What to include in a basic video brief...
? Thomas J Elliott 2022

What to include in a basic video brief...

A question I am often asked by first time clients is what should I include in my video brief?

It's actually a great question and an important question to answer because if you want to create amazing video content that drives results and inspires action you need to write a clear and effective video brief.

The brief is the roadmap from which all your content will be developed and it is the document that everyone goes back to in order to ensure that every subsequent step in the process is aligned to the original intention of the content.

Whether you're creating video internally or working with a video or visual content agency, your brief is vital to make sure everybody involved is working towards the same goal.

When creating visual content for the first time I always advise new clients to start by asking themselves three very simple, straightforward questions in order to flesh out and develop their video brief:

  1. Who?
  2. How?
  3. What?

Content (whether video or otherwise) and its consumption is a 'value exchange' between the audience and the creator (your brand, business, organisation or institution).

This ‘value exchange’ between the audience and the creator is one of the core fundamentals of modern video marketing; the basic transaction of swapping rich data for better experiences, as a means of facilitating commercial transactions and improving connection and engagement.

The three simple questions I have outlined above will help you to basically frame up this exchange in your brief.

Let's break this down a little further to provide greater clarity.


It's so important to thoroughly define your audience.

Without knowing who your audience is you can't progress to understand what they want and need and how you fulfil this want and need, and how you can target this story through your content.

As I've said in numerous articles and posts before for effective audience engagement and interaction it is simple no longer good enough to answer this question with:

“our video should appeal to everyone”

It’s more than likely that you have multiple target audiences, segments or personas that you service.

Try to be as specific as you can about what you know about this group – the more clearly you can identify your audience; the more opportunity you will have to connect with them and activate them to take action through your visual content.


So you know who...

Now it's critical for you and your team to know how and understand on what 'platforms' the content will be consumed.

When we're talking about 'platforms' what we need to identify is where the audience will be watching your video...

Will it be from your website? On an OOH billboard or bus shelter, in a newsletter sent via email? On paid or owned media? Or on one of the plethora of social media channels you communicate through?

If it's social you need to do a deep dive on how your audience consumers content via the specific social network. Mei Pai and WeChat users consumer video content very differently to those on Facebook, just as they consume video differently to those on LinkedIn, Instagram or even YouTube.

Understanding the platform and device dictates a great number of things about your video content; from the aspect ratio (square, 16x9, anamorphic - you need to know what works where), sound (a lot of users don't initially watch a video with sound... So consider how subtitles will work with your chosen visual aesthetic), export formats and codecs (make sure you get the best result for each platform by doing your homework on what works best where), through to length of content (Mei Pai is going to be short 6 to 15 seconds, Instagram can be up to 59 seconds - its important to know this up front), style of your storytelling (emotive drama, compelling testimonial), edit structure, the list goes on and on and on...


So now you know who and you've determined how...

You are just one question away from having all the basic elements you need to put your brief together.

Now you need to ask yourself what is it that you specifically want to achieve from the content?

As the content creator you have a lot of choices in this regard.

Some of the most common objectives include:

  • Informing
  • Entertaining
  • Training
  • Interrupting
  • Building a relationship
  • Building a brand
  • Driving sales
  • Creating change
  • Introducing
  • Influencing

When the content creator doesn't clearly understand what they want to get out of the 'value exchange' with their audience they fail in creating and crafting effective visual content that reflects their key message.

When this happens the message becomes unclear, obtuse and hard to define and as a result audiences tune out, switch off or go find other content that understands what they want and need.

The clearer you are about these three key questions the more effective your content will be, for both you and your audience.


Of course a brief can contain more and be far more specific and detailed than this but if you don't know where to start this is a good place to begin.

It will put you on the road to content making success and your videos will be more targeted and with much clearer objectives.

If you need more help...

Just ask...

Either myself of one of my team mates at APV would be more than happy to help.

Thomas J Elliott is the Senior Producer/Director for APV an advertising agency specialising in video and animation with offices in Wan Chai Hong Kong. 

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