What an Incredible Gift!
Good Morning America anchor Robin Roberts recently talked about the television industry and the changing business. One thing she said really resonated with me, “No doubt, these are exciting and challenging times. Being open, transparent and connected one-to-one with viewers, it’s just vital.”
Connecting one-to-one with viewers, that’s truly what she does best. In mornings, she has a conversation with the audience in a casual, connective manner but always with a dose of urgency. She has a complete ease with her delivery, like she has all the time in the world to tell you about the stories. That’s her huge gift and I encourage my clients to take the same approach.
Don’t simply read the copy verbatim, establish that tone off the top like no one else matters except you and the viewer. Take a deep breath and show them that you have all the time in the world to spend with them. It’s like a good friend who sits with you and wants to know everything happening in your life. Keep that “mantra” in mind as you begin any type of newscast, story or video. Viewers don’t care about how tired you are, or if the director punched up the wrong shot, they just want that one-on-one connection.