What I've been listening to on youtube
I've been listening a lot to podcasts from Adam Tooze and Mike Blyth and there's a lot of good stuff on from the Watson Institute at Brown University. Most of this is economic history and its interesting to see people try to make sense of what is going on from a macro-history point of view.
Because of the way youtube works, I've gotten pulled into anti-Brexit podcasts which can be characterized as pro-EU Labour. I've tried to look for things that are pro-Brexit and Tory, but I haven't found much that is interesting. I think the issue is that the people that I am listening to are as confused as I am and so the purpose of listening to the podcast is to figure out what to do next. The thing about the pro-Johnson/pro-Trump podcasts is that they already know what's going on and their podcasts tend to be to focused on exciting the base rather than thinking about what's going wrong.
The reason I'm interested in this sort of thing is that basically my entire world view crashed and burned over the last year. I could be considered a fan of Clinton or Tony Blair center-left or alternatively a support of George W. Bush's compassionate conservativism. But those ideological systems have collapsed, so I'm trying figure out what is going on.