember Job, Chapter 1 verse 6...
Kabbalah part 2” Aleph, The Almighty Breath, Aleph, Ohm Ohm Ohm, Ethos & Logos, Brahma vs Maya: In the Beginning was the word and the word was God... Genesis Chapter 1 verse 1
The Tree of Life is a one-dimensional, geometrically aligned, circular based with lines as paths. This beautiful depiction is a graph that contains 10 circles with a color identifying them, arranged in a particular order. Each sephirah has a name, number, and Arch-Angel presiding over it, as well as color to identify along with the characteristics of God within each Sephira. As well as a Hebrew name.
We must think of the Sephirot as the archetype(s) of God. Also a pre-emanation of existence as consciousness and(light) as an un-manifest form of Dhyanalingha (Yogi without a heart, perfected by the Chakras). The Tree of Life’s 4 Worlds within is a root of 7 equaling 49 sephirot. All 4 worlds within worlds are almost Worlds in themselves equaling the 5-dimensional un-manifest and manifest Tree of Life Merkaba. It is exactly that, Our World before it has been perceived by Our minds.
We have a golden ratio that we must attend to abide by at all times until time no longer exists, and this natural occurrence is all contained (and explained) within these 4 worlds.
The Four Worlds so to speak are not exactly worlds like we know a World to be. They are only in the form of color and vibration at this time in the form of light and sound. Un-manifest to the human experience until all sephirot have filtered and re-filtered an event through each of the 4 worlds. Think of the Tree of life as a giant filter within filters that discard bad energy in the form of spiritual matter/ “mind stuff” into oblivion if it does not contribute to the great work /plan of the creator as well as the growth of the vital and dense bodies in man. (see: Rosicrucian Concepts Max Heindel) We represent this 5-dimensional “Merkaba” as a six-rayed star in Judaism and represented in most all ancient Egyptian rituals.
These 4 worlds are Briah, Yetzirah, Assiah, and Atziluth, Atziluth is the Archetypal emanation of etheric Fire. Atziluth is like the ineffable/eternal fire that burns within each living thing, the fire that disintegrates negativity and allows it (bad things which are not necessarily bad) to happen for growth. Atziluth is the fire that binds us, allowing us to move and interact in the material world. The fire in Atziluth is unlike any earth fire, however this fire is an aetherical fire that sets good into motion while burning away the un-useful matter of spiritual aether/mind stuff that has been formed via situations like conception as well as growth and pain etc. This is the basic fundamental and foundation of all human experiences from the God mind aspect of archetypal mind stuff we create and discard or accept to build our lives and material worlds. Desire world would be another name for all of these emanations. The place where we dream has no boundaries remember. When we sleep we know we are but we are not within the body. Our ego exists however there is no perception of the actual body. Just as when we sleep, we are awake, yet have NO concept of our body, we are therefore only Mind -Sri Ramana Maharshi said this.
All of these 4 Worlds must be processed before the idea, thought or action is perceived as real and actually invoked into action in the material world of Assiah. Then we must go through this same process in all of the 4 Worlds until we reach the world of form AKA The world of substance. This is the 4th world/ dimension of the Tree of Life. It is important to remember that we are used to seeing this as 1 dimensional on paper. This is actually in the shape of Merkaba. See Merkaba shape/ six-rayed star, philosophers stone (Manly P Hall Secret teaching of all ages). This is also represented by the name of God [YHVH] Yod Heh Vav Heh as the letter Yod in Hebrew Y.
Please understand this is vital information that you MUST understand to fully identify with your higher and lower selves. To identify we must learn the ways that were given to us by the ancients. It's best to take this information slowly and perhaps not to listen all at once and meditate, then come back to it. That works best for me. I then listen or re-read things at least three times prior to memorization. Memorization occurs when we truly put 100% of our caring attitude and intention into acquiring the wisdom of King Solomon. May we have a moment of silence in the dedication of our Ancestry here with us guiding these lessons. Thank you...
4 Worlds remember they all hold a set of 10 Sephirot which in total equal 49 sephirot.
Instead of skipping to the last world, we must go in order. So it goes Atziluth, the fire, The lion represents this world. Leo, the sun, the ever-burning sunshine that helps us grow. Remember, these emanations are archetypes of God. God wants what’s best for all of his creations and Hashem, Our God has given us a magnificent gift upon following our path to enlightenment. His name is many and his presence is all. This path is one that has worked for many spiritualists, especially Jewish Mystics. The Tree of Life has been broken into these worlds based on the aspects and characteristics of God to better explain God and how life is supremely balanced not to us but to the Universe.
Briah, The world of Creation, The second world, Briah is the Water aspect of the Tree of Life. Water is symbolic of emotion. After burning or traveling through all 10 sephirot in Atziluth whatever remains in Briah goes on further to emanate into the world of materialism/ Malkuth, the kingdom as its final resting spot, only to begin again.
