What investors are getting wrong about AI
“Large hype cycle with GenAI peaking” prompted by author, created by Bing Image Creator, powered by DALL-E on 10/1/2023

What investors are getting wrong about AI

After the better part of a century of incremental improvements in the development of AI, with cycles ranging from mini-ice ages to mini-bubbles, the last decade has been a megatrend by comparison. Vast amounts of capital have been invested in AI in a sustained manner, and employed in an ever-expanding number of applications, though until very recently applied AI has been restricted to narrow ML projects, mostly in image recognition or natural language processing (NLP).

I’ve written extensively in this newsletter (see archives) about the recklessness of unleashing consumer large language model (LLM) chatbots on society prematurely, so won’t repeat here other than to say any qualified expert in AI should have fully realized the catastrophic risk they would create, and any qualified business manager or attorney should have been aware of the legal liability. That these risks were ignored not only by well-funded startups, but big tech incumbents who invested tens of billions of dollars, provides a clear indication of the disregard for the property of others in the cultures, and probably the level of risk big tech incumbents perceive from AI—not just opportunity.

The unleashing of LLM chatbots run on massive datasets also brought awareness to the general public about the capabilities of AI and NLP in particular, which when backed by big tech triggered the fastest growing hype cycle in the history of technology, and the most rapid peak. Venture capital firms were literally tripping over themselves to invest in LLM chatbots and generative AI in the months that followed—in some cases investing hundreds of millions of dollars in companies that had no product, much less revenue.

The perfect storm for the LLM hype cycle

Although the unleashing of consumer LLM chatbots was unexpected, due mostly to the known risks and inherent safety concerns, the LLM hype cycle was a long time in the making. These are a few of the trends that teed it up:

  • Decades of R&D investment in NLP, particularly at Google due to its search monopoly, has resulted in tremendous progress in LLMs and other self-generating algorithms.
  • Big tech companies have been increasingly running into a hard scale ceiling, as indicated by willingness to pay higher values in M&A and increased antitrust enforcement.
  • The rapid growth of cloud computing model and infrastructure owned by a few big tech firms, resulting in strategic interests that align perfectly with LLMs.
  • Mass media analytics showing higher click rates when big-tech names are mentioned, due in part to large numbers of employees and widely held stock, creating a strong bias for big tech AI stories in media (reinforcing).
  • Dramatic growth in VC capital controlled by a relatively small number—majority is controlled by a few dozen, which favors the creation of bubbles and larger early investments. It’s much easier for a multi-billion-dollar VC firm to invest $100 million in an LLM startup than to invest in a larger number of smaller deep-tech investments.
  • Transformation of the VC industry from a specialist in building new market leaders in the 1980s to an external innovation engine for big tech in the 2020s. In 2022, 50% of the total value of exits were created by acquisitions, and 76% of total exits were in M&A (sold, not IPOs). Contrast to when I was a young entrepreneur in the 1980s when startup M&A was rare—believe it was in the single digits.

This is a critical trend as the skill, knowledge, and experience for fund raising in bubbles and exiting to incumbents are very different than designing and building sustainable businesses, much less new market leaders in new industries. ?

Duped by LLM hype

It appears to me that VC investors were targeted by big tech cloud providers and others in an attempt to leverage a relatively small seed investment (small for big tech—ranging from $100 million to $13 billion so far), to attract potentially hundreds of billions of dollars from VC firms, roughly half of which would be spent on cloud services, which is a high margin business. Cloud services are increasingly proprietary tech stacks tied to other big tech products and markets, including their own AI chips, the combination of which tend to have a powerful lock-in effect on customers.

VC firms provided over $1 trillion of investment for newly minted unicorns since the term was coined a decade ago, and in many cases their largest cost was cloud services. Needless to say, a significant percentage of those unicorns crashed but the cloud vendors enjoyed record profits.

LLMs are much more compute intensive than the previous decade of unicorn computing needs, with much higher costs, so LLMs provide the perfect storm for big tech companies, hence the long-term focus of R&D spend, recent investment frenzy, and historic level of media coverage with click-bait headlines repeating the same few names.

Unfortunately for the industry, and especially independent VC firms who were obviously targeted for their record dry powder, and willingness to invest vast sums in high-burn models, the primary beneficiary of this hype cycle appears to be big tech cloud providers.

In less than a year, the LLM/GenAI hype cycle rapidly expanded and peaked.

  • LLM chatbots were instantly commoditized, meaning any competitive advantage for the rest of the economy must come from other systems.
  • Roughly half of the total investment in LLMs goes directly to the cloud providers, hence the strategic investment by big tech. The larger investments by Microsoft and Amazon are also reported to be exclusive to the cloud provider making the investment (Azure and AWS).
  • Open source LLMs quickly became competitive with proprietary, and an ever-larger group of people and organizations are building them.
  • The consumer chatbots are at significant risk from copyright lawsuits, regulations, inaccuracies, and liability.

Of course, it’s quite possible the LLM companies and their big tech sponsors are deluding themselves as well as others—it happens. Experience has demonstrated that self-delusion is much easier when the delusion is well-aligned with many billions of dollars in financial interests. However, more common today are false narratives, particularly when very large amounts of money are at stake.

