What to Include in a Business Calendar

What to Include in a Business Calendar

The New Year is approaching fast, which means one thing! It’s time to start thinking about designing and ordering some personalised business calendars for your workplace. Calendars are perfect for giving out to staff members or to your most loyal customers. But you might be thinking, what should I include in my design for my business calendar?

In this article, we’re going to go over what you should include in your calendar, ideas you can use for your specific industry and where you can get your calendars printed.


What to Include in Your Business Calendar

A successful corporate calendar is not just a boring combination of grids with times and dates. It’s a way to celebrate each month of the year with your business, whilst also keeping yourself and others organised.

In this section, we’ll break down the essential elements for creating a calendar that you should include!


  • Important Dates: One of the main things to include in your calendar is crucial dates. This needs to include bank holidays (such as Christmas), highlights or milestones of your business year, or even dates that are only of importance in your industry.


  • Great imagery: Your calendar should showcase the best imagery you’ve got, you can try using imagery that is fun or nice to look at and/or is representative of the month. For example, for December include a festive photo! Remember, people will look at the calendar for an entire year, so don’t make it boring.


  • Front/back cover: This cover will be someone's first opinion of your calendar. You will want to also include your brand logo and the year.


Want to know more about the basics of making a calendar? Check out our calendar printing basics guide here.


Calendar Ideas by Business

Want to find out exactly what your industry should include in their calendar? Find out more in our blog: https://www.instantprint.co.uk/printspiration/print-design-tips/what-to-include-in-a-business-calendar



