What is the innovativeness of the NOE Design2life project - in a nutshell for the debate with potential investors?
Miroslaw Krutul
Consultant - Creator of new Design & Innovative technologies in coaches,
Based on over 30 years of experience in the coach industry in Poland and the EU, but also following the development trends of factories in the entire automotive industry, aviation in the world, lobbies, or building new contacts (about 10,000), relationships on various social networks, especially Linkedin with a huge number of specialists, even B+R Institutes from many significant countries.? By creating a mutual interest, I have achieved over a period of more than a decade another (after XXX- ; ECO-) the third design of the coach model conventionally called NOE - Design2life', which differs from the previous ones in that it is complete and could be produced entirely for a prototype to fulfill special functions in several models. If it wasn't for the barriers I encountered in obtaining funding for this project.
There were many reasons that provoked me to work on a new breakthrough design, technology with the choice of materials for production, as well as the direction in which the development of coach factories should go. Well, among others: each coach produced for special purposes was and is more adapted from the tourist version and to this day in the cuboid design (in which the sides tremble), made of steel, aluminum, or fiber glass (FG – a lot of toxins to the environment, acetylene), glass windows (with equipment and insulation burning like a match), i.e. everything that is the heaviest material and easily flammable for production,? And the collapse of supply chains for the above-mentioned materials and their rising price. But also the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was only temporarily taken into account by carriers or governments: 50% of passengers (every second seat used), some disinfectant dispensers, shields, and to a small extent ozone installations only for the duration of the coach's stopover. All this is done more to prevent carriers from going bankrupt than to think about the health of passengers or their comfort in permanent danger. And the most important reason given by lobbyists is the impending requirement of zero CO2 emissions.
With the main goal of promoting the new brand of the NOE Design2life coach, I had to think about everything and develop something groundbreaking in order to gain unrivalled status at the start and for decades to come. I decided to act radically on all possible levels in order to achieve an uncompromising competitive advantage by combining it all into one whole.
1.a. Design – exterior body, aerodynamic, with horizontal visibility for the driver and passengers, with lowered windows to the floor (with structural protection for passengers), with two axles at the front and one with large wheels at the rear, reaching the version of the largest coach in the world (15x2.55x4.2m). With "S" shaped sides (my innovation), with the Avatar NOE version with a cabin for one driver, with a transparent roof vault in the middle part (cut by the spine) and at the back with a "café bar and lounge".
1.b. Design – interiors, a huge space up to 2 m high, with a narrow media box in the middle of the roof with a huge horizontal (floor-to-the-floor) visibility, with an innovative "asymmetrical arrangement of seats with a "bump", with a "lounge" – a bar and conference place (with a transparent roof). With a full range of (anti-covid) air purification systems and equipment guaranteeing splendor, luxury comfort and safety for serviced travelers.?
1.c. Design – in the context of the adoption of its production technology: the use of specialized CAD software such as CATIA 5.6 younger, Autodesk Alias Surf and others for 3D visualization, with technical and human resources Studies that reduce the production time by up to 2/3 than in older technologies. This will enable the fastest transition from 3D CAD documentation in CAM and CAE and programming CNC machines in MES to the production of model elements, molds and final products. To support this, we suggest scaling and making models: 1:10 scale body of the coach made of clay, 1:4 scale (mock-ups for the passenger deck),
1.d. but also the design of the self-supporting supporting structure of the coach called "skulls"). We also recommend making a model in 1:10 scale and its verification in real time with the adoption of the technology of scanning models and comparing it with the documentation in 3D CAD and/or with making corrections in the documentation before the prototype.? Points 1.a, b, c, d, to secure the rights to an industrial design.
2. Adoption of cutting technology on a 5-axis numerically controlled CNC machine – for the creation of molds, tool dies for the final body parts of our design.
3. Adoption of thermoforming technology on a CNC thermo molding machine for the creation of parts of external and internal planes for the coach from solid polycarbonate (PC) from the Lexan family (with the manufacturer's Color Xpress technology) (at a later stage, glued together and filled). This will allow you to resign from the final painting of the body.?
4. Adoption of innovative technology of filling in special foam dosing (PU) in the "Greensir" technology of body parts - previously thermoformed (and processed, armed with media) for the exterior and interior and glued together with British adhesives. On a separate pro-ecological stand without the emission of toxins into the environment.
5. Implementation of our own innovative technology for the construction of a self-supporting supporting structure of the NOE coach, conventionally called in the "skull" technology unknown all over the world, (eliminating steel) turning into Carbon Fibre (CF) and aluminum plastics – and duralumin (AL) alloys, in an unusual structure consisting of three parts (front, back with spine and frames) in (CF) and drawbar with (AL) in the central part of NOE. By connecting all these elements together with special bolts (also an innovation here), reducing the number of screws, mainly steel, when using (CF). This construction will of course be preceded by the first production of a tool matrix "form, hoof" with a specific innovative design of building it from steel, profiles in the shape of a "trapezoid in cross-section" to achieve high strength parameters of the final products of the supporting structure of the coach. Thus achieving a self-supporting structure – a shell with a sheathing of (PC) coach as a monolith in a completely different innovate technology. All thanks to the transition from traditional materials to innovative selection in order to reduce the weight of the coach by 50%.?
6. Striving to achieve zero CO2 emissions. Out of the four I know, I initially chose the HYDROGEN2 engine - the expected distance is min. 1000 to 1200 km. Such motors and supported by batteries have at least twice as much weight as the traditional ones in current production. So we had to take care of generating reserves for the dead weight of the vehicle here. That is why we have reduced the weight by selecting the above-mentioned materials for the coach shell, so that it in combination with the motor is 30% less than in the analogues of the coach and achieve a 17% saving of energy used on the same section compared to the competition.
