What is ISDA - from member Joe LaSorsa

What is ISDA - from member Joe LaSorsa

This is a repost of a comment made by International Security Driver Association (ISDA) member Joe LaSorsa.

Joe’s comments do a good job of explaining ISDA.

“From inception, my interest in private security training, associations and memberships has focused on practical, realistic skill sets. Unfortunately, the skills required to be successful as a sole proprietor in this industry get much less attention than do the hard skills and buffoonish propaganda put out by many. Therefore the practice of sharing such "bland" yet relevant and helpful content demonstrates the altruism of the provider.
As I search for associations and other such organizations, I search for the desirable qualities and content relative to what I do as a security and investigations professional. Skipping to the point, I am a proud member of the International Security Driver Association.
Peruse through the site and see for yourself. For those seeking flashy pictures and videos, guns blazing, hired muscle, 'pay to be certified' type of garbage...you will be disappointed. To all others, you will certainly book mark the site."


About the International Security Driver Association

The International Security Driver Association (ISDA) serves the Protective community. ISDA’s mission is to support an international forum of protective service providers who share knowledge for the purpose of enhancing the profession.

The most common question we (ISDA) get asked is - Is ISDA for Security Drivers and Secure Transportation Providers only  - The answer is a big NO - ISDA is a valuable resource for all practitioners working in the protection profession.

ISDA members represent all facets and levels of the protective services profession as an example,  this is a collection of publications and articles authored by ISDA Members:

Learn More about the ISDA Advantage and Become a Member Today


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