What is inside that counts.Is this  attitude changing India?

What is inside that counts.Is this attitude changing India?

I recall a small parable narrated by Shiv Khera the writer of book 'You can win'.

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There was a man who made a living selling balloons at a fair.  He had all colours of balloons, including red, yellow, blue, and green. Whenever business was slow, he would release a helium-filled balloon into the air and when the children saw it go up, they all wanted to buy the one.  They would come to him, buy a balloon and his sales go up again. He continued this process all day One day, he felt someone tugging at his jacket.  He turned around and saw a little boy who asked, if you release a black balloon, would that also fly?  Moved by the boy’s concern, the man replied with empathy, Son, it is not the colour of the balloon, it is what is inside that makes it goes up.(Borrowed from book"You can win')

The same things happen to our lives. It is what is inside that counts. The things that makes us is our attitude.

We today notice that our nation is becoming more successful than others. We are proving world how we think differently &act effectively.

I have been tracking various social media groups and Internet forums which have millions of users from us over the world. As expected, the only topic of discussion everywhere these days is: Corona.

While most of the discussions are mostly about precautions and updates, a significant number of users have now started noticing the maturity with which India is handling this issue. 

I may sight few examples of personalities which illustrate how India is impressing the world and feeling proud as Indians and shaping India, what was till recently considered a third world nation, is now quickly gaining respect & recognition at the world stage.

 1)   Ratan Tata: He is known for his humility, and there are countless examples.He inspires people around. I may quote his words “Ups and downs in life are very important to keep us going, because a straight line even in an ECG means we are not alive. This Tata Trusts Chairman announced a massive Rs 500 crore to fight the coronavirus pandemic raging around the world& said that if my country is in trouble I will donate entire my assets for country.

2. Prime Minister Narendra Modi:

There has been a “positive change” in the mindset and self-confidence of the people ever since his government came to power. His strong and assertive personality, the footprints of his charisma, personal-style diplomacy, and his continuous efforts to develop longstanding relationship with world is visible.He is directing the country with his wits and dynamism.

3. Anand Mahindra, the chairman of Mahindra & Mahindra another human face .He not only decided to offer his 100% salary to deal with the rising menace of Coronavirus but has directed his group to immediately begin work on manufacturing of ventilators at its own factories as Covid-19.

There are umpteen number of examples where such acts of genius are changing attitude in people by their positive acts and that is the best hope for Indians for a meaningful battle against any challenges.

The foundation of success is your attitude. The point to note is that social and political environment is creating culture for this country. We need to step back and look around at what kind of environment is being created here gradually but surely to change positively. Yes, I agree that it is tough to expect positive behavior of people in such a vast and diverse, religious& populous country. But behavior normally changes according to experience and events in life around us

Talking about recent pandemic of corona virus epidemic gloaming all over world and India, I may sight few instances towards the attitudinal aspect of this country `

1) Firstly India is one of the very few nations where Govt has jumped into action to tackle at root level itself. This has impressed many foreigners, especially Americans. 

2) The strong measures like strict lockdown & police bandobast in India is being appreciated by Europeans. The reason here is that Europe is usually a highly democratic continent where emphasis is more on giving flexibility to people. So, they find it a bit strange when they see news visuals of Indian police forcefully chasing out violators from the streets during the curfew. In fact, Italians have been highly impressed with scenes where Indian policemen have lathi charged violators, because the Italians know the severity of this issue, and hence they feel such ruthless strictness by Indian police is fully justified, and is in the best interest of larger public. 

 3) Many, especially Americans, are impressed with the calmness of Indians, who are not resorting to crazy hoarding of essentials despite a nationwide lockdown. For example, even now, most of the American stores are almost empty, and Americans are fighting against each other in stores over these issues & are on a Gun buying spree !. However, in India, everything seems to be running smoothly without any hoarding or shortages. 

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 4) Almost everyone is impressed with the innovative methods used by Indians to follow social distancing. For example, the circles & boxes drawn using rangoli powder to ensure decent distance between people in queues at groceries, ATMs etc, have really impressed Europeans & Americans. 

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 5) The world is clearly noticing how Indians are utilising their skills of jugaad to solve these tough problems. For instance, PM Modi's idea of turning train coaches into ICU wards, creating 10,000 bed mobile hospital and sending them to all parts of India over railway, has taken many by surprise, because it is so simple yet practical

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 6) Low cost kits from My lab, Low cost ventilators developed by Mahindra company's mechanical engineers. All these show Indian engineers are also rising to the occasion to help the health sector, with these innovative & affordable solutions. Everyone from across the world have been highly appreciative of these, and are now encouraging their own engineers to follow suit. Many start-ups have sprung up to invent low cost solutions 

 7) Public participation in India is something which has taken everyone by surprise. Probably because the usual perception about India in the west is that Indians are illiterate, careless, selfish, lazy etc. So, when they find Indians heeding to the leader's call for participation through different means like Janata curfew, cheering for health workers etc, so enthusiastically, it gives an impression that Indians really care for their nation, are serious about fighting this issue, etc.

 8) Last, but not the least. Finally, India is emerging as a new powerhouse, thanks to a strong & trustworthy leadership. The clarity and focus with which Indian PM is tackling this issue seriously, has already started receiving accolades from all over. During this global crisis, when China is acting differently, Europe is down to its knees, and America is running like a headless chicken. The words from Indian PM, in all the recent summits have been heart-warming and inspiring confidence. In some ways, PM Modi is now taking the role of a global leader, filling the vacuum, taking charge & guiding the world, just like how leaders like Abraham Lincoln had long ago filled leadership vacuum and inspired the world. This is something which rest of the world is also beginning to notice, and acknowledging the same. 

We INDIA surely is surprising the world! ~

Jeevan (G1)

 [email protected]

PS:I may be excused if flow of my thoughts might have been jumped here and there if any 


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