What a Journey thus far...
Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving him thanks to God the Father through him.
It is good to see your smiling face...and to see that you have visited this post. My hope is that you are feeling loved by God and feel His presence in your life daily.
PLEASE Share as it's a mean to spread God's love. Now is not a time to be hesitate. Be Bold in your Faith.
It has been quite a journey for me since leaving Oracle back in December of 2020. At that time we were in a full COVID shut down mode in NC and businesses were in the midst of adjusting to a new norm. 10 months later and I'm still here. During these 10 months there have been times of great joy and times of question from me in regards to what in the world is going on and what is my next step as a professional. All in all these 10 months have been good. Fortunately, I'm a saver by nature and we (family) have had enough to maintain (with some cut backs) and not worry about losing our home or going hungry.
Anyway - during these 10 months I have had some pretty unique jobs. I feel like I should write a book. I worked in a Gourmet Food Pantry along side a guy that has cerebral palsy. Great guy! Learned we are both Enthusiast of The Andy Griffith Show. While packing bags and bags and bags on Grits mix we shared lines from the Andy Griffith Show and just had a good time. He blessed me!
Next - a friend of mind needed help packaging Pork Skins at his family distributorship. This was amazing. Imaging....thousands upon thousands of Pork Skins in massive barrels ready to be weighed, packaged (automated) and presented for sale. It was amazing!! While there I met a young man that was upset of having a pregnant girlfriend. He was for aborting the child. God gave me the opportunity talk with him about the value of life and God's creation. Of course, it was his and his girlfriends decision. God created an opportunity for me to be of service while wearing a hair cap, beard cap, in a stinky, smelly place. I've Door Dashed, worked security...been a handyman, etc. God has used me in all of the opportunities. God is good.
Over the next 8 weeks I'll be working in Indianapolis at a retirement home installing 680 new light fixtures. I'm 100% positive during this time God will "make an appointment" for me to share and be a servant. I've done more outside of my comfort zone in these 10 months than I ever did before and I've been amazingly blessed.
Lastly, I've had folks reach out and say...Warren, you are ruining your career with all the Christian stuff. They are probably correct at some level and that is okay. Truth is...we are called to serve God in all we do. I'm good at sales. What is delightful is how God is using me today while I seek and discern the next opportunity. A short sided manager is single focused. Life is first about serving God and others. I could have never anticipated how this journey would have started and my brain cannot imagine how it's going to complete. God has something great planned.
Be faithful in all you do...please share your thoughts.
In Christ,
Utility Coordinator at Michael Baker International.
3 年Such a powerful perspective! Our Lord has you right where He wants you! Check it out, Joe Lebeda and Paul Coffey.
Software Development
3 年Great post Warren! Thank you. God can speak (and He will speak) if we have ears to hear. We were in NYC about 10 years ago with a choir group from my son's high school. They had performed and were now touring the sights in the city. We were in one of the dirtiest subway stations near ground zero that I have ever seen. There were bags of trash piled up, it smelled horrible, there was nasty ooze dripping from the ceiling, the fluorescent lights were buzzing and flickering - this was definitely not an area where one would seek to commune with God. These kids spontaneously started singing "Amazing Grace." The whole area got quiet except for these ordinary choir kids singing with the voices of angels. People on both sides of the tracks stopped and watched with physical eyes, but they heard with spiritual ears. I'm sure they felt God's love and His comforting spirit in that dark and disgusting place. I'm grateful for these tender mercies that remind me that God lives and loves his children. May God continue to bless you.
HR Partner, GTM Recruiter, Community Builder, Career Coach, Startup Junkie, Outplacement Services, All things AI
3 年What an amazing journey God has provided to you. This is the Great Awakening and God wins. I have learned so much from the Bible this year. I heard someone say that the Bible is Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
“Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero.” Mr. Rogers Liturgy, Child Development, Triplet, Learning Disabilities
3 年That's awsome, yes God is so gracious and gloriously and we do not deserve him.? I have had a series of?unfortunate events that have lead to a job loss and the postponement of an internship. I am very open about being a Christian and do not shy away from sharing my faith or the practical applications of it. I love God and live for him alone, a job is just a job.? unfortunately someone people do not think Christians should share there faith and are offended by the gospel. But that's ok, God as my witness I am not ashamed of the gospels. When people see me I want them to see Christ curxifed and his atoning blood. We are all sinners and have all fallen short of the glory of God. We all deserve to be in hell me included. But God has chosen to show mercy on a few through his sons passive and active obidenece?and perfect death.