I think the most likely outcome is that the ultimate winners will be those who own and control the knowledge base the data represents, such as KYield’s systems, which generate the knowledge in collaboration with customers, and our customers who own and control their knowledge base represented by the data.

LLMs do contain significant value—we introduced the GenAI function in the KOS a few months ago, but it’s only one model among many, and not the most important or valuable for the enterprise today, despite the massive hype. The most important and valuable function in our KOS is prevention, which provides the highest ROI possible for incumbent organizations, and it doesn’t employ LLMs at all.

Missed opportunity: generational change, new systems, & new leadership

The most obvious and frustrating aspect of the LLM hype and initial VC response is the vast majority of capital has been invested to protect big tech incumbents, not lead a new much-needed industry with new legit pioneers that can create much-needed new wealth.

Yoshua Bengio said he thinks big tech was panicking in the aggressive investment in LLM chatbots, and I tend to agree—the evidence suggests these moves were due to maturing of other models that are more disruptive and threatening to big tech incumbents. Neurosymbolic AI, for example, which we employ in our KOS and SGM, lacks the problems of hallucinations and inaccuracies, while providing much stronger governance, safety, and security, and importantly—doesn’t require the vast waste and expense of LLMs.

While all AI systems are compute-intensive, and therefore very beneficial to the semiconductor industry and many others, LLMs are the most wasteful method possible, as if intentionally designed to create the greatest costs in the use of cloud infrastructure. By providing refined AI system architecture with governance, safety, and security designed-in from inception, efficiency is much, much greater.

End-to-end system architecture

One of the most important lessons from LLM chatbots that should be learned by investors is the need for refined, end-to-end systems. ChatGPT for example wins high marks in UI design, and making it simple to use, but fails miserably on accuracy and safety due to the inherent weaknesses of LLMs run on vast quantities of data ranging from very high-quality analyst reports and academic papers, to political propaganda and false narratives. Mix all those inputs in an LLM cauldron and it’s no surprise the outputs will be everything one can imagine, and some that are unimaginable.

As an example of the limitations of the LLM specialty, one of the competency leaders in deep learning and LLMs, Andrej Karpathy , just posted on X about the emergence of AI operating systems. I started describing our KOS (then called the KYield OS) as an operating system in my lab about twenty years ago. I realized the system I was designing to execute the underlying KYield theorem (‘yield management of knowledge’) was actually a new kind of OS at the confluence of humans, organizations, and machines. The only disagreement I have with Andrej’s post is he is limiting the AI OS to LLMs, which is his specialty and that of his current employer, OpenAI. We’ve had several algorithms in the KOS architecture for many years, carefully designed for safety and security (the latest is GenAI with LLMs).

Another well-known expert from the younger generation, Cassie Kozyrkov , accurately described the challenges in AI systems, which unlike a relatively simple SaaS venture said big tech and well-funded AI startups are?“lucky enough to be able to hire these interdisciplinary folk.”?

It certainly doesn’t require hundreds of millions of dollars today to build most AI systems, but the first estimate we provided for a partial prototype of our KOS a decade ago was $100 million. ?

“I hate to make predictions, but sometimes I’m confident enough to put one out there,” she said. “I think we’re going to go from engineering being the most effort to engineering being relatively less effort and design being more effort.”?– Cassie Kozyrkov

"When you think about what it means to design these systems, what are we designing? Are we designing the tools and approaches so that a leader’s wishes can be implemented? Then there is how are we designing from the users perspective and representing users in different user populations and actually building the system in collaboration with design?” – Cassie Kozyrkov

Design is paramount in any system, not least AI systems, particularly when dealing with enterprise systems that by necessity provide governance over the entire enterprise, including digital assistants. The organizational, human behavior, risk, security, safety, and productivity issues are many.

We had two different teams work on our KOS over the past two years to develop an MVP, finding that an engineering team required at least a team of five, including me, and while we were able to test most of the KOS in minimal form, it wasn’t yet of sufficient quality to share externally, and that was on a cloud vendor platform where the losses would rapidly escalate as it scales. This isn’t your father’s SaaS!

Contrast to many SaaS ventures (including my own) where one or two engineers could build and maintain a scalable platform, and host on our own servers as we did in our lab in the 1990s (as did Google did in theirs after being kicked off of Stanford’s network). But then the value and functionality of the KOS is incomparable as well.

The whole is not the same as the sum of its parts

The above is an actual quote from Aristotle. It may be greater or may be less, but the whole is certainly different than the sum of the parts in AI systems. The challenge in AI systems is to refine in such a way where the whole is not only greater than the sum of the parts in terms of productivity and prevention (aka ROI - our two greatest values in the KOS), but should be more accurate, secure, and safer—that’s where LLM companies failed. Did I forget to mention compliant with the rule of law and corporate policies?

An important factor to consider in an EAI OS like the KOS is that we can deliver multiple specific functions and values that are impossible to create with niche or vertical apps.