The whole above-mentioned package of innovative technologies can be used in other industries, such as trains, trucks, even airplanes (CF-which is a more expensive technology for large-size surfaces than the adoption of ours with PC), so there is a potential for its improvement in other uses.?
o?? This is a new direction in bus production. The adopted technology, technological, technical and material achievements will allow my company to achieve savings with profitability of production in the fourth year of operation, when we will move to the process of serial production. And the plant that would at least assemble will be called an ecological plant in sustainable development in harmony with the natural environment.? On the other hand, for the recipients, by achieving maximum comfort for VIP passengers, veterans and seniors, aesthetics, comfort in "splendor" with the exclusion of all restrictions, great satisfaction and satisfaction. It is a new life – a journey in other functions that a coach prepared for a special group of recipients is to fulfill. This can be for war veterans transported to various clinics for rehabilitation with a model specially built for them MEDI Bus – NOE Design2life'. It can also be called Covi Travel Bus for groups of older, elderly passengers who decide to travel sightseeing in sterile, maximally comfortable transport conditions. But it can also be for Team Bus type athletes for team game teams. Also for VIP guests in VIP Bus models for government institutions during election campaigns, ivents. That's a lot of others from the top shelf of the potential consumer.
o?? For some verification and starting the promotion some time ago I established "Group 2life'- Poland" in which after a short time there appeared potential recipients from all over the world, including: non-governmental institutions, foundations, associations, transport carriers, medical, tourist, sports and government institutes mainly from the world due to the expected potential and noticeable interest.
o?? It should be remembered that every coach produced in the world for special purposes was and is more adapted from the tourist version than the one produced from the beginning into a special one, which I decided to change and to this day into a cuboid design made of the most difficult materials to produce. The bridgehead of these changes and initiatives has become Studio-Design2life' – a department at DCVC Sp. z o.o. that thinks through and through more creatively than a typical Digital Designer. Acting independently without external support, some time ago I established the media "Group 2life'- Poland" to which I invite potential recipients from all over the world, including: non-governmental institutions, foundations, associations, transport carriers, medical, tourist, sports and government institutes. I also set up Foundation2life' for Ukraine' with the intention of raising funds, donations to launch marketing initiatives and basic needs for the development of Studio-Design2life'.
o?? However, while building the concept, business model with external support for building prototypes (at least two) I established a consortium outside the above-mentioned media – NOE Design2life' – Poland. Where it already houses mainly potential manufacturers of various assortments, products, tool dies, designers, suppliers of equipment, components and even H2 engines. Addressed to all those who make a given product the best in the world in their industries and with specializations necessary to be used in our NOE - at the moment it is about 25 of these entities from around the world, are able to provide materials, make the part we need, or assemblies of parts, to finally process and assemble it in the assembly plant established in the future - " Assembly plant NOE Design2life'-Poland",? Examine, test, homologate and introduce an innovative brand of coach to the road.
o?? To sell prototypes and subsequent ones from the production line, starting another expansive development of the company after securing the rights to patents (5) and industrial design, creating an unrivalled advantage in the industry market of the world for years, but also to try to implement my innovative technologies, solutions in other industries, such as: trains, trucks, even airplanes, wherever other technologies have been used so far for large side surfaces aluminum materials, steel sheets, and even FG, or CF (which are the most expensive) into polycarbonates (PC) with a much cheaper and simpler technology to convert. By making these attempts not only in Poland, but even above all on the world markets, where we expect confirmation of the proposed export of the NOE coach and similarly the application in other industries. The main confirmed markets are the UAE, the USA, China, India, Brazil, Turkey and to a lesser extent the EU, where Germany holds the primacy of addiction.
o?? I declare that the project has been independently described in various versions of business plans and financial analyses for the planned venture, with the possibility of external co-financing from the FUE in 63% for the total amount of the planned investment of $ 4.135 million. gross expenditure – in, net 3,550 million. (including approximately: $ 2,440,000.00 return at the end of the third year of investments) planned to be implemented in three stages of the company's growth over the next three years and the prospect for the next seven. By the end of the third year, two prototypes had been launched. With readiness to start serial production in the fourth year with a target quantity of not less than 25 units per year (with a forecast price of the first 4 units at $ 0.5 million each subsequent in a trend of decreasing unit price, with a plant of up to 49 employees (MP). Profits will come in from the fifth year at the earliest in a significant way: making a profit of between $1.9 million and $2.4 million per year.?
On the basis of the above-mentioned information, we are seeking a debate with potential investors of this innovative project. I invite you to individual conversations and greetings Miros?aw.
Consultant - Creator of new Design & Innovative technologies in coaches,
1 个月when we know the result of the US election and the preferred direction of your country's development. Whom, by the way, I was rooting for. And this is not a stable policy that has been continued in Poland so far, but it is all the more justified to develop any development of my project in a way that is ultimately intended for the American market.
Consultant - Creator of new Design & Innovative technologies in coaches,
1 个月Especially now that we know the result of the US elections and the preferred direction of your country's development. Whom, by the way, I was cheering for. And not the stable policy that is being continued in Poland so far, It is all the more justified to develop any development of my project in a way that is ultimately for the American market
Automotive Manufacturing& Cars Exports Trading
1 个月??
Consultant - Creator of new Design & Innovative technologies in coaches,
3 个月I am looking for partners and investors to start my project with a seed capital of USD 0.5 M and for the next two stages of growth from USD 3.5 to 5 M for the prototyping phase to USD 10 M for further expansive investments in creating serial production already in the USA or another Western country, the investor's country, minimizing its risk.
Great job on developing a groundbreaking brand strategy! Congratulations on your success!