What is the investment and its actors
Dr. Hosam AbouElDahab
Chief Technology Officer | Fintech | Digital Financial Services and Financial Inclusion
An investment is the current commitment of dollars for a period of time in order to derive future payments that will compensate the investor for the time the funds are committed, the expected rate of inflation, and the uncertainty of the future payments."Copied"
Investor is the person who has a money saved more than his need and looking for an opportunity to save this money at the moment for higher return on the future considering the previous definition of investment.
Borrower : is the person who has a shortage in money to achieve specific objective either to maximize a capital income of profit, he looking for a surplus of money from other parties to fix his objective and to compensate the investor for his money being borrow.
The investor must study his investment opportunity very well or he may lose his money, he has to evaluate the return on his money and should interpret the historical and expected rate on the investment area, also he has to study the risk of this investment which will be the most important factor while specify or asking for specific required rate of return on his invested money.