what is InnerGuidance?
Amara Samata - InnerGuidance Method ?
Life & Relationship Coach For Personal Professional & Spiritual Mastery
What if life, your life, was guided by a trusted inner voice?
A voice guiding you to evolve more consciously, courageously with genuine care for the wellbeing of self and others, even in the toughest of times?
To some extent or another, most of us have had contact with this inner guidance that resides within us.? For the sake of definition, let’s look at some examples of how this inner compass has been referred to in history.? Religions such as Christianity refer to it as the ‘holy spirit’. Philosophies such as Taoism refer to it as ‘shen’. In psychology, it may be the ‘wise inner parent’.? For most of us, it is simply ‘intuition’ – those hunches that we have in our day-to-day lives, knocking at the door of our attention.? It’s that still, small voice inside that knows the truth, which sometimes we honor, but all too often, we doubt or ignore, or worse, we push away for the sake of a more convincing truth-like imposter.?
If you’ve found your way to InnerGuidance?, I trust you’re a truth-seeker and that your inner guidance has brought you here.? InnerGuidance? provides a gateway to deeper intimacy and integrity with your own true inner guide.
Why is it that we so often second-guess the very voice that nudges us towards our best?
Most of us have internalized a discordant choir of voices along the journey of a lifetime.? Voices that don’t belong to us and our greater potential.?
We have adopted them, mistaking them as our own, and a deep misunderstanding grows within us.? They’re the voices whispering the assumptions of well-meaning (or malevolent) caregivers, educators, and leaders. Voices that affect how we speak to ourselves and feel about ourselves – and others.? They’re the collective voices of the cultures and societies in which we’ve been raised, that carry all the unconscious should and the should-nots.? They’re self-created voices designed to help us fit in and protect us from hard truths.? They’re the protection stories that keep us locked out of greater personal and collective wellbeing.?
Most importantly, these voices are the ones on which so many moment-to-moment micro choices and key decisions are based.? And the results are too often disarray in our lives and relationships, discontentment in our souls, and discomfort in our skins.?
We’re living half-truths that lead us astray, twisting and complicating what is actually simple.? We’re exhausted and living out of alignment.
I found myself in this position just over a decade ago.? The identity I’d built up until then was coming undone.?
My marriage was falling apart, and I came face-to-face with personal failure.? Full stop, checkmate.? This meant breaking my vow to never get divorced.? Not that I judge this in others, for me, it was a vow I had made to myself in childhood, having been a child of my parents’ tumultuous divorce.? Finding myself utterly alone, lost, bereft and away from home without a circle of support, my search for a sense of inner resourcefulness, underneath all that pain, accelerated.
I had a raging hunger for greater realizations, experiential wisdom, and clear guidance that brought forth real livable results. Determined to break through the limiting patterns playing out in my life, I begged at the feet of the almighty unknown.?
The realization? The unraveling had been a gift and the painful ending was actually the beginning of living a truthful life.
InnerGuidance? was born out of my inner voice that cried,? “I can’t take it anymore” and “I’m changing no matter what”. A decisive moment, which changed the course of my life and triggered a profound spiritual awakening.?
In my lifetime of seeking, a preacher’s daughter, I’d encountered many modalities, spiritual teachers, and practices, and my passion for change culminated in a two-year daily assistantship to a female Buddhist Lama.
The awakening presented as unyielding pure bliss, a transcendent awareness that lasted seven intensive months as I, paradoxically void of the prior sense of I, integrated a profound shift in consciousness.
Like something you just can’t unsee, this awareness continued as it does in presence today.? During this time of massive transformation, it became clear that what Source was revealing, had to be shared. An organic outpouring began, and soon I was helping others.? Years of service ensued and …
InnerGuidance? matured into a methodology that evolves consciousness in individuals and turns lives around.
Having worked with thousands of people over the past decade, from more than 35+ countries, from grandparents to global leaders, I’ve found that the baseline of suffering, feelings of frustration, confusion, and failure are all derived from misunderstandings, or not more fully understanding ourselves, each other, and the world we live in.?
I realized that at the core, until the day of our inevitable remembrance, we’re all seeking and also avoiding the same thing – the freedom to love and a love that’s free.?
InnerGuidance?, simply put, reacquaints us with what we truly want and with who we more truly are and provides us with a way to get there.
How does the InnerGuidance? System work?
It’s a combination of proven support tools, coached, taught and facilitated, that allow personal breakthroughs to occur at a vastly accelerated rate.? By granting yourself permission to be fully engaged, honest, and present, you gain empathy and understanding, accessing your true “Yes” and true “No”.?
The signature guided journeys focus on communication with aspects of yourself and your recollection of others, inviting honesty and curiosity, to uncover, heal and renegotiate your experience of truth.? The journey is supported by a sliding-scale use of guided inquiry and contemplation, breathwork, sound healing, touch, and energy work, which offer a sense of being safely held while expediting the process.?
Transformational experiences vary greatly from individual to individual, and range from direct, intentional shifts to cathartic, intuitive, and even mystical encounters. ?It’s an inquiry-based embodied approach that works for everyone who approaches it RAW! – Ready right now, Able to act, Willing to go the distance!?
What gifts can come from InnerGuidance??
InnerGuidance? introduces us to a fresh perspective of ourselves and the world, free from trauma and fear. It empowers us to live from a place of deep, embodied understanding, resulting in more harmony, serenity, and security from which to build better lives.?At its foundation, it’s a universal call to remember what is meaningful, valuable, and important.
InnerGuidance? opens us up to uncovering our hidden truths and gives us courage in the face of inner change, which can bring up fears and resistance.? We begin to really hear the voice of true self-knowing, building a bridge to newfound self-trust.? Doors open to healing, realization, transformation, clarity, and ultimately, changed behavior.
We identify limiting beliefs and learn to dismantle them, activating our greater potential.? We solve the problems of conflict and confusion in ourselves and in our relationships by making it safe to see and hear ourselves and others again.? We're invited to stop feeling unable to make changes in our lives, learning that we can.? We overcome our misunderstandings and develop a culture of clarity, transparency, consideration, and care in our families, businesses, and relationships.?
Who is InnerGuidance? for?
I’ve had the privilege of sharing The InnerGuidance? System with a vast spectrum of people from every sector of society and every walk of life. It’s for anyone curious and courageous enough to understand themselves and others, and in so doing, build more honest and integral lives.?
It’s for anyone who’s curious about their unexplored inner potential and courageous enough to recognize that in order to meet this greater potential, something in their life or way of being has to change.
Teenagers, Parents, Couples, Family Units, Corporates, Leaders, Coaches, and Mental Health Practitioners would all enhance their lives, businesses, and practices by integrating the learning that The InnerGuidance? System offers.
What’s the greater vision for InnerGuidance??
In closing, consider that your relationship with yourself and to others is the dominant experience of human life.? The quality of these relationships is what gives your life meaning, and affects every aspect of your personal, professional, and collective wellbeing.?
My vision and mission for The InnerGuidance? System is to inspire a conscious culture of greater discernment and holistic integrity in the home, in communities, and in business. Shifting the sentiment of humanity closer to harmony, where we can look into each other’s eyes and simply and safely smile, knowing it is, and it’s going to be ok. Why? Because now we together, more truly understand.
My calling as I trust is yours, is to contribute to the collecting ripples of positive change, integrated understanding, and to our collective need for sustainable collaboration.
And finally, a prayer, may your gifts be illuminated with Grace and guided from the truth within you, and may InnerGuidance? radiate out into the world from the lives of each individual who steps inward to do this work.
Ask me anything in the comments down below and join my telegram voice channel here, to ask questions, get answers and connect with me.