What is IOT & the Importance of IOT nowadays? What IOT can cause in the future to Human beings? Relation between IOT & AI-Machine Learning?
What is IOT?

What is IOT & the Importance of IOT nowadays? What IOT can cause in the future to Human beings? Relation between IOT & AI-Machine Learning?

The term IOT refers to the “Internet of Things” which in simple words means the connection of billions of physical devices over the internet in such a manner that they can collect & share data between them. IOT is such a broad concept in today's world that it will take a decade to discuss this new emerging technology. IOT was first coined in the year 1999 by Kevin Aston, but at that time it was a surprise to people to think that this thing will happen in the future. But as time passes and with the invention & due to changes in super cheap computer chips & the ability to wireless networks, it becomes easy to think about this kind of term i.e. IOT. Because it was now possible to turn anything from as small as a pill to something as big as an Aeroplane into a part of IOT. Also, if we move towards another part of this story then we will find a term sensor. Yes! Sensors give another level of digital intelligence to IOT & enable them to communicate with real-time data without the involvement of any human being. IOT makes our life so easy, responsive & smarter that everything is now available in our hands and we just have to make our fingers move to do every work.

In today's world, there are more than a thousand examples around us in our surroundings that are based on this IOT concept. Also, we can transform any physical object into an IOT device by just adding some sensors and by connecting it to the internet to do some work more smartly. After connecting with the internet, it can be able to share information & collect data from its source. A light bulb is the best example of IOT which can be switched on by using your smartphone app. An IOT device can be as fluffy as a child's toy or as serious as today's Tesla car which is a driverless car. In these devices, a large number of sensors are being used to collect data & transmitting data back to work this technology more efficiently. The term "IOT" is mainly used for devices that would not usually generally have an internet connection, & that can communicate with their environment freely with any intervention. This is the reason that even a PC or a smartphone is not listed in an IOT device because they use an internet connection all the time to do some tasks & use human intervention. A smartwatch, fitness band & smart electric switch must be counted as the IOT devices which are emerging in today's world.

The early idea of adding intelligence & sensors to physical objects was discussed in the early 1980s & 1990s. Also, some projects were done including one of the projects "Intenet Connected Vending Machine". But the process was very much slower, because of the bulky size of the chips as there was no way for objects to communicate effectively & efficiently. This problem was solved with the discovery of small and low-power Chips that were used in the objects. Also, with time and due to the increasing availability of broadband internet connection, cellular & wireless networking, it becomes easy for us to connect each & every device over the internet using the internet protocol IPV6.?

If we talk about IOT then it is big & getting bigger day by day, as there are devices that are connected more than the people living in the world of technology. The tech analyst company IDC, predicts that there will be 41.6 million IOT devices connected by 2025. Another tech analyst, Gartner, predicts that the enterprise and automotive sectors will account for 5.8 billion devices this year, up almost a quarter in 2019. Utilities will be the highest user of IoT, thanks to the continuing rollout of smart meters. Security devices, in the form of intruder detection and web cameras, will be the second biggest use of IoT devices. Building automation – like connected lighting – will be the fastest-growing sector, followed by automotive (connected cars) and healthcare (monitoring of chronic conditions).??

If we talk about the benefits of IOT in today's era then it will depend upon the business in which IOT is going to be implemented, but agility & efficiency are the best and top considerations. The main aim of every IOT device-making company is to get more and more data about their product so that they can make changes in live mode by making their product more flexible for use. Companies are making use of sensors in their IOT products so that they can transmit the data back about how their product is performing & giving responses in the environment. They are making their product more flexible & efficient day by day by using the bulky data which is present in their systems. These IOT devices are giving a positive response to the environment & making their place in our society.

The Discovery of IOT makes our homes, offices & vehicles more efficient, measurable & more user-friendly. Smart speakers like Amazon's Echo & Google Home make it easier for us to play music, set timers & get daily information regarding our daily routines. Smart Home Security Systems make it easier for us to know what is going on inside & outside our homes & even, we can talk to the visitors of our homes through this type of technology. Smart thermostats make our homes more efficient in that they can heat our homes before we reach our home back & smart lightbulbs make our homes smarter than it pretends us that we are at our homes even if we are not present there. Due to this technology, our life becomes so much easy that we have to do nothing but just make our fingers move to do all our daily work. In today's era, companies like Google, Apple & Amazon are competing with each other in making these IOT devices/things. The making of smart homes becomes more competitive among these tech companies.?

IOT is going to be the future of our life and is an emerging technology.

Due to new technology trends & security patches in today's modern era, the security of IOT becomes the biggest issue for users & companies. Sensors that are used in IOT devices are collecting sensitive information that what we are doing & what we are saying in our homes. Not all IOT device-making companies assure us of encrypting of information that an IOT device is collecting. Hackers are now actively targeting IoT devices such as routers and webcams because their inherent lack of security makes them easy to compromise and roll up into giant botnets. Flaws have left smart home devices like refrigerators, ovens, and dishwashers open to hackers. Researchers found 100,000 webcams that could be hacked with ease, while some internet-connected smartwatches for children have been found to contain security vulnerabilities that allow hackers to track the wearer's location, eavesdrop on conversations, or even communicate with the user. The IoT bridges the gap between the digital world and the physical world, which means that hacking into devices can have dangerous real-world consequences. Hacking into the sensors controlling the temperature in a power station could trick the operators into making a catastrophic decision; taking control of a driverless car could also end in disaster.

IoT gadgets produce huge measures of information; that may be data about a motor's temperature or regardless of whether an entryway is open or shut or the perusing from a keen meter. This IoT information must be gathered, put away, and broken down. One way organizations are capitalizing on this information is to take care it into computerized reasoning (AI) frameworks that will take that IoT information and use it to make forecasts.?

Google has put an AI liable for its worker ranch cooling structure. The AI uses data pulled from incredible numerous IoT sensors, which are dealt with into significant neural associations, and which anticipate what different choices will mean for future energy use. By using AI and AI, Google has had the alternative to make its worker cultivates more useful and said a comparative development could have been used in other current settings. As the cost of sensors and correspondences keeps on dropping, it becomes financially savvy to add more gadgets to the IoT – regardless of whether at times there's a little clear advantage to purchasers. There are many contending stages and guidelines and a wide range of merchants, from gadget producers to programming organizations to arrange administrators, need a cut of the pie. It's as yet not satisfactory which of those will win out. In any case, without guidelines, and with security a continuous issue, we are probably going to see some more huge IoT security incidents in the following not many years. As the quantity of associated gadgets keeps on rising, our living and workplaces will become loaded up with brilliant items – expecting we will acknowledge the security and protection compromises. Some will invite the new time of savvy things. Others will long for the days when a seat was a seat.


