What Are the Instagram Story Sizes?
What is the standard photo and video size for Instagram stories? How to upload a picture with suitable size on a story? If it makes you wonder, then you’ve come to the right place. Just relax and keep reading to find the answer.
The truth is that most users don’t care about their Instagram picture size; however, it is crucial for those who use the platform for marketing their business or brand. They can publish their content more easily when they know about the standard dimensions.
How to post Instagram stories?
1- Take the picture or video directly from the app:
Swipe right from your Instagram feed or click on your photo in the top left of your feed. Take a picture or video directly from here. This way, the platform will automatically take it with the correct size, so you don’t have to worry about it. Just shoot!
2- Upload saved photos or videos from the camera roll:
You can choose photos or videos which were clicked in the last 24 hours from your gallery and upload them in your Instagram stories. Other files will not be shown in the image picker.
The way a chosen digital media is shown in a story depends on how it was originally taken; vertical or horizontal; zoomed or not. If it’s not the right size, it may get cropped by Instagram or zoomed. To avoid this issue, you should make sure that it was shot in the correct format. Stay tuned!
Instagram story sizes
The perfect dimension of the Instagram story for HD photos and high-quality videos is 1080 pixels width and 1920 pixels height (the aspect ratio of 9:16).
The size of Instagram stories is important since if your uploaded story doesn’t fit the best dimensions, Instagram will crop, zoom, or leave a big part of the screen blank just like below.
Some uploaded photos may not perfectly fit into the Instagram story
To solve this problem, you should keep the 9:16 aspect ratio for your stories. Lowering the resolution while maintaining the aspect ratio in pixels (900 x 1600 or 720 x1280), will make your story buffer faster on the viewer’s device. However, do not reduce it to less than 600 x 1067 or the quality is considered lost.
So, in summary, the Instagram story dimensions are:
- Dimensions (high-definition):1080 x 1920 pixels
- Aspect Ratio: 9:16
- Minimum Resolution: 600 x 1067 pixels
- Maximum Image Size: 30 MB
- Maximum video Size: 4 GB
Note! If you don’t care about fitting the photo on the screen, you can just zoom out your story, the picture will be in original size, but it won’t fill the story screen.
Hope you find this article helpful if you have any questions or any more information to add to this article, comment below!
What Are the Instagram Story Sizes?