What is an Independent Freight Dispatcher? (Part 1)

What is an Independent Freight Dispatcher? (Part 1)

An independent freight dispatcher's job can be fairly easily summed up by a list of tasks, much like any other job. But much like with any other job, checking tasks off the proverbial to-do list hardly scratches the surface of what makes a person "good" at their job.

In this series of posts, I am going to explore what an independent freight dispatcher is and hopefully give you, the reader a better understanding of my profession. Let's start with that list of tasks I mentioned earlier to get our feet wet.

On behalf of their Carriers, an independent freight dispatcher:

1) Searches for, negotiates and books loads

2) Signs RateCons and gets carriers onboarded with brokers

3) Invoices brokers and factoring companies

4) Acts as the intermediary between brokers and drivers

5) Facilitates the driver successfully, and in a timely fashion, getting to loads with minimal confusion and maximum efficiency

6) Finds the next load so the driver can get back on the road as soon as the truck is empty.

Well, there you have it. The nuts and bolts of the tasks Independent Freight Dispatchers execute numerous times every day. In the next post, I will look deeper into my originally posited question. As for now, stay safe and God bless!


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