Briah is represented by an Eagle, Briah is hearing, and the letter Heh in Hebrew. Patterns are formed in this world, Colors are formed in Atziluth where sight is also imposed upon the mind/consciousness. Briah would be consumed and assisted by the Archangel Gabrielle, representing all forms of water, Aetherical, and material. Aether is the hidden energy that surrounds us. There are many types of Aether, we describe the most crucial basics here. Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, and Aether make up the 5-rayed star which is the 3rd world of the formation called Yetzirah. (Vedas)
The World of Formation is Yetzirah which is the 3rd World, represented by the Hebrew letter Vav or Vau, The nail is what Vav represents, The first actual taste of worldly formation is found with smell in this world of Yetzirah, represented by our birth, coming to birth and man in general. Air is what this world’s element controls. Air is also represented by the Archangel Raphael. You could say that each World has a different archangel/archetype of God. This world would belong to Raphael who is also our Center, our heart, the person/man. The six and five rayed stars represent mankind please remember this, Hindus interpreted this first as the 8th supreme Chakra as a Merkaba six-rayed star. However, this six-rayed star represents a lower plan of chakra at this time Anahata, Heart Middle of the Chest Chakra. Chakras are not colored FYI this is a myth. NO Ancient Vedic scriptures call these chakras by color as they are far more than this. The World of formation is where the most crucial last chance summer dance happens for the mind stuff to disintegrate into the abyss or to become prevalent within the life that is processing these sephirot and worlds of organized chaos. The nail represents this world as it is the material world that follows and creates our own nails to be driven through our minds as we forget the past and begin anew. The nails are changed as well as the final chance for change before it's too late and the world materializes our reality in the world of substance AKA Assiah.
Assiah is the world of substance. The Kingdom is also represented by the last sephirot on the Tree of Life called Malkuth. Assiah is the final destination for all Aetherical, spiritual “mind-stuff” that has finally formed and will come into existence. Think of these worlds (above Assiah) as heavens almost, places where we attract and repel. This final destination of Assiah is Earth, existence, and all things within. The Taurus Bull represents this world, A place where touch and solidity occur as well as cause and effect on a physical level. No aether is visible in this world unlike the 3 previous. Everything that has stayed within the process will come to be as a situation, experience, or thought form. This tree of life is none other than our higher selves filtering and working with the creator. We weigh our own hearts as THME and as Maat in the end and all of the actions within our Temples/ lives we live are recorded by, Thoth Dhjoti... We are consecrated many times in our Earthly life, we wear many hats and revere many clothing types... Just as we change bodies, we change clothes, it changes us as we use these clothes for different purposes. Sephirot are no different, Sephirot, Archetypes are all parts of the creator. The World of Form is represented by the Hebrew final letter Heh.
There is an infinite triplicity above these Emanations also. The place where Brahma, Hashem, and God, all reside, is unmanifest.
What is, Ain (void), Ain Soph (Limitless all), Ain Soph Aur (Infinite Light), What is above is also Below- Pythagoras
The above is the Triangle that supports the triangle below.
Ain is equal to unreachable as anything above Chesed in the supernal Triad is unattainable to us at this time. This would be known as Epsimis in Hermetic teachings. Ain is God, The unmanifest and uncreated creator. Basically Ain, and Ain Soph, Ain Soph Aur are the supreme non-human descriptions of God. Google says
I know that I do not know -Pythagoras
What is the Supernal triad? The Supernal Triad is the top 3 Sephirot on the tree of life. Kether, Chokmah and Binah. These are the supreme Archetypes of God that represent God as his Supreme self, unreachable and unseen to any man as God is so pure he disintegrates materialism as it is not pure like the great light Ain, Ain Sop, Ain Soph Aur. Each Ain is a further description of God’s supremacy as far as a being that we cannot describe nor identify with mere words as words were created by earthly beings of Malkuth/the kingdom.
Ein Sof, or Eyn Sof, in Kabbalah, is understood as God prior to any self-manifestation in the production of any spiritual realm, probably derived from Solomon ibn Gabirol's term, "the Endless One". Ein Sof may be translated as "unending", " no end", or infinity.
The Human body sitting in Lotus' position will metaphorically align with the Tree of Life. Starting at Malkuth, Root Lotus, extending through the middle Pillar of mildness and surrounding as the Vitruvian man squares the circle. The Left and Right-hand path align with our left and Right shoulders and extend beyond our head into the supernal Triad of Kether, Binah, and Chokmah. White Black and Grey colors represent these Sephirot in all 4 worlds.
These are the Sephirot as defined in Kaballah Jewish Mysticism. I was taught Jewish mysticism and Hebrew is extremely important to at least vaguely understand in order to properly cipher the tree of life and its color forces.