Challenge for VCs

Some VCs hoped to find or create “trillions of dollars of economic value” from GenAI (Sequoia Capital), but the question is who will be the beneficiary of that value? If 50% of the VC investment comes off the top in a guaranteed payments to big tech cloud providers, and given that it’s already commoditized, it’s unlikely to be the windfall VCs are seeking.

If we look at Sequoia’s investments in previous tech revolutions, they were quite different than GenAI. Don Valentine’s investments in Cisco and Oracle, or Mike Mortiz’s investment in Google, which I recommended at the time via email, did not peel a huge amount off the top for incumbents. Indeed, Google’s A round was only $25 million, they operated their own server and hosted just as I did in my lab at the time, and they only needed about half of the A round until the IPO. They raised $1.67 billion in the IPO with a market cap over $23 billion. Compare that to the majority of unicorns in recent years, some of which burned more cash than Google raised in its IPO, only to collapse.

Part of the problem appears to be culture, training, knowledge, and experience—a generation of investors have never experienced life outside of a distorted bubble. Part of it is clearly lack of relevant knowledge in AI systems. One can’t expect to become an expert in the complex issues in the science, technology, business, and economics in AI systems in less than a year, but that hasn’t stopped dozens of firms from raising billions of dollars to invest in AI—nor has it stopped LPs from investing in them. ?

To illustrate the disconnect in the market, most VC firms appear to be attempting to apply SaaS revenue mandates to AI systems, which demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the technology and business, while on the other side of reality we see new LLM startups raising hundreds of millions to several billion dollars with no product whatsoever.

It has often been said that only a few dozen people in the world have the talent to develop competitive LLM bots. I would submit that the group is much smaller who have the multidisciplinary understanding to design a competitive EAI OS. It isn’t necessary for investors to spend decades in research like I have, but it is necessary to invest enough time to understand the most important issues, and recognize which AI systems contain the essential components to become a significant success. Otherwise, good decisions are almost impossible short of luck.

It took a long time to refine and simplify our flagship KOS to provide several functions in one unified system, and we did so in a very lean manner, but it can’t be delivered with sufficient quality to our customer pipeline based on VC models for SaaS, even if it can be delivered in a subscription model.

Attempting to force revenue before a system is refined is self-destructive. This is not the lean fast-fail environment we helped pioneer in our lab in the mid 1990s, when none of us knew what we were doing and creating online ventures was super cheap. We could begin generating revenue in a few weeks then with little to no competition in a sustainable, organic manner. Do that today with cloud services with intensive AI and you better be ready to burn massive sums of money.

I was fully aware when embarking on this deep-tech, science-based journey that it’s more like an energy or biotech venture than traditional software. That’s particularly true for AI systems that are efficient and sustainable with their own end-to-end systems, which are the ones I want to own, rather than martyrs for big tech cloud providers that burn through enormous sums of capital.

The more advanced R&D represented by our synthetic genius machine (SGM) developed over the past 15 years provides one of the better examples in AI systems today. The SGM includes proprietary compression, a new type of encryption, and much more efficient knowledge extraction (it doesn’t employ LLMs). Although I still consider the SGM in R&D phase, my standards are obviously much higher than some, but then we don’t apologize for our priority on integrity—including AI systems of integrity. Trust is critical for an EAI OS.

Portions of the SGM technology can be integrated into the KOS now, representing the convergence of two full generations of R&D conducted over a quarter of a century. Does that sound like the typic vertical SaaS venture? Does that sound like the same category? I hope not—we performed dozens of deep dives with the world’s premier enterprises in everything from prevention of major catastrophes to accelerating R&D in the world's leading labs. These are no longer R&D projects – they are now applied systems. The good news is the KOS is finally viable in a refined, polished system, which is scalable for any size organization, and it’s surprisingly affordable, though does require more investment before we scale.

Just don’t attempt to place KYield in a category where it doesn’t belong, complete with mindless mandates that are inappropriate and/or toxic to our business. We pioneered the EAI OS from the theorem stage. I designed and prepared the KOS to become a new category leader, and I know what I’m doing. I was a pre-investment booster to quite a few current market leaders, including Microsoft (pre IPO by 3 years) and Google (pre-A round). Investors need to adapt accordingly or miss out on our opportunity, or any other similar ventures lurking out there.

Mohammed Brueckner

Strategic IT-Business Interface Specialist | Microsoft Cloud Technologies Advocate | Cloud Computing, Enterprise Architecture

1 年

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please remember, AI isn't a silver bullet for all business problems. Some companies may not be suitable for AI adoption, and investors should be cautious about investing in AI solutions that don't address real business needs. And: Poor data quality can lead to biased or inaccurate models, and 77% of AI projects fail due to poor data quality, according to DataCamp. Investors should ensure that the companies they invest in have robust data management practices in place. While AI can augment human capabilities, humans are still essential for evaluating recommendations and making final decisions. Companies that use AI for strategic decision-making are 2.5 times more likely to outperform their peers, according to McKinsey.


Realtor Associate @ Next Trend Realty LLC | HAR REALTOR, IRS Tax Preparer

1 年

Thanks for Posting.


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