What is impostor syndrome?
Carmel Murphy
Executive&life coach. Helping pros ???? make daring career transitions &life changes. Overcome barriers - impostor syndrome,self doubt,& fear ??
What is impostor syndrome??
It is the feeling that everyone else knows what they are doing but you feel completely lost. You fear being discovered as a fraud and think thoughts like “why did they hire me?”.
If you can relate to feeling like an impostor, you are not alone. 70% of high achieving adults experience it at some point. My clients and I have all experienced the fraudulent feelings at some stages in our career.?
Interestingly enough, I have coached hundreds of qualified, high achieving professionals who are talented, gifted and knowledgable in their field yet they still relate to feeling like a fraud. This can happen at all levels, from entry to higher level. In my findings, people can experience extreme impostor syndrome when they let it get the better of them starting a new job or when they are stuck in a job many years.?
Impostor syndrome is not a new theory but dates back to the 1970’s where it was discovered that high achieving women who had trouble attributing their own success to themselves. Fast forward to today, I come across both men and women who can relate to this phenomenon.?
Symptoms of impostor syndrome:?
How would this feel like at work??
At work, this might feel like that you don’t know how you got the promotion, and you put it down to mere luck. Even though, you are qualified and experienced enough to do the role. You might put things off like building relationships with stakeholders or a one to one with your manager. You know you are procrastinating on attainable tasks and the longer you leave things, the more stressed you get. You notice what your team are doing, someone else started the same time as you and they are flying it in your eyes and you start comparing yourself to them. You eventually feel stuck, stressed and like all you can think of is work even when you go home to your family or house mates. You find it hard to switch off. You might keeping working harder to overcompensate for the fraudulent feelings. You stopped doing ordinary things like exercise, watching a movie, conversations with the family and self-care.?
Yes, it can get to that. I have seen it and I totally get it. Impostor syndrome can be that voice inside and have little impact because you have self-awareness and good self management. It can also take over and have negative consequences.
If you can relate to my description of impostor syndrome, then remember it is totally normal and you are not alone. You will get through this transition. You have all the answers within yourself to do so, but do not be afraid to ask for help and create a positive support system around you. There are others at work that can relate to how you are feeling. My clients found great relief in finding a safe person at work to share how they felt and were surprised to learn that their colleague or manager felt same way or had been through it before.?
So if you would like extra help and a safe place to explore your feelings and thoughts around the challenges you are facing, I can help you overcome your barriers and lead with more confidence and resilience at work and life.?
A good ice breaker with me and a good way to get started with moving passed this challenging situation is to avail of my FREE clarity call. This is a safe and confidential conversation online where we will discuss your challenges and feelings and a lot gain clarity and confidence in this session. You will have time to ask me further questions about my services and programs but there is no pressure at all to sign up.?
I wish you all the best! Please subscribe to my weekly newsletter and stay in touch. I appreciate your following and sharing with friends and colleagues who might benefit from my content.?