Each Sephirot is a Color, a color in life that we see that is the same on this Tree will relate to these emanations and help us determine what will come next. The Tree of life is a constant motion of evolution and dissolution. The patterns that exist within the Tree of life will be no different from the struggles one faces daily. Each action determines how we climb or fall upon this “tree of life.” The colors in each sephirah are forces that summon intuition and life energies. An explanation will arise within the psyche of the individual as they observe the methodology these colors relate to and fall into repeatedly within life.
The Ten Sephirot are seen in the picture above. You climb down the tree or up the tree in a zig-zag pattern. Lightning bolt-like as the world was created in a flash so is realization and enlightenment. Just because we say the world was created in a day does not mean it was completed in a day. Things may be revealed in a flash, instantaneously but it may take a few more days or seconds to realize the truth once the truth is cast to the recipient. (See Plato’s Republic and Meno argument).
Sephirot 1, rests at the top of the Tree of Life and is called Kether. The Crown, the supernal triad supremacy that is represented by the angel Metatron. If you are familiar with the story of Enoch you will understand that Enoch was enlightened as chosen by/as Melchizedek. I am an ordained Melchizedek Priesthood holder. This lineage goes back to the beginning, Melchizedek influenced the Bhagavadgita as well as Arjuna in the great standoff (see Bhagavadgita). Returning once again as Moses, Quetzalcoatl, Jesus, Hermes Thoth/ Pythagoras, Babaji, and many more prophets who have been ordained Melchizedek and influenced to partake in the Great work through this Priesthood. Remember one God reigns Supreme as a dual-sexed/nonnaturalistic Light form of all Light and all Darkness, which is nothing which is inequality to Everything, 0 is all which is also nothing 1-10,10-1.
Sephirot one, Kether is the Supreme Godhead, the white light that all purity is summoned from the blessing of the creator and filtered through Metatron. Kether is represented by anything White without blemish or shading. The purest white will emanate from Ain Soph and be distributed by his Hierarchy of Archangels (Hindus also have their gods as archetypes, Ganesh is similar to Thoth and Raphael/Michael, etc). Every faith has its archetypes of the creator based on how vast the creator is and how many forms the creator has been summoned forth to be seen as true when in actuality it's all in the mind of the recipient/devotee.
Sephirot Kether leads to Binah next which is complete darkness, Black, Feminine, pure unconsciousness, Also called and known as Understanding. Represented by the Archetype Angel Tzaphikiel. The subconscious mind, the moon, feminine negative, Boaz, pillar of severity within understanding. This is the most serious of understandings above all Knowledge, this is the understanding of all wisdom. Everything with pure black falls into this sephirot in life. You may project this as yourself in order to find yourself by looking into the mirror without opening your eyes while asking the question “who am I” (Sri Ramana Maharshi “Who am I”). Binah is known as Mother Binah.
Next, we zag left and go towards the right-hand path for the first time still remaining within the supernal Triad above all other sephirot. This Grey sephirah is represented by all things grey, mixed knowledge, grey contains no truth but the truth of the recipient. The grey is mixed with white and black, understanding and the crown, father/mother. Chokmah is the name of this 3rd Sephira. Raziel is the Arch Angel overseeing this matter of wisdom and its distribution through the world. We notice that this supernal Triad had no middle pillar except the Kether supreme that rest at the top of the Tree in between the Right and left pillars Jachin and Boaz. We see the supreme Kether as ultimate blissful mildness without any severity or overwhelming happiness that always accompanies sorrow.
The Lighting flash is the descent of power that is thrust through the Universe. The Lighting bolt of his flaming sword, Michael was created and reigns through this series of emanations from top to bottom.
There are many paths between these Sephirot, We will not discuss these at this time as it will take a great amount of space and time and it is not relevant to learn what is necessary now.
The 4th Sphere/ Sephirot is Chesed. It is the 4th Sephirot but the 1st sephirot below the Supernal triad. This is where we as humans come into play. Chesed is represented by the light color blue. Meaning: loving kindness, Mercy as well. This is the Right-hand pillar as well the first below the supernal triad. This path relates to Anything light blue/sky blue in life like consciousness and truth. The sky, creators' love and respect for us as well as the Mercy that is beneficial to our growth as we dip to the Left and are served severity in red as the 5th Sephirot,. Chesed is all human loving-kindness, remember humans aren’t God, entirely. Tzadikiel is the Arch Angel who represents this Sephirot.
Gevurah, the 5th Sephirot, Severity=Red (sometimes pink), Severity, Justice, and Fear Red means Stop right. When we view the color red what does that symbolize/represent usually? Severity... Geburah is the name of this Sephirot. Gevurah is another translation. Gevurah is the 5th sephirot as well as the 1st sephirot that are on the Left-hand Pillar. This Severity is
usually all the pain we may feel, the repulsion of anything we dislike, anger is red, and anything changing that we may not approve, red. The colors of this force will become the greatest sephirot for us whether we like it or not based on how it purges and helps us build with pain and experiences. Gevurah is the final destination for all things that are hurtful that we must learn from and continue upon the path of life. Red represents Typhon, Apophis, the Scorpio destroyer of evil, and also Kali the destructor in Hinduism. Shiva's Kum Kum dot between the eyes, also Typhon's brother was Set, The Destroyer of Horus. The resurrected one is just that, the next Sephirot of Tiphereth, the Heart, and Christ center.
6th Sephirot is Tipareth, Raphael is the Archangel of Tipareth, Carrying his healing caduceus wand of air. His wand sword is our support and strength. The inner Christ so to speak and this is literal. The color gold and bright yellow represents consciousness, also materialism like envy and pomp. This is us, the material beings as well as the supreme self. The Tiphereth Sephirot is called Beauty. It would be equal to squaring the circle as the Vitruvian man, the perfected self as well as the unperfected self. Raphael is the Aetherical Eastern Air that constantly fans us forward as we are always burning, we never stop thinking do we, always putting off that energy/ aetheric fire.
No person (usually) climbs the tree of life in the exact order of these emanations. Flow does happen when in Samadhi very fast. The rest of us who are not Guru’s capable of such deep meditation and awareness of self. Are all struggling and constantly miss some sephirot in their order and repeat the same sometimes and go backward on others. This is why we are constantly cycling through them (making the same mistakes) in order to hit all of the aspects needed for proper soul growth. Remember, there is no death, only disintegration of the memory, life goes on...
The 7th Sephirot of Victory, Green colored Netzach. Netzach is called victory because it’s a victory to have made it this far in emanation. The victory over the beauty of ego, the victory over the self. The victory of experience as well a positive pleasant feeling of victory over the mind. Netzach is controlled by Arch Angel Haniel.
Remember that each color is a Force in life. The things that colors stimulate and manifest are literally endless. You can reach into the tree literally by thinking of these colors while meditating in order to get better results with your request. See our podcast on Anchor called “wash Your Thoughts” hosted by Narayan Yeshua Paul Arnold. I talk in detail about mysticism and Kaballah.
Going across the middle pillar and directly into the 8th Sephirot of HOD. The color Orange, Represented by Michael, Michael holds a flaming sword and wears the same color Orange robes, with yellow stripes. This sephirah is called Glory and Honor as well represented on the Left-hand pillar which is a great thing. Hod is unusual sephirot and extremely powerful color as its orange is red and a bit of yellow. Tiphereth (beauty) and Gevurah's Strength of justice and Fear. Glory and Honor as we strive to do better, Glory and honor as we overcome pain and stay moving on the path of life.
Next is Yesod, the Foundation of God, Self, Ruled by Gabriel who carries the cup of stolistes, Water, and Middle Pillar, I self, the path of mildness/neutrality, (Jnani) this is the last emanation or sephirot prior to the kingdom/Malkuth. Represented by the color purple/light purple. This Yesod sephirah is in the middle path directly below Tipareth/ the heart center/self.
Finally, we are at the 10th sephirah Malkuth, The final Sephirot on the Tree of life. The first emanation of all things in our material world contains all of the elements such as earth, wind, fire, and water plus hidden aether. Malkuth is the 10th Sephirot on the Tree of Life. Represented by colors Citrine (orange/ brown) Olive green, Black, and Russet (dirty brick red). These colors are representative of the earth and its entirety. Malkuth is pronounced Mal – Koo- TH. Represented by the Angel Sandalphon. All things we experience come from this final emanation after passing through each tree in all four worlds. There are 49 different Sephirot, 1,568 different paths to take all containing no boundary of regulation and methodology except that each sephirah will follow the path it's destined/designated. We can examine life by its colors and Gematria. Gematria means the number meanings that we find when adding up all the numbers. For example. 1,44,000 in the Bible is representative of the symbolized number for civilized man, 9. If you add 1+4+4+0+0+0, that equals 9. This is called Gematria and each number relates to a sephirah when reduced. Just as numbers represent different Tarot cards. The same applies to the Tree of Life.
This concludes the Tree of Life Explained in its most primal and basic form to the best of my understanding. It takes a long time to interpret such vital and Ancient information so please remember that this should be taken as soul food rather than just random bits of intriguing information. It took a long time for me to understand Kabbalah and I never will claim to fully know anything BUT, I will claim that “I know that I do not know” Just like Pythagoras, This is my view of the light therein. Knowing the forces in life and how to predict their outcomes when present truly helps us establish a stronger foundation within the mysteries of life.
here is a link to our Wash Your Thoughts Podcast https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/MX5GFhla5ub
Diving into kabbalah and the Tree of Life is truly fascinating. The depth and thoroughness of your research are commendable. Looking forward to more enlightening pieces